
인간식물환경학회지 KCI 등재 Journal of People Plants and Environment

이 간행물 논문 검색


제10권 제3호 (2007년 9월) 19

2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study evaluated readability by text design of self-guided signs in recreation areas to obtain basic information needed for enhancement of the readability. Data were collected from 401 visitors in the 'Neodeoulgung' area of Mudeung-San Provincial Park by questionnaire survey during October-November, 2004. This study used eight interpretive signs including four signs produced by imitating the existing self-guided signs in Mudeung-San Provincial Park(MPP) and Naejangsan National Park(NNP) and a sign designed by combining only the most appropriate text attributes. The results showed that a sign in NNP and a sign made up by combining only the optimal text attributes showed lower readability than other signs. It may be related with various influential factors on text readability such as text types, text weight, text familiarity, and text arrangement. Especially, the low readability of the sign produced by combination of only the most appropriate text attributes was unexpected. It suggests that text arrangement such as paragraphing, changing lines, and indent may affect readability. Management implications were discussed.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
At the late 20th century, many problems surfaced from the environmental destruction, which raised the importance of natural environments; technology and ecology started collaborating, the boundary between architecture and landscape destroyed, and developed into a hybrid-oriented form. This study has focused on the use of green architecture materials as a way to furnish natural expression & mood and dealt with water, plants, trees, sand, rocks, light, wind, mist, cloud and their applications on basic compositional elements such as floor, ceiling, walls, openings and other elements. The discoveries revealed that application of green architecture materials is visible in raw material aspect, architectural forming media aspect, technical aspect, and natural image aspect; furthermore, the use of green architecture materials can make the expression of natural design trend possible. Study of green architecture materials should continue to advance through collaborations and co-studies among interior design, architecture, landscape, and horticulture related design fields for the years to come.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study examined the effects of the fragrance of lemons on increasing concentration and decreasing stress in the in the elderly with geriatric disease in a nursing home. This study was conducted 24times from Jan15. 2004 to July22. 2004 The program was distinguished between the group of control and lemon treatment. The group of control was conducted just horticultural therapy. The group of lemon treatment was run parallel horticultural therapy with the treatment of fragrance of lemons. Blood pressure was measured to distinguish between hypertension and hypotension. The result of hypertension people in the group of control was that systolic blood pressure was 134.3 as average before horticultural therapy and 134 after horticultural therapy. The pressure after horticultural therapy was more -0.3 different than the before. Diastolic blood pressure was 74.3 before and 72.7 after. The pressure after horticultural therapy was more -1.6 different than the before. The result of hypertension people in the group of lemon treatment was that Diastolic blood pressure was 134 as average before lemon treatment and horticultural therapy and 131.3 after lemon treatment and horticultural therapy. The pressure after horticultural therapy was more -2.7 different than before. Minimum blood pressure was 72 before and 72.3 after . The pressure after horticultural therapy was more +0.3 different pressure than the before. The result of hypotension people in the group of control was that systolic blood pressure was 111.3 as average after horticultural therapy. It was not so different between before and after. Diastolic blood pressure was 64.3 after therapy. The pressure was more +1.6 different pressure than the before. In case of pulse rate, the group of control was 79 as average before horticultural therapy and 78.7 after. The pressure was more -0.3 different average than the before. In contrast, the group of lemon treatment was 73.8 before the therapy and treatment of fragrance of lemons and 77.3 after. The pressure was more +3.5 different average than the before. most patients were improved their characters after this program (except C and E) as the result of character test. Therefore, following or this result of study, horticultural program with citrus fragrance of lemons that is helpful to concentration and anti-stress is effective for geriatric diseases especially stability of emotion.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
매트재배와 C-형강재배에서 공히 심지길이에서 20cm가 모든 토양에서 양호한 생육결과를 나타내었고, 토양별로는 유비토실이 모든 심지길이 처리에서 제일 좋은 결과를 보였다. 하지만 펄라이트와 코이어의 혼용처리비율간에는 심지길이에 따라 생육량이 변화는 경향을 보였다. 관수방법에 따른 생장량의 비교에서 같은 처리조건에서 매트관수가 C-형감심지재배 보다 지상부 건물중이 무거웠으나 초장이나 열매의 생육량은 두 처리간에 큰 차이는 나타나지 않았다. 하지만 분지수에 있어서는 유비토실이 사용시 C-형강재배에서가 매트재배에서보다 1개 정도 많은 수치를 보였다.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
무안백련축제 주 무대인 무안군 일로읍 복용리 자생백련의 개화조절에 대한 기초 자료를 확보하기 위하여 개화특성 및 개화에 미치는 기상요인을 분석하였다. 무안 회산백련지에서 화경이 수면위로 출현되는 시기는 6월 8일(2002년)에서 6월 16일(2006년) 사이였다. 꽃이 처음으로 출현된 시기는 6월 18일(2002년)에서 6월 27일(2000년 및 2006년)사이였다. 첫 꽃 개화시기와 개화량의 최대기 간에는 정의 상관을 나타낸 반면에 화경 출현기와 첫 꽃 개화기 사이에는 상관을 나타내지 않았다. 개화량의 최대기는 평균기온, 일조시간 및 강수량과 상관을 나타내지 않았다. 이러한 결과는 백련의 내적요인 및 관리요인이 기상요인 보다 큰 영향을 미친 결과에 의한 것으로 추정된다. 따라서 개화에 미치는 구체적 요인에 대한 자료 확보를 위해서는 연근의 연령 등 내적요인과 수심관리, 굴취와 식재시기, 시비 등 관리요인에 대한 분석이 필요한 것으로 나타났다.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The objective of this is to develop strategy for plants-related education on elementary, middle and high school. To accomplish the purpose of the study, I analyzed plants-related contents of the Practical Arts Subject in Elementary School and TechnologyHome Economics Subject in Secondary School. And held the expert-conference on the status of plants-related education, strategy of systematization. The major results of the study were as follows: First, 3 basic directions were established(⑴ systematization of contents of plants-related education in school-level, ⑵ contain of part of plants-related education on all the Grade, ⑶ practical application of plants-related education in discretionary activity and Extra Curricular Activities) Second, strategy for research and development on subjects(the Practical Arts Subject, TechnologyHome Economics Subject) were established(⑴ It is necessary to research on system of plants-related education by the Grade, ⑵ It is necessary to research on level of plants-related education by school-level, ⑶ It is necessary to participate expert in process of writing on subject(the Practical Arts Subject, TechnologyHome Economics Subject) Third, Teaching-Learning and Teaching Activity in subjects(the Practical Arts Subject, TechnologyHome Economics Subject)were established(⑴ magnifying contents and Teaching-time of plants-related education, ⑵ magnifying Experience and Practice, ⑶ presenting plentiful material and easily) Fourth, strategy for connection of extra-subjects and Teaching-time were established(⑴ consideration for connection and integration of related-subject, ⑵ development on program of plants-related education in discretion activity and Extra Curricular Activities)
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
This study aims to increase the practicality of horticultural education by suggesting reorganization method and prospects of horticultiral education as urban horticulture. The outcome of research is the contents of horticultural education should be related with the cognitive and physical education and building a sense of justice which are educational aims of bloom. Hence horticultural education is undertaken under the larger theme of urban horticulture aiming to create sustainable society where people and nature are organically related. When recognizing the contents of horticultural education, effects of urban horticulture such as creation of pleasent environment and culturing of emotion should be taken into consideration. The seven classifications of urban horticulture activity through rotated factor analysis becomes the basis for the recognization in areas such as education material, location, contents and in in-depth studies. It is also expected that increased effort on introducing a new concept into urban horticulture will make horticultural activity more prominent and more appreciated.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
자생 상록양치류의 대량번식의 체계를 위해 배양조건에 따른 전엽체 유도와 발달에 미치는 배지, 질소급원, 탄소원, 생장조절물질의 조합 및 배양조건를 조사한 결과는 다음과 같다. 전엽체증식에 있어 적절한 배지는 4종 모두 MS배지가 전엽체의 증식에 가장 양호하였고, 질소량이 NH4+:NO3-이 20:40mM로 첨가된 배지에서 가장 양호하였는데, 특히 큰봉의꼬리(Pteris cretica)에서는 NH4+:NO3-이 60:0보다 20:40mM에서 생체중이 1.48g으로 4.1배로 증가를 보여 가장 양호하였다. 탄소원인 sucrose 농도별로 전엽체의 증식에 큰 차이를 보였는데, 큰봉의꼬리(Pteris cretica)에 있어 3% 첨가구에서 대조구에 비해 7.7배로 전엽체의 증식이 가장 양호하였고, 배지내의 NaH2PO4 100mg/L에서 더부살이고사리(Polystichum lepidocaulon)의 경우에 있어 가장 양호하였으며 전반적으로 유사한 경향을 보였다. 생장조절 물질에 대한 생육반응에 있어 골고사리와 버들참빗은 NAA 0.1mg/L에서 볼 수 있었으나, 돌담고사리 경우에는 Kinetin 0.01∼10mg/L와 NAA 0.01∼1mg/L에서는 효과의 차이를 볼 수 없었다. 손고비에서는 전반적으로 무처리구에서 전엽체 증식이 가장 현저하였다. 배양시 광조건은 1,000 Lux의 광도에서 배양한 것이 전엽체 증식률이 가장 높았으며, 배양방법에 있어 큰봉의꼬리(Pteris cretica)는 액체배양에서는 1.59g에 비해 고체배양에서 3.34g으로 2.1배의 현저한 증가를 볼 수 있었다.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
채소류 21종, 과일류 10종, 식용꽃 5종과 wine 2종(복분자주, 포도주)의 poly-phenol함량과 항 산화력을 Folin-Ciocalteu 방법과 DPPH 방법을 사용하여 분석하였다. Poly-phenol함량의 범위는 채소는 최저치가 515.12ppm(무)이고 최고치가 2,385.44ppm(깻잎)으로 평균이 1,117.67ppm고, 과일은 최저치가522.43ppm(사과)이고 최고치가 2,453.32ppm(머루)이었고, 식용 꽃은 최저치가 962.44ppm(흰소국) 최고치가 5,610.80ppm(붉은장미)이었다. 복분자주는 671.52ppm 이고 포도주는 1,200.00ppm 이었다. 항 산화력의 범위는 채소는 최저가 0.16%(호박)에서 최고가 59.97%(냉이)이고, 과일은 최소가 5.62ppm(배)에서 최고가 79.62%(머루)이었고, 식용 꽃은 최저가 4.70ppm(금어초)에서 최고가 86.53%(진달래)이고, 복분자주는 52.02%이며, 포도주는 78.67%였다. 모든 재료들 중 식용꽃이 poly-phenol량과 항 산화력이 가장 높았고, poly-phenol 함량과 항 산화력의 상관관계는 채소에서는 인정하기 어려웠으나, 과일, 식용 꽃에서는 높았다. 같은 식물이라도 색깔이 짙은 부분이 옅은 부분보다 poly-phenol 함량과 항 산화력이 높았다.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 연구는 몇가지 희귀자생식물의 대량증식을 위하여 종자의 저온저장온도와 발아온도의 영향을 알아보고자 실시한 결과는 다음과 같았다. 저온저장온도 실험에서는 두메부추(Allium senescens L.)의 종자는 5℃에 저장시 발아율이 91.5%로 가장 높은 것으로 나타났으며 9℃의 비교적 고온에서는 발아율이 감소하는 것으로 나타났고 흑산도비비추(Hosta yingeri S. B. Jones)는 9℃에서 다소 발아율이 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 홍도원추리(Hemerocallis hongdoensis M.G.Chung & S.S.Kang)의 저장온도 실험은 모든 처리구에서 비슷한 발아양상을 보였고 5℃에서 저장시 발아율이 80%로 가장 높았으며 5℃에서 9℃로 저장온도가 높아질수록 발아가 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 발아온도 실험은 두메부추는 20℃, 25℃의 처리구에서 발아가 향상된 결과를 나타내었으며 특히 20℃에서는 생육이 곧고 강건하게 자라는 것을 알 수 있었다. 흑산도비비추는 발아온도 20., 25℃에서 높은 발아율을 보였다. 홍도원추리는 발아온도가 증가할수록 발아율이 증가하는 경향을 보이며 25℃의 경우 발아율이 70%로 가장 높았으나 30℃의 고온에서 발아율이 현저히 감소하였다.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The objective of this study was to develope horticultural therapy program for reducing parenting stress. Parenting stress means negative psychological response of things that should do. This negative response have bad impects to children such as reducing social ability and increasing conduct problems. But parenting stress can be reduced through various parenting education and many program have been practiced to reduced stress. The essence of horticultural therapy is to experience nurturing through growing plants. As a result, horticultural therapy has the philosophical background suitable for introducing horticultural therapy for reducing parenting stress. This study developed cognitive horticultural therapy program with nurturing experience and parent education and applied to seven housewives to it. We used Parenting Stress Index(PSI) in pre-test and post-test for measuring effect and analyzed with Wilcoxon signed rank test. After applying this program eight times for a two-hour session, this study found reduction of parenting stress indicated by 48.14 to 42.57, which was statistically significant(z=-2.117, p<0.05). This study has the limitation of small sample numbers. In the future we should study more horticultural therapy program that affects sub-factors of parenting stress applying more samples.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The recent interests of good health and the increase of people who spend their leisure times with the nature bring a great attention to the natural well-being center. The web-site for the natural well-being center can be used not only to inform and advertise the contents of the center, but also to induce visitors. This paper describes the planning of public web-site for natural well-being civic center. At first, this paper analyzes the strengths and weaknesses of three major public web-sites for Seoul. Taking this analysis as a foundation, the paper designs the information architecture of the web-site for natural well-being center. This structure is divided into two parts: the offfering of basic information and the inducement of citizen participation. The first part includes menus that introduce the details of the business information, whereas the second part is composed of menus that induce the voluntary participation of citizens such as public service or donation. The results of this study will be used to develop and manage the web-site for natural well-being center.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 연구는 생태보전과 지역민의 경제적 편익에 중점을 둔 생태관광형 축제 중의 하나인 봉화송이축제 방문객의 만족도를 조사하고 축제 프로그램의 만족도 향상을 위한 방안을 제시 하고자 하였다. 생태관광축제를 2년간 조사한 점에서 기존 연구와 차별성을 가진다. 본 연구를 위해 2005년 봉화송이축제 방문객 236명과 2006년 봉화 송이춘양목축제 방문객 238명을 대상으로 방문객 만족을 조사하였다. 조사방법으로는 설문조사와 인터뷰가 사용되었고, 설문조사는 2005년 9월 24일에서 27일 까지 그리고 2006년 9월 29일에서 10월 2일 까지 행해졌다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 방문객들은 체험 프로그램인 송이채취프로그램에 대한 만족도가 다른 프로그램에 비해 매우 높았다. 더욱 많은 방문객들이 참가하기를 원하였다. 둘째, 방문객들은 보전 관련 프로그램인 반딧불이 일생에 대해 큰 흥미를 나타내었다. 생태보전에 대한 이해도 향상과 방문자 만족을 위해 질 높은 해설자의 필요성이 더욱 강조된다. 셋째, 프로그램과 관련된 지역민들의 편익에 있어, 방문객들은 축제를 통해 봉화가 송이의 특산지임을 다시 한번 느꼈고 지역 특산물인 송이를 구매한 것으로 밝혀졌다. 조선시대 왕궁 건축 건립에 사용된 봉화 춘양목의 가치에 대한 재인식, 춘양목을 활용한 전통 건축 퍼즐 만들기, 그리고 전통결혼식 등을 통해 지역문화도 이해하게 된 것으로 밝혀졌다.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
Our Natural environment is being destroyed and green area is being reduced by industrialization and urbanization and those cause environmental problems. In result, increased play hour with TV, computer games, video games rather then spend a time in nature and plants in children’s. This problems cause children’s emotional impoverishment and passive-dependence inclination. And made children scruple thinking and judging by themselves and it makes children exposure to social problems. Therefore loss of humanity and crisis are rapidly increase educational standardization and this is the cause to decrease children’s pure sensitivity and feelings and decrease cultivate desirable humanity for advancement of physical, emotional, social, intellectual things. For solution, this paper propose Kid Garden for equally cultivate interests, concern, imagination, internal emotion and feelings and increase children’s curiosity about nature for get back into good relationship between children and nature. On this study, make a model reflects children’s suggestions includes plays what they want to do, materials, safety, color, preferences those are analyzed results through survey analysis bases on Preference-Analysis of Kid Garden, the most preferred Kid Garden is a unreal Garden showed in fairy tale "The Wizard of OZ". We propose a Kid Garden model, it based on preference-analysis to get each details of preference, for experience plays what they want to do, horticulture activities for feel five senses, harmonize with nature in limited interior space and help children to expand their dream and an ideal. Children are growing constantly. During growing process children raise their dream and hope and made healthy ego. Experience various culture and experience of nature will help to cultivate children’s, most of children who live in desolate buildings, humanity. Thus, this paper proposes a Kid Garden which is necessary to children, has various forms and contents for children’s demands. Furthermore, we need to make custom gardens consider of age, area, characteristic of space. And we need well organized and designed educational environment for help to understand about plant and increase horticulture activity time in children education curriculums.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The cutting propagation of Illicium religiosum Sieb. et Zucc was effective such as hardwood cutting was done in May and softwood cutting was done on in July. The optimal soil composition for rooting was 1:1:1(vermiculite, peatmoss and perlite). The result was that the softwood cuttings done in July took roots in every bed; especially, cuttings in the bed processed with 1,000 mg/L IBA showed the best result: 90% of rooting rate, 13.5 in number of rooting, and about 8cm of root length. Hardwood cutting done in May showed that the bed processed with 1,000 mg/L IBA resulted in 90% of rooting rate; the bed processed with 1,000 mg/L IBA + 1,000 mg/L NAA showed 80% of rooting rate; the number of main roots and the length of roots were also satisfying. For the cuttings of I. religiosum "Variegata" Sieb. et Zucc, the result was less satisfying than that of I. religiosum Sieb. et Zucc, but it was proved that even the cuttings of “Variegata” took roots in the bed processed with 100 mg/L IBA and 1,000 mg/L/ IBA.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 연구는 나팔나리 ‘Gelria' 품종의 구근생산을 위해 소인경의 줄기와 구근 생육에 적합한 저온처리 및 식재방법을 알아보고자 실시하였다. 5℃ 또는 10℃에서 30일간 처리시 다른 처리에 비해 구근 둘레, 구근 직경, 구근 높이, 구근 무게 등 구근생육이 양호하였다. 7cm 깊이로 식재시 초장이 가장 길었으나, 맹아율이 약간 낮아졌다. 식재 깊이에 따라 구근 높이와 직경에 차이가 없었으나, 5cm 또는 7cm 깊이로 식재한 처리에서 구근 둘레와 무게가 증가하였다. 소인경 식재시 무시비구에서 줄기 및 구근생육이 가장 저조하였고, 퇴비 표준량, 기비 복합비료 표준량의 1/2배, 그리고 추비 복합비료 표준량을 처리하는 것이 구근 생육에 가장 효과적이었다. peatmoss와 vermiculite를 1:3 또는 peatmoss와 perlite를 3:1로 혼합한 배양토에서 줄기 및 구근의 생육이 양호하였다.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
In this study, for mass cultivation and standardization of hydrangea, experimental result for types and concentration of growth regulator appropriate for cutting and rooting are as follow. During the semi-hardwood and hardwood cuttings of hydrangea, in 100mg·L­¹, 500mg·L­¹, 1,000 mg·L­¹ of each growth regulator NAA and IBA, when sudden soaking procedures were conducted the hardwood cutting rather than the semi-hardwood cutting resulted better growth as well as significantly better to initial rooting. The treatment of IBA was better then NAA in the rooting, especially IBA was the rooting percent increased at 500mg·L­¹and root growth was effective at 1,000 mg·L­¹also. It is effective to root growth in NAA 1,000mg·L­¹and percent of rooting increased under high 1,000 mg·L­¹ and it was more effective and higher concentration.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
The purpose of this study was to show the effect of psychological-horticultural therapy for promoting ecmotional intelligence. We carried out the program which was designed for promoting emotional intelligence and subjects were 11 children at K welfare center in Jungrang-gu. Children were tested before and after the program and the program applied for 8 weeks. Emotional intelligence was measured before and after treatment. We used the quantitative and qualitative analysis method and data were analyzed by wilcoxon t-test using SPSS 12.0. The score of emotional intelligence were increased slightly after the program, but it was not significant. In qualitative viewpoint, children were changed in perception and expression of emotion and empathy and they experienced.
2007.09 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
본 연구는 원예치료가 생활시설에 수용된 정신지체 장애인의 사회성과 위축을 중심으로 한 적응행동과 자기감정표현에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 2006년 8월2일부터 2006년 12월27일까지 주1회 총 22회 실시하였다. 적응행동 평가 전체결과 사회화(p<0.01)와 위축(p<0.05)에서 유의한 의미를 보였다. 자기감정표현 평가 결과 유의한 차는 보이지 않았지만 전체 평균은 향상되었다. 원예치료 프로그램 결과물에 대한 성취감과 선물의 시간을 가지고 주고받음으로써 사회성과 위축에 변화를 가져다 준 것으로 판단된다.