Foreign tourists inbound Japan have been over 24 millions in 2016. It was the result of the policy of “Tourism-oriented nation” which is pushed by Japanese Government. And the aim is increasing foreign tourists to 40 million by 2020 Olympic Game in Tokyo - “Inbound Japan” - the project of cooperation between state and people. It is not so surprised to the leading countries in tourism of the world, but that means foreign tourists will be over 6 times less than a decade from 2012 after the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake. It will boost GDP in macro economy extremely, but meanwhile, there are problems at the spots and local areas. We discuss the relations and gaps between foreign tourists and local residents as one of global issues and propose our solution for how to adjust both benefits, establish and keep a partnership relation for the mutual interest among respective parts concerned.
Wellness is usually used to focus on the activities of young or middle aged generation. But, in the extremely aged society like Japan and other developed countries, we must pay much more attention to the wellness of aged person. This study discusses the issue with partnership marketing.
The aging of society is speeding up in Japan. Although over 30 millions of aged persons in Japan are not good at using up-to-date tools like the internet for their daily life, they are well-off and have attractive purchasing power than younger generation. It is very import task how to approach them to sell goods, provide services through the internet. The issue seems to Japan just now, but will be the large and urgent task to Korea, to China in near future. We discuss the measures on the view of partnership marketing.