
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 6

        2021.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present study evaluated the influence of rumen inocula of different breeds on in vitro fermentation with forage and concentrate substrates. An in vitro was conducted under a 2×2 factorial arrangement with two breeds (Jersey and Holstein steers) and two feed substrates (forage and concentrate) as factors. Three Jersey and 3 Holstein steers were used for the source of in vitro inocula. Metataxonomic analysis of donor rumen fluids showed that Firmicutes was more abundant in Jersey, while Bacteroidetes in Holstein steers. In vitro ㏗ was lower in the fermented inocula of Jersey steers and in the concentrate substrate (p<0.05). After 24h, higher gas production, dry matter, and neutral detergent fiber degradability, and total volatile fatty acids concentration were noted in concentrate substrate (p<0.05). After 24h, inocula of Jersey steers had higher methane and ammonia-nitrogen (p<0.05). After 24h, fermented inocula of Holstein steers produced higher propionate (p<0.05). Conversely, in vitro butyrate production was higher in the fermented inocula from Jersey steers (p=0.072) and in those with concentrate substrate (p<0.05). After 24h, the total bacterial population (log10 c opies) was h igher in t he fermented inocula received from Jersey steers and in the concentrate substrate whereas, Fibrobacter succinogenes and Ruminococcus flavefaciens population were higher (p<0.05) only in the concentrate substrate. Overall results suggest that rumen inocula of different donors influence in vitro fermentation either with forage or concentrate substrates.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study evaluated effects of the addition of garlic powder allicin (GPA) mixture on rumen fermentation with methane in Hanwoo steer. On in vitro trial, two experimental groups were used: control (without GPA) and treatment group (addition of 0.1% GPA mixed with the basal concentrate). Similar to in vitro trial, two experimental groups were used in vivo trial. Five Hanwoo steers (3 steers in one group and 2 in another group; average body weight = 500 ± 43 kg) were assigned by crossover design for 20 d consists of 15 d diet adaptation and 5 d data collection in each experimental period. Daily feed intake and enteric methane production were recorded by an automated head chamber system. The results of in vitro study showed that the GPA treatment group had higher acetic acid (24.30 vs 23.45 mmol/L) and butyric acid (16.55 vs 15.47 mmol/L) concentrations, but lower CH4 production (1.40 vs 2.71 mmol/ml) after 24 h of incubation compared to the control (p<0.05). Total gas, propionic acid, total volatile fatty acid (VFA), and acetic acid: propionic acid ratio were not affected by treatment after 24 h incubation. In the in vivo experiment, rumen pH and VFA were not significantly different between treatments (p>0.05), except acetic acid, which was significantly higher in GPA mixture group (60.97 vs 53.94 mM) than in the control group (p<0.05). Furthermore, no significant differences were recorded in CH4 production (g/d) and CH4 yield (g/kg DMI) between the two groups (p>0.05). In conclusion, the addition of 0.1% GPA mixture reduced CH4 proudcition on in vitro trial, but no effect on in vivo trial.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 이형발효 유산균을 첨가한 이탈리안 라이그라스 및 총체보리 사일리지의 저장 기간 동안의 변화에 따른 반추위 발효 효과를 규명하고자 수행하였다. 사일리지의 접종 균주는 이형발효 유산균으로 Lactobacillus casei KACC 12413 및 Lactobacillus reuteri KCTC 3594 및 Lactobacillus casei + Lactobacillus reuteri로 하였다. In vitro 실험의 pH 변화는 LCR 처리구가 높은 경향이었으며, 작물 간의 차이는 WCB사일리지 보다 IRG 사일리지의 pH가 높았다. 총 가스 생산량은 대조구에 비해 유산균 첨가구가 낮았고, WCB 보다 IRG 사일리지가 높은 수준이었다. 암모니아태 질소 농도는 유산균 첨가구 보다 대조구가 높은 경향이었고, 30일 보다 60일 사일리지가 낮았다. 총 휘발성지방산 생성량은 30일 및 60일 WCB 사일리지의 LC 처리구가 높았다. In situ 실험에서 건물 소화율은 48시간 발효 했을 때 LCR 처리구가 높았고 대조구가 가장 낮았다. 작물 간에 차이는 WCB에 비해 IRG가 8∼10% 더 높았다. NDF 소화율은 LC 처리구 및 LCR 처리구가 높은 경향이었고(p<0.05), ADF 소화율은 LC 처리구 및 LCR처리구가 높았다. 본 연구의 결과로 미루어 보아 propionate를 생성하는 이형 발효 유산균이 접종된 사일리지는 반추위 내 발효조건을 개선하고 가축의 사일리지 소화율을 증진 시킬 것으로 보이며, 가축의 생산성 및 사료가치가 향상 될 것으로 여겨진다.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To improve the productivity of shiitake mushroom (Lentinula edodes), seven different types of media for liquid spawn (denoted as “A” to “G”) were prepared with 0.3% soybean meal and varying sugar and glucose concentrations. During 14 days of incubation, the pH of the liquid culture gradually acidified with increasing incubation period. Additionally, there was a significant, but not prominent, difference in the degree of acidification depending on the sugar to glucose ratio. Liquid spawn culture “G,” which had the highest sugar content was the most acidic on the last day of incubation. Mycelium dry weight increased significantly with increasing incubation period, and there was no significant difference in mycelium dry weight irrespective of the sugar to glucose ratio even after 14 days of culture. The inoculation of liquid spawn in sawdust medium with an inoculation volume ≥ 45 mL and incubation period of 15 to 18 days were the optimal culture conditions. Productivity of fruit bodies in sawdust medium and mushrooms treated with liquid spawn was significantly higher compared to solid spawn treatment. The mushrooms treated with liquid spawn had better chewiness, and the free amino acid content, which is associated with savory taste, was higher in these mushrooms compared to those treated with solid spawn.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The physicochemical characteristics of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) cultivated using liquid spawn (MLS) were compared with those of commercial mushrooms cultivated using solid spawn. The color intensity of the two types of mushrooms showed no remarkable difference. The hardness of the MLS-cultivated mushrooms was significantly higher, but their moisture content (86.80%) was significantly lower than that of the commercial mushrooms. Mineral contents in MLS-cultivated mushrooms (421.17 mg/100 g) were significantly higher than those in the commercial mushrooms (333.26–362.78 mg/100 g); in particular, the potassium (K) content was the most abundant in the former. The amino acid content in the MLS-cultivated mushrooms (4,695.22 mg/100 g) was about 1.4–2.0 times that in the commercial mushrooms. The essential amino acid contents and sum of aspartic acid and glutamic acid were higher in the MLS-cultivated mushrooms than in the commercial mushrooms. The β-glucan content in the MLS-cultivated mushrooms was 1.1–2.3 times higher than that in the commercial mushrooms. The total phenol and flavonoid contents and the DPPH and ABTS radical-scavenging activities of the MLS-cultivated mushrooms were significantly higher than those of the commercial mushrooms; however, the reducing power showed an opposite trend. Therefore, MLS-cultivated mushrooms contained higher amounts of valuable components and higher antioxidant activities than commercial mushrooms.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        느타리버섯의 생산성 향상을 위하여 액체종균 배양액의 조건을 설정하고자 하였다. Potato dextrose 배양액에서 균체 생장을 위한 최적 pH는 6이었다. 대두박 0.3%와 설탕 및 포도당 함량을 달리한 15가지의 배양액(‘A’~‘O’)은 22℃및 pH 6의 조건에서 14일동안 배양되었을 때 설탕과 포도당이 각각 함유된 배양액에서 흡광도는 증가되었다. 특히 5~20%의 포도당만 함유된 배양액(‘C’, ‘D’, E’ 및 ‘F’)은 배양기간의 경과에 따라 흡광도가 증가되는 경향이었다. 배양액의 건조 균체량은 20%이하의 설탕이나 포도당이 단독으로 함유된 배양액에서 감소되었으나, 30%의 설탕(‘A’) 또는 포도당(‘B’)이 각각 함유된 배양액에서 건조 균체량은 증가되었다. 1100 mL의 톱밥배지 병재배 시 액체종균의 최적 접종량은 15~20 mL이었다. 고체종균 및 액체종균으로 느타리버섯을 재배하여 조직감을 비교한 결과 고체종균에 비해 액체종균으로 재배된 버섯에서 우수한 경향이었다.