The stabilization technology for the damaged spent fuel is being developed to process the damaged fuel into sound pellet suitable for dry re-fabrication. It requires several treatments including oxidative decladding followed by reduction treatment for oxidized powder closely related to the quality of oxidized powders for pellet fabrication. For the development of operating condition for the reduction treatment, in this study, we evaluated the effect of air-cylinder based vertical shaking previously applied to oxidative decladding on powder reduction. For U3O8 of 50-100 g, the reduction test were applied with and without vertical shaking at 700°C under reduction atmosphere (Ar + 4%H2) and the concentration of hydrogen in effluent was measured to evaluate the reduction reaction. It was found that the vertical shaking system has allowed the reaction time of 50 g and 100 g U3O8 reduced by 33% compared to the test in static mode. Based on XRD analysis, the better crystallinity of the products was also achieved.
The metal product from the electrolytic reduction of uranium oxide in LiCl molten salt retains about 10 ~ 20wt% of the residual salts. Salt vacuum distillation is conducted to separate the residual salt from the metal product and well-performed in a glove box in an argon atmosphere. A dimensionless analysis of the characteristics of a salt vacuum distiller needs to be scaled up for a high capacity process. The vacuum distillation apparatus can be of two different sizes (M-type and P-type). M-type equipment is small in size and exhibits a high recovery rate of more than 95%. A comparison of two salt vacuum distillers was conducted with the dimensionless analysis method. Heat and fluid flows are strongly influenced by the structure of the apparatus and phase transition phenomena of vacuum distillation. The several dimensionless parameters were calculated at the nozzle throat located between the evaporator and the receiver and at different operating temperatures. Both salt vacuum distillers had similar trends of dimensionless parameters. However, the distributions of the parameter values varied with the nozzle geometry and size. The results of the dimensionless analysis will aid the scaling up of the salt distillation process.