Purpose: To develop a tool for measuring peripheral intravenous catheter insertion performance.
Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study. Initial items were generated using existing guidelines and tools, and 19 experts assessed content validity. Data were collected from a tertiary hospital in D city from January 17, 2018, to October 20, 2019. The data of 365 nurses were used for principal component analysis with orthogonal rotation. Concurrent validity was confirmed using Pearson’s correlation between the developed tool and the nursing career period. Reliability was confirmed after evaluating internal consistency.
Results: Initially, 16 items were generated, but three items were deleted in content validation. A two-factor solution was preferred in exploratory factor analysis and explained 48.2% of the variance. The two factors were named “point of care” and “follow-up care,” respectively. The tool’s reliability is .87.
Conclusion: The developed tool was valid and reliable. It is composed of 13 items and can be used quickly and easily. Therefore, it can be utilized for the education and training of novice nurses and the self-reflection of experienced nurses. In addition, it will be useful to review the catheterization process in common clinical settings.