Bang, Minhee. 2016. “A Corpus Analysis of Representation of Mothers in the South Korean Press: collocates of 엄마 (mom)”. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 24(3). 157~189. This study analyses the main lexical collocates of 엄마 (eomma: mom) in the corpus of the South Korean newspapers from 1990 to 2015. The collocates are grouped to see what semantic themes can be found in constructing discourse on motherhood, Firstly, 엄마 collocates most frequently with 아이 (ai: child) accounting for average 10.44% of all occurrences of eomma, while only 1.38% of the instances of the English counterpart mom(s) occurs with the English equivalents of 아이 in the COCA (Corpus of Contemporary American English). Secondly, there is a host of collocates referring to body parts and denoting physical closeness, conveying a sense of emotional intimacy and bond between a mother and a child. Thirdly, there are collocates denoting motherly love and care, juxtaposed with collocates denoting absence and suffering of mothers. Portraying mothers as a sacrificing caregiver while problematising their absence as a threat to children’s welfare positions women as having sole responsibility for child care. Lastly, there is a group of collocates related to education, reflecting the Korean zeal for education. The analysis of the collocate 엄마표 (eommapyo: mom-made) reveals how the responsibility of childcare and education is reduced to the personal and individual issue, with mothers being construed as a main agent of facilitating children’s academic success.
This pa야r presents findings of a comparative analysis of the use of the word democnα:y as bino때aJs (e,g" democracy and freedom) in the US and South Korean newspa야r COlpora, The US corpus is 42 rnillion words comprising foreign news reports taken from the New York Times and the Washington Post from 1댔 to 2야3, The South Korean corpus consists of news articles from the Dong-A Ilbo and the Hankyoreh. The corpus covers the same period between the year 1999 and 2003 and is of a relatively modest size of 200 thou없nd words, The anaJysis has shown di fferences in the frequency of the noun phrases occurring as binornials with demαracy, While human rights-relat어 noun phrases are found to occur most frequently with democracy in the US corpus, it is obseπed that capitalism-related noun phrases occur most frequently in the South Korean corpus, It is a1so found that a number of evaluative and rhetorical functions are perfonned by the binornials of demαracy such as evaluating other countries on their political, sociaJ, and economic problems; criticizing actions 떠ken by the govemment and political oppositions; or stressmg paπnership with other countries,