
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Afghanistan is a producer of high-quality pistachios among the top ten producers in the World. Nowadays, these edible nuts are losing their quality and quantity due to hemipteran insect infestation and their diversity during all growth phases in the country borderline. The expansion of the pistachio pest in Iran has caused concerns for Afghanistan, especially in the provinces of Herat, Badghis, and Takhar which are close to the Iran borders. Hence, this survey was initiated to primarily detect the phytophagous insect pest presence in the pistachio open forest areas and to know what management tools were effectively used in alleviation of the pest infestation. Our findings indicated that galling aphids, aphids, thrips, and root beetles received the maximum positive responses in the Herat province, but psyllids, aphids, root beetles, leave miners, fruit borers and thrips received the highest responses in Badghis province. In addition, Takhar province depicted plant bugs, twig borer moths, galling aphids, leaf miners, and leafhoppers got the most positive responses accordingly. In the meantime, the data showed that management outcomes were not satisfactory despite the use of sanitation, cultural practices, and chemical application. The survey presented significant differences in the prevalence of pest and in the application of pest control methods among the survey regions. Finally, it is essential to develop the strategy of integrated pest management in order to stop the phytophagous insects from turning into actual pests. This will reduce the pistachio loss annually and improve the nut culture quality in Afghanistan.