This study set out to research preference of material color, to analyze the impacts changes of the depression an more effective of Horticultural therapy program for the old adults. The subjects were made out of the old adults who were taken care at 'Daeduk Senior Welfare Service Center' located in Namgu, Daegu Metropolitan City. The experiment was conducted once a week form Aug. 9 to Nov. 1, 2005, total in 13 times. To estimate the research subject's remedial value, GDS-K(Geriatric Depression Scale in Korean) was implemented before and after performing a horticultural therapy program, and each time a color preference for program key materials was examined. The evaluation is as follows : GDS-K evaluation indicated that the average point for entire research subjects prior to its implementation presented 23.4, while it was 16.6 with 7 drop after its implementation, which consequently implied a gradual decrease in melancholy and statistically showed a significant different(P<.05). Findings on the survey regarding a color preference for key materials revealed that cut flower, artificial flower, and colored stone, and moss preferred red color the most, while seed liked green color the most and floral form cared for pink the most. The findings drawn so far indicated that the horticultural therapy using bright and clear colors provided a positive impact for old people's melancholy. I conclude that it would be helpful for changing one's mood and improving an melancholy, to let horticultural therapy programs use their materials mainly with bright and clear colors, so as to make deeply-melancholy old people feel refreshed.
Surgical patients have to deal with multiple stresses during hospitalization such as pain and physical discomfort, fear of medical procedures, and unfamiliarity with hospital equipment and environment. Using a blood cortisol test, one of the well-known measurements of stress responses, this study performed a randomized clinical trial with surgical patients to evaluate if plants in hospital rooms have therapeutic influences. Fifty-two patients recovering from a surgery were randomly assigned to hospital rooms with or without plants. Patients in the plant treatment room viewed seven species of foliage and flowering plants during postoperative recovery periods. Level of blood cortisol were compared between plant room patients and control room patients before surgery and discharge for two months. Patients in hospital rooms with plants and flowers had a significantly lower level of cortisol (p<0.044) as compared to patients in the control rooms. Male patients in plant rooms also showed a significantly lower level of cortisol (p<0.04) as compared to those in control rooms. No significant differences, however, were noted in female patients between control and plant rooms. The results of this study suggested that experience of plant interactions may positively affect patients' stress responses, thus increase relaxation. Further research will support hospital administrator and medical doctor decisions to use plants as a healing modality.
본 연구는 실내식물의 공기정화능을 연구하기 위하여 Ficus benjamina, Epipremnum aureum, Chamaedorea elegans, Fatsia japonica, Spthiphyllum spp., Hedera helix를 사용하여 동일한 환경조건의 밀폐 챔버 내부에 넣은 후, 250 ppb의 포름알데히드를 투입하여 광합성과 호흡을 통한 두 가스물질의 농도 변화량 및 제거속도를 24시간 동안 일정시간간격으로 측정하였다. 식물별 엽면적 1,000㎠ 당 제거량은 Ficus benjamina 128.6 ppb, Epipremnum aureum 152 ppb, Chamaedorea elegans 127.8 ppb, Fatsia japonica 165.9 ppb, Spthiphyllum spp. 156 ppb, Hedera helix 115 ppb로 나타났으며 포름알데히드의 농도변화곡선을 분석한 결과, Fatsia japonica와 Spthiphyllum spp.가 가장 폭넓은 광조건에서 비교적 높고 안정적인 감소율을 보였다. Epipremnum aureum의 경우, 총 제거량은 높았으나 시간대별 제거율이 불규칙하여 특정범위의 광량조건을 필요로 하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 특히 Hedrera helix의 경우, 매우 불규칙적인 농도변화로 포름알데히드 농도에도 민감함을 알 수 있었다.
This study was conducted to survey the habitat environment as draft data for restoration and massive propagation method of Forsythia saxatilis were classified as rare species and disappear in Seoul. The light, soil environment in habitat was surveyed and the cutting experiment as species, cutting periods, and rooting promoter was conducted to know physiological characteristic of Forsythia saxatilis The results, light was low to forest tree and soil in the native site indicated that pH 4.78~5.05, EC 0.04~0.05 dS․m-1, OM 1.23~3.27%, Ca 4.21 mg․kg-1, K 0.41mg․kg-1, Mg 0.69 mg․kg-1. 0.01 % N, 0.44mg․kg-1 P showed low and 12.87~23.56cmol+․kg-1 CEC. It was very poor soil environment to live plant as general forest soil. In Propagation, Rooting rate showed hardwood 90% and softwood 100% in summer and softwood 90% in summer and 79% in spring. Rooting rate was showed of each species, Forsythia viridissima 100%, Forsythia ovata Nakai. 80%, tetraploid 60%, and Forsythia saxatilis 90%. There is no effect of rooting promoter treatment. We gained 120 plants by cutting propagation and renaturated to habitat. It is the reason that Forsythia saxatilis disappear at habitat by have no seed and low adaptation of environmental change. To massive propagation by cutting, it is important to control cutting periods rather than rooting promoter treatment.
The purposes of this study was to investigate visitors` satisfaction of Jangsung Bekyang Maple Festival events and to provide suggestions for the festival administrators. This study was surveyed 260 visitors and the 15 of them were deleted because they did not respond some items of the questionnaire. So 245 samples were used for this study. The results of this study are as follows. First, it was found that entrance to festival site and traffic convenient was the most satisfied factors from visitors. The kindness of guider was secondly satisfied factor and the convenient facility was chosen as third favorite item. Second, festival foods, festival products, and public relationship were the less satisfied factors of the twelve factors. While residents` satisfaction toward experience program was high, domestic visitors` satisfaction was moderate. But in terms of the satisfaction toward convenient facility, domestic visitors' satisfaction was investigated and founded as high and residents` satisfaction about it was moderate. For the future festival development, the followings are suggested. First, Maple related theme park is necessary to increase visitors. Second, development of theme about foods` booth is recommended to increase satisfaction of visitors. In addition, the expansion of photograph zone and selling booth for hikers are necessary for this festival. The investigation of the relationship between visitors` importance about this festival events and satisfaction is also needed in the future research.
The purpose of this study is to examine effect of horticultural therapy on mental development and interpersonal relationship of institutionalized children. This study executed horticultural therapy program of the total 16 times by one time a week to institutionalized children who have used H-Institution for children in Kyungsang Buk-do from September 21, 2006 to January 4, 2007. To examine effect of horticultural therapy, this study used the korean personality rating scale for children(KPRC), withdrawn scale, self-concept scale, and interpersonal relationship scale, and investigated before and after executing the program for comparison. Mental development was reduced from 90.87 before executing to 72.25 after executing horticultural therapy, and it was statistically significant(P<0.01). Also in withdrawn scale test, the mean point was appeared to be significantly raised(P<0.05) from 8.875 before executing to 6.25 after executing the program, and horticultural therapy was considered to be effective to mental stability of institutionalized children. In result of evaluating self-concept, it was raised from 207.37 before executing to 228.5 after executing, and it showed the significant difference(P<0.01). Also in result of evaluating interpersonal relationship, it was raised from 73.25 before executing to 83.75 after executing, and it showed the significant difference(P<0.05). Accordingly, horticultural therapy is considered to be effective to mental development and interpersonal relationship of institutionalized children.
This research was conducted to find out the correlation of well-being perception and well-being behavior in reference to use of plant resources. We analyzed the survey of 94(25 male, 69 female) about the well-being perception and well-being behavior by t-test, one way ANOVA, Scheffé test, and Pearson's correlation analysis by using SPSS/WIN. The results were as follows: First, female outdid in perception of mind-oriented and self-oriented in contrast with male. In part of well-being behavior, females were more active on wellbeing behaviors for foodstuffs and environmental factors while males for clothes factor. Second, mind-oriented and self-oriented perceptions of well-being showed up significant correlation according to the frequency of being with plants or forests for leisure for the last 3 months, and well-being trend, sport-leisure, clothes and housing features in well-being behavior also correlated with the frequency of it. And mind-oriented, self-oriented perception of well-being and environmental features in well-being behavior according to the frequency of purchasing plants for emotional happiness showed up significantly differences. Third, the higher mind-oriented perception of well-being is, the more well-being behavior including wellbeing trend, foodstuffs, health, housing, and environment increase. The higher the self-oriented is, the more well-being behavior including sport-leisure, housing, and environment increase.
가스성 오염물질의 지표를 제공하는 이산화탄소를 시료로 사용하여, 식물의 공기정화 능력을 분석한 실험 결과는 다음과 같다. 공시 6가지 식물 모두 광합성이 활발한 낮 시간 동안에는 식물이 오염원을 흡수함에 따라, 이산화탄소 농도가 빠르게 감소하였다. 호흡작용을 통해 이산화탄소가 방출되므로 빛이 차단되는 밤 시간에는 농도가 다시 증가하였고, 특히 18시 ~ 20시 사이에는 급격한 농도 증가율을 보였다. 다음 날 아침 빛을 쬐기 시작하면 다시 오염원이 흡수되면서 농도가 감소한다. 이러한 이산화탄소 농도의 교환 현상을 통해, 빛의 양이 증가함에 따라 식물의 광합성량이 증가하며 그 결과 이산화탄소 제거율 역시 증가함을 알 수 있었다. 24시간 동안 측정한 식물별 광합성량과 호흡량을 가감한, 식물별 이산화탄소의 정화총량은 엽면적 1000 cm2 당 Ficus benjamina 49 ppm, Epipremnum aureum 99 ppm, Chamaedorea elegans 34 ppm, Fatsia japonica 123 ppm, Spthiphyllum spp. 115 ppm, Hedera helix 42 ppm으로 나타났다. 이산화탄소 순간소모량의 최대치를 보인 시간대는 각 식물별로 상이한데, 대개의 경우 광량 0.67 ~ 1.54 mW/cm3의 조건에서 가장 활발한 이산화탄소 흡수율을 보였다. Epipremnum aureum의 경우, 이산화탄소의 흡수가 비교적 높은 속도로 장기간 지속되었으며, 다른 식물에 비해 상대적으로 낮은 호흡량을 보였다. Fatsia japonica는 매우 대칭적인 이산화탄소 농도변화곡선을 보여, 광합성과 호흡이 일정하게 일어남을 알 수 있었다. 광량의 변화에 그리 민감하지 않아 폭넓은 광량조건의 실내공간에도 적합하다고 판단된다. Spthiphyllum spp. 역시 장기간에 걸쳐 비교적 안정적으로 광합성이 일어났다. Hedera helix는 1.24 mW/cm3이상의 광조건에서 상당히 높은 이산화탄소 흡수율을 보였으나, 1.00 mW/cm3이하에서의 낮은 제거율로 보아 저광도 실내공간보다는 고광도의 전이공간이나 실외에 적합하다고 판단된다. 위의 연구결과를 통하여 이산화탄소 제거에는 Fatsia japonica, Spthiphyllum spp., Epipremnum aureum 순서로 효과적임을 알 수 있었다.
광덕산에 자생하고 있는 쥐다래는 잎이 개화기에 분홍색으로 변하는 등 높은 관상가치를 지니고 있다. 이를 조경원예수종으로 개발하기 위하여 생태적 특성을 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다.1. 광덕산 서식지의 해발표고는 최저 679m에서 최고1014m까지 분포하였고, 기상온도는 일년 중 최저기온이 -23.3℃, 최고 기온이 28.7℃로서 서울의 기온보다 각각 9.2℃와 6.0℃가 낮았다.2. 유기물 함량은 1.5~5.4%, 유효인산 함량은 16~ 49mg/kg, 토양산도는 5.2~6.0 범위였다. 3. 광덕산 쥐다래 서식지의 식생은 총 50과 99속 113종 17변종 이었다.4. 쥐다래 서식지는 임도주변 수광률이 높은 곳에 서식하고 있는데 목본은 산뽕나무, 물푸레나무, 당단풍나무가 우점하고 있으며 초본류는 내음성이 높은 넓은잎외잎쑥과 대사초, 큰개별꽃의 피복률이 상대적으로 높았다.
현대사회의 급격한 가치관 및 사회구조의 변화로 인해 가정이 와해되면서, 아동의 심리적 부적응 문제가 심화되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 저소득 결손가정 아동의 건전한 심신발달을 위하여 원예활동 및 글쓰기 병행 프로그램을 실시하였다. K-HTPF 그림에서는 활동 후 사회성, 안정감 및 역동성 등이 증진되었다. 또한 원예활동 및 글쓰기를 통하여 아동은 자연친화적 태도를 보여 주었다. 그중 자연물에 대한 관찰 및 관심증대, 자연과 식물에 대한 지식증가, 식물을 가꾸고 돌봄에 대한 의식증가 등이 뚜렷하였다. ADS검사결과 아동의 주의집중력이 향상되었으며, 원예활동에 대해 새로운 경험으로 인식, 만족감을 표출하였다.