This paper is to introduce the development of a LCD monitor-based pilots' ship handling simulator installed in the office of Korea Maritime Pilots Association. This simulator is composed of hardware which includes working server array, operation PC, monitor array, rudder, thruster and telegraph peripheral devices, and software which includes ship mathematical model software, ship conning software, image supporting software and so on. In this simulator, MMG mathematical model is used to create thirteen(13) ship models, which are based on sea trial data & pilots' opinion. According to requirements of pilots, virtual scenes of different port areas are built, and some required additional functions are also developed. By using this simulator, pilots can fulfill all kinds of training exercises, design of channel approaching ports, traffic safety analysis, prevention of accident research and other tasks, so as to grasp the characteristics of different ships, and accumulate experience for piloting.
Berthing and unberthing maneuver is essential work for marine pilots and securing the safety against risks during the maneuver is more important than anything else. Moreover, the maneuvering environment in ports and harbors has changed rapidly and got worse due to development of a new port, the advent of a new type or large-sized ship, and the rapid increase in harbor traffic. As one of measures taken to cope with such changes in the maneuvering environment and for each pilot to improve his own maneuvering ability, this paper developed laptop-based ship-handling simulator which is readily available anytime and anywhere. This paper is to develop a conning display for ship's maneuvering and electronic chart based display widely used nowadays to represent a model ship's movement. The displays were arranged appropriately considering pilot age, easy handling by mouse, using a maximum screen, proper arrangement of rudder, engine, thruster, tug etc and representation of information. Up to now thirteen (13) model ships were developed based on real-ship, whose mathematical model is Japanese MMG & pilots' low speed maneuver.