도로 안전 구조물을 썰계하고 동적 퍼포먼스톨 측정하기 위하여 시행되는 충돌시험시 충돌차량의 운동량,
륙히 각가속도를 Euler 방정식의 수치적분을 통하여 구하는 기법을 셜명하였다.
수치척으로 가장 안정적인 9-array 시스댐안에 내재된 여러 형태의 7, 8-array 서브시스댐들의 시스댐 미분
방정식 빛 이들 방정식의 수치 적분시 안정성올 실험데이터를 이용하여 파악하였다.
기본척인 9-array 안에 있는 6개의 8-array 시스댐들은 모두 수치적으로 안정성올 보였고 12개의 7-array 시
스댐들중 6개는 안정성올 보이고 6개는 불안정하였다. 안정성올 보이는 내재된 서브시스댐을 활용하면 기본
9-array 시스댐을 구성하는 센서의 일부 고장시 효과적으로 각가속도를 측정 할 수 있는 fail-safe 시 스댐을 구
This study was performed to investigate the effects of enhanced light transmission on plant growth, photosynthetic ability, and disease tolerance to leaf blight, anthracnose in ginseng (Panax ginseng C. A. Meyer, Araliacease family) during the early growth stage (April to June). The photosynthetic ratio, stomatal conductance, and stem diameter of plants grown under a shade net with 15% light transmission rate showed an increasing trend compared to the control plants (5% light transmission rate) although the growth of the aerial parts were not influenced significantly. Plant height, stem length, and leaf length of treated plants were not significantly different from those of the control plants. Root parameters, such as root length, diameter, and weight of treated plants increased significantly compared to the control. Yield performance (187.4 ㎏• 10 a−1) of treated plants was 55.5% higher than that of the control (150.4 ㎏• 10 a−1). Additionally, disease severity scores of treated plants were lower than those of the control plants, revealing higher survival rates. To retain high yield potential and enhance the level of disease tolerance in ginseng, we suggest the increase of light transmission rate during the early growth stage.