In this study, for mass cultivation and standardization of hydrangea, experimental result for types and concentration of growth regulator appropriate for cutting and rooting are as follow.
During the semi-hardwood and hardwood cuttings of hydrangea, in 100mg·L¹, 500mg·L¹, 1,000 mg·L¹ of each growth regulator NAA and IBA, when sudden soaking procedures were conducted the hardwood cutting rather than the semi-hardwood cutting resulted better growth as well as significantly better to initial rooting. The treatment of IBA was better then NAA in the rooting, especially IBA was the rooting percent increased at 500mg·L¹and root growth was effective at 1,000 mg·L¹also. It is effective to root growth in NAA 1,000mg·L¹and percent of rooting increased under high 1,000 mg·L¹ and it was more effective and higher concentration.