
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2024.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In today’s rapidly changing business environment, rapid decision making and effective project management are essential for business growth. This study examines how project manager competencies and organizational structures affect business performance. Successful project execution depends on the strategic use of project managers’ skills and organizational resources to maximize performance. An empirical study was conducted with 475 participants from the construction and engineering sectors. The applied analyses included multiple regression analysis and two-way ANOVA to assess how project manager competencies and organizational types affect business performance. The results of the study show that project manager competencies significantly improve business performance, especially when combined with appropriate organizational types. Effective use of organizational frameworks leads to better financial results, increased market competitiveness, and greater innovation. The results of the study are as follows: First, project manager competencies were found to have a significant positive effect on business performance. Second, the use of functional, project, and matrix organizations had a significant positive effect on business performance. This suggests that aligning organizational structures with business objectives is important for achieving optimal performance. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the academic literature and practical applications of project management and organizational research. In addition, if we can select organizational members based on the learning effects of previous projects when operating new projects in the future, it will help reduce risks. Ultimately, it will improve the project manager’s competency level, promote the individual abilities and knowledge sharing of team members, and provide opportunities for the company to build efficient new systems. This will be evaluated as a valuable study in terms of academic and practical productivity.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We determined the effects of different water temperatures (15, 20, and 25℃) and photoperiod cycles (24L:0D, 12L:12D, and 0L:24D) on the oxygen consumption of the offspring of a cultured Japanese strain (JJ), a selected Korean strain (KK), and intraspecific hybrid strains (JK and KJ) of red seabream, Pagrus major, under starvation conditions. The different fish strains, water temperatures, and photoperiod cycles had effects on the mean oxygen consumption of fish. Oxygen consumption increased with increasing water temperatures for all photoperiod treatments (p <0.001). Fish held in continuous darkness (0L:24D) used consistently less oxygen than fish exposed to continuous light (p <0.05). The oxygen consumption of fish exposed to the light phase in a 12L:12D photoperiod was higher than that of fish in the dark phase of the 12L:12D cycle, and differences were significant in three of the strains: JJ (15℃), KK (15 and 20℃), and KJ (25℃). The oxygen consumption of the inbred (JJ and KK) and intraspecific hybrid (JK and KJ) strains varied with differing water temperatures and photoperiod cycles. The JK strain displayed significantly higher oxygen consumption than the other strains under all experimental conditions except 15℃ with a 0L:24D photoperiod. The JK and KJ strains usually showed the highest and lowest oxygen consumption values, respectively, whereas the inbred strains exhibited intermediate values. Oxygen consumption in the JJ and JK strains was usually higher than that of the KK and KJ strains. We propose that differences in the thermal sensitivity and photosensitization properties of the strains contribute to differences in their ability to adapt to changes in water temperature and photoperiod, thus resulting in differences in the amplitude of their metabolic rates.