Beauveria bassiana JEF-007 with strong virulence against Riptortus pedestiris was selected for the Agrobacerium tumefaciens-mediated transformation(AtMT). AtMT generated two transformants, B1-06 and C1-49, showed significantly reduced virulence against R. pedestris. To identify the virulence-related genes, thermal asymmetric interlaced(TAIL) PCR and flanking region analysis were performed. From the analysis, two genes, Complex I intermediated-associated protein 30(CIA30) and Autophagy protein 22(Atg22), possibly related virulence in B. bassiana JEF-007. For the analysis of two putative virulence-related genes in JEF-007, hairpin RNA interference (hpRNAi) is under consideration. This work can provide the functional roles of the virulence-related genes in B. bassiana JEF-007.