In this paper the lifetime risk assessment of exposure to airborne volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in environmental atmosphere was carried out in one of the Korean industrial city, Gumi based on their measurements of VOCs at five representative outdoor monitoring sites. According to this study toluene, trichloroethylene, and dichloromethane are three main VOCs in Gumi. The carcinogenic risks 5the carcinogenic VOC are greater than the benchmark concentration (1.0E-6) in all five designated sites. Particularly, the Lifetime Cancer Risk in industrial complex 1 and 2 reached 9.64E-5 and 1.32E-4, respectively, both of which are far higher than the benchmark risks. The components of predominant risk in industrial areas are found as chloroform, benzene and trichloroethylene, while those of other sites are benzene and chloroform. It was estimated that the contributions of those componentsto cancer risk are not less than 90%. For non carcinogenic VOCs, the total hazard indices in 5 monitored sites are less than 1. The hazard index in industry complex No. 2 recorded the highest among 5 sites up to 0.663 due to the dominant contribution of 1, 2-dichloropropane by up to 50% (0.335). Based on this analysis, effective emission reduction for chloroform, benzene, trichloroethylene, and 1,2-dichloropropane will rapidly I the cancer risks and hazard indices in Gumi.
This studyevaluates the effectiveness ofthe “ Seoul Sanitation Grading System Evaluation Index" devel0ped earlier and to analyze sanitation management practlces in restaurants in Seoul, Korea. The categories evaluated were the food management standard, facilities/equipment standard, and essential checking items specified in the law. These items were graded and classified into A (100~90), B (89~80), C (79~ 70) and Score (less than 69) based on the criteria set by the present researchers. We randomly selected 56 restaurants in five l0cal cities (Jung-gu, Seocho-gu, Jongno-gu, Songpa-gu and YIeongdeungpo-gu) and investigated each by actually visiting the site of business. The achievement rate for food management standard was 80.8%; as for the specific items in the category, it was the highest in food ingredients at 77.1 % and the lowest in food storage at 62.1 %. For the facilities/equipment standard, the achievement rate was 77.8%; as for the specific items in the category, it was the highest for vermin at 88 .1 % and the lowest for operation at 70.8%. The achievement rate for overall individual sanitary management was 70.7% and in the category, the lowest score was seen in hand washing at 57.1 %. The overall average score of sanitation management practices using the Seoul Sanitation Grading System Evaluation Index in restaurants in Seoul was 73.7, which fell into the C category. As for the number of restaurants in each grade category, there were 10 (17.9%) in each category of A (100~90), B (89~80) and C (79~70) with 30 (53.6%) scoring higher than 70, whereas those scoring less than 69 included 26 (46.4%). The average scores for those restaurants designated by local governments (exemplary restaurants, general restaurants, best Korean restaurants in Seoul) were not significantly diffierent; however, they were higher in franchises than those small restaurants ran by individuals.
캠벨' 포도주스의 이화학적 및 관능적 품질특성에 저온 안정화 처리기간이 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위하여, 포도 과실로 압착 주스를 제조하여 에서 30일간 보관하면서 주스의 각종 품질특성 변화를 조사하였다. 주스의 당/산비와 pH는 증가하였으나 적정산도와 가용성 고형분 함량은 경시적으로 감소함을 보였다. 주스의 명도( 값)와 황색도( 값)는 증가하는 경향을 보였으며 적색도( 값)는 감소하는 경향을 각각 나타내었다. 주스의 총페놀, 안토시아닌, 플라보
The demand of packaged baby leaves has been increased for its convenient use as fresh-cut produce. This investigation was aimed to explore the effects of different sanitizers on the quality parameters of 'Tah Tasai' Chinese cabbage (Brassica campestris var. narinosa) baby leaves. Thirteen days old baby leaves were harvested and washed in tap water (TW), 100 ppm chlorine solution (Cl), 2 ppm ozonated water (), 15 ppm chlorine dioxide solution () and washing with 0.2% citric acid solution followed by 50% ethanol spray (CA+Et). The samples were then packaged in 50 polyethylene bags and stored at for 10 days. Off-odor of packaged baby leaves was not detected during storage. There was no significant difference in color parameters among the treatments. Samples treated with showed substantially higher electrolyte leakage throughout the storage. This treatment also rendered a higher accumulation of in the packages. Samples treated with Cl and CA+Et maintained good overall visual quality with higher scores compared to that of and . Although Cl treatment showed lower number of total aerobic count at the beginning of storage, citric acid in combination with ethanol treatment was more effective until the end of storage. The combined treatment also showed comparatively lower coliform plate count. This result indicates that citric acid wash followed by ethanol spray could be an alternative to chlorine for environment friendly sanitization of baby leaves.
Column subtraction, originally proposed by Harche and Thompson(1994), is an exact method for solving large set covering, packing and partitioning problems. Since the constraint set of ship scheduling problem(SSP) have a special structure, most instances of SSP can be solved by LP relaxation This paper aim, at applying the column subtraction method to solve SSP which am not be solved by LP relaxation For remained instances of unsolvable ones, we subtract columns from the finale simplex table to get another integer solution in an iterative manner. Computational results having up to 10,000 0-1 variables show better performance of the column subtraction method solving the remained instances of SSP than complex branch and-bound algorithm by LINDO.