The heaJthcare facilities design must be curative, resotrative, and beneficia] for people. However, healthcare facilities environments are very complicated and often referred to as mazes. In a healthcare facilities situation, anxjety and stress can impair the ability to process infonnation such as not reading sings.
Wayfinding system is an orientation for healthcare facilitiess environment. A wayfinding design program consists of an integrated series of components that includes interior landscape, signage, color, graphics, artwork, lighting, and architectural detailing. Each of these components reinforces the others to form a language of visuaJ cues that enables people to make navigational decisions at criticaJ junctions to their destinations. The purpose of the current study was to review the wayfinding design in heaJthcare facilities and determine whether an interior landscape design based on wayfinding strategy will improve indoor environment in healthcare facilities and heighten perceptions of users in helathcare facilites.