Purpose of this paper is to propose a green campus coexisting in human, nature and culture through making the ecological ly stable campus. The 'green campus' has the six design concepts. These are follows; Vivid campus, Blue campus using the water, Eco-campus aimed at green hand, Cultural campus, Progressive campus and Scholarly campus. These concepts are not only made with the independent role but also the in interactive relation. Campus will be changed into the huge biotope or ceo-garden through the green-hand and water system. Because of the various organism(human, trees, insect etc.), campus will be changed in form of the more vivid space. It should be expected thing this design as following points ; First, it will be improved environmental quality in Kook-Min Univ. changed into the sustainable and
environment-friendly green campus as well. Secondly, it will be energetic campus as a living space for rest and cultural activities. ThirdJy, it will be improved the image of campus and opened to the public. FourthJy, it will be grown the talented man who has both a human nature and a intelligence.
lndoor landscape plays important roles in the environmental improvements of inner building and play leading roles in offering green space to urban communities. as proffessionally part of technically construction, constucting indoor landscape, we have to frame the standard of materials and the standard of materials and the construction expanses because the demand of indoor landscape have risen increasingly.
Especially, indoor landscape have kept in being paltry and unproffesionalty under the present condition of no standards about the estimation of proper construction expenses, Also, when Unit Cost chart is made, there are no indicators or specific standards that evaluate unit price. So this study carried out to suggest the evaluating standards of plantings pen some areas. It can be the basis work of the making out the proper constructional expenes The progresses and details of this study were the followings
-first, the list of indoor plants and the standard of planter were suggested, through case study of indoor landscape and blue-drawings.
-second, the quantity of planting materials according to each standardized planter was suggested through the theoretical and numeric methods, the existed unit cost charts and survey of several indoor landscapes
-third, the quantity of typical planting materials according to each standized planter was also suggested.
The result of this study were the followings.
-the quantities per unit area of indoor ground cover flowing plants were 176/ m' in case of 3 chi planter of the type of upper growing, 127 I m' in case of 3 chi planter of the type of side growing. They were 94/ m2, 51/ m2, 38/ m2, 28/ m2 in order 4 chi, 5 chi, 7 chi, 7 chi planter of type of upper growing.
Also they were found out 67/m2, 32/ m2, 24/ m2, 18/ m2 in order 4, 5, 6, and ?chi planter of the type of side growing. This study have several limits suggesting only the quantity of plants per unit area, to make out unit cost. llereafter this study will be developed to suggest the unit standard and unit cost of the other materials besides planting materials in indoor landscape. And the labor cost per unit materials will be developed through the next studies on the basis of the result of this study.
우리 정서와 친숙한 우수한 자생식물 중 아파트 베란다 화단에 활용 가능한 초종선발을 목적으로 화분형으로 식재하여 생육과 관상정도를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같았다.
산호수, 애란, 바위취, 풍란은 베란다 용기화단에 식재 시 생육이 안정되고 관상가치가 높아 실내식물로 이용하기 적합한 식물로 판단되었다. 바위솔, 좀비비추, 무늬둥굴레, 나도풍란, 우산나물은 생육이 조금 불안정하였으나 베란다 화단용 식물로 이용 가능할 것으로 판단되었으며, 동의나물은 생육이 불량하여 실내식물로 이용하기에는 부적합한 것으로 판단되었다.
This study aims to evaluate the cultural street by the constituent elements of street and to find ways to create successfuJ cultural streets. To achieve this, the study relied on empirical study method and the descriptive method; additionally, present condition survey was performed with a user interview. As a result, the item of 'night visit' shows the highest mean and the item of
'convenience of walking' follows. Itt means that this street has such a good condition in the convenience and accessibility of physical environment that it gives pedestrians pleasure like night activity and satisfying their curiosity. 5 lowest items of inquiry, however, are all about regional history and origin. It means that this cultural street did not renect the history and embody the original form of the street.
The factor analysis, on the object of 34 items except 4 items, appeared 5 factors: physical environment of street, regional history, leisure activity and cultural event, spending activity and street peculiarity. Oneway Anova test showed that 4 factors except 'regional history' have reliable difference in cognition by age and education.
The factor of 'regional history' appeared ctifference only by sex. Users in their fiftieth showed negative views in all factors and it means that they take a negative attitude in aspect of usage and identity of this cultural street.
In general, creating the similar style of street, designed regardless of sense of region and place, in every place is a major factor of deteriorating the regional identity and recognition Therefore, a successfuJ cultural street, which gives pedestrians and community a vitality and an identity, should be properly furnished with not only physical environment but also cultural contents.
The heaJthcare facilities design must be curative, resotrative, and beneficia] for people. However, healthcare facilities environments are very complicated and often referred to as mazes. In a healthcare facilities situation, anxjety and stress can impair the ability to process infonnation such as not reading sings.
Wayfinding system is an orientation for healthcare facilitiess environment. A wayfinding design program consists of an integrated series of components that includes interior landscape, signage, color, graphics, artwork, lighting, and architectural detailing. Each of these components reinforces the others to form a language of visuaJ cues that enables people to make navigational decisions at criticaJ junctions to their destinations. The purpose of the current study was to review the wayfinding design in heaJthcare facilities and determine whether an interior landscape design based on wayfinding strategy will improve indoor environment in healthcare facilities and heighten perceptions of users in helathcare facilites.
꼭두서니에서 추출한 염료를 이용한 천연염색시 매염제 종류 및 매염조건에 따른 실크의 염색성을 조사하였다. 천연매염제 종류에 따른 실크의 표면색은 동백나무 회즙, 사스레피나무 회즙 매염시는 YR 계열이었으며 그 밖의 매염제 처리시는 Y 계열이었다. 염착농도는 콩대 회즙, 철장액 및 오미자 즙 매염처리시 높게 나타났다. 매염방법에 따른 실크의 표면색은 후 매염시가 선매염 보다 R 계열의 발색비율은 높았으나 염착량은 낮았다. 매염온도에 따른 실크의 표면색 온도의 영향을 크게 받지 않았으나 염착농도는 온도가 높을수록 높은 경향을 나타냈다. 매염제인 Al2(SO4)3의 농도에 따른 실크의 표면색은 농도에 큰 영향을 받지 않았다.
The section Moutan DC., tree peony is woody species in the genus Paeonia L. (Paeoniaceae). This taxon as an ornamental and medicinal plant is a traditional floricultural and popuJar flower in China from old times. The cultural history of tree peony in China is more than 2,00) years and in the present tree peony of over 800 cultivars is growing in China. In China, many researches about tree peony were accomplished in many fields: origin, distribution, breeding, taxonomy, physiology, reproduction and molecular biology, etc. Tree peony resource of China is the most abundant in the world and also it has the wide distribution range in China. Characteristics for culture and ornament of each cultivar group are very superior. Therefore to improve the genetic resource of 01ina tree peony using modem biotechnology and to enlarge its cultivation range is very important for development of newly improved varieties of tree peony.
원예치료의 긍정적인 이미지 구축과 방향설정, 효율적인 홍보와 교육 등을 위한 기초자료 수립차원에서대학생 360명을 대상으로 원예와 치료, 원예치료의 인지도, 원예치료에 대한 이미지 및 원예치료에 대한궁금증을 조사하였다. 대학생들이 원예에서 연상하는 단어를 조사한 결과 꽃, 나무, 꽃꽂이, 향기, 과수원 등이 높게 나타났으며, 세분화된 이미지 조사에서는 꽃, 꽃집, 식물원, 꽃꽂이, 정서순화 등 생산보다는 이용분야에 대한 이미지를 강하게 갖고있었다. 치료에서는 병원, 의샤병, 약물복용, 간호사 등 병과병원에 관련된 이미지를 갖는 단어가 높게 나타났다. 원예치료에 대해서는 34.2%가 알고 있다고 응답했으며, 알게된 경로는 TV(47.2%), 인터넷(17.1%), 학교(16.3%)순으로 나타났다. 원예치료의 이미지와 개념에 대해서는 원예치료에 대해 알고있다는 대학생과 모른다는 대학생들간에 다소 차이를 나타냈다. 원예치료에 대해 알고 있다고 응답한 대학생들은 원예치료와 직접적인 관련이 있는 단어를 연상하는 비율이 높았다. 그러나 원예치료에 대해 모른다고 응답한 학생들은 원예치료와 직접적인 관련이 있는 응답외에 식물의 병충해 방제와 관련된 단어를 연상하는 학생들도 다소 있었다. 원예치료에 대한 궁금증에대해서는 원예치료에 대해 잘 안다고 응답한 학생들이나 모른다고 응답한 학생 모두 원예치료의 현황, 효과와 대상자, 시행기관, 전망에 대해 원예치료사에 대해서는 연봉과 사회적 위치, 자격증의 발급기관과 취득방법 등에 대해 궁금하다는 응답자 수가 많았다.
Hospital garden is a type of healing garden or therapeutic landscape as it can offer vital opportunities to contact with nature and have influence upon the mood, stress level, and well-being of users especially patients in need of physical and mental healing. This study was carried out to guide the future planning and design of hospital garden built on the rooftop environment through a Post-Occupancy Evaluation(POE). The roofgarden at Asan Medical Center was evaluated with regards to user's cognition and satisfaction by in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The results are summarized as follows; the users' main behaviors include 'talking', 'resting', 'walking or exercise', 'change of mood', and 'smoking'. The hospital roofgarden was perceived as convenient, and simple space. Factor analysis showed space-images represented by eight factors, 'convenience', 'usefulness', 'maintenance', 'extensity',
'identity', 'crowding', 'privacy', 'complexity'. Rooftop environment was valued for natural setting in artificial construction and users responded affirmatively to 'accessibility', 'view', and. 'fresh air', which were revealed to be factors affecting satisfaction. Changes for the garden such as 'more green shades', 'more seatings', and 'smooth pavement' were requested by users. l11ese research findings make some suggestions; it is necessary to furnish shaded seats for passive behaviors and smooth pathways for a walk or a light exercise. Hospital garden should be designed to provide various visual and functional experiences for patients. Natural shades like tree or pergolas are more desirable than artificial shades giving comfort to the hospital users. For patients and nonsmokers, separated smoking area in the hospital roofgarden would be helpful.
The purpose of this theses is to examine the influence of school forests on students' temperament. To collect data, 1,425 students (655 students in experimental group and 710 students in control group) were surveyed during fall semester of 2002. The results of this study indicated that forests in school have significant influence on students temperament. Especially elementary school students showed much stronger influence than middle and high school students.
This study was carried out to improve the interior environment by adjusting air of interior landscape. Unlike the methodology of removing interior contaminants through absorption of contaminants from existing interior plants, it introduced methodology of removing CO2 from the interior landscape plants. It examined the amount of m generated and absorbed by plants during 6 hours in sealed chamber. As a result of chamber test of 30 plants I capability of generating CO2 in Fatsia japonica, Monstera deliciosa, Pltilodendron selloum, Schefflera arboricola, Dracaena fragrans 'Massangeana', Ficus benjamiana, etc 30 indoor plants was 17.84 -2.34 ㎍/cm2.
It was assumed that high type plants was needed 2-3 plants room, lower type plants was neded 20-30 flower pots as excellent plants for indoor air purification in order to remove CO2 in 20m3 sealed. Therefore it found that indoor plants was applied for suppling fresh air and sustaining indoor air quality safitily and continuously.