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        검색결과 26

        2016.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of time remaining to use mileage in the notification message from retailers on consumer responses. A total of 577 consumers participated in experiments involving different notification messages of the time remaining to use mileage. Results showed: 1) a significant difference in mileage benefit perception, positive emotion, negative emotion, attitude toward retailers, and repurchase intention according to the remaining time to use mileages, 2) benefit perception positively affected positive emotion and negatively affected negative emotion; positive emotion positively affected and negative emotion negatively affected attitude toward retailers; and attitude positively affected repurchase intention on retailers, and 3) the remaining time to use mileages moderates the relationship between attitude and repurchase intention. Findings highlighted the importance of timing of the message to notify the consumer as to remaining time to use mileage. In the case of a message indicating long remaining time to use mileage, consumers showed more positive responses toward retailers than did consumers who had a message indicating short remaining time to use mileage. These results can be used as guidelines to select the optimal time to send notification messages of remaining time to use mileage in order to generate positive consumer responses.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was conducted to undertake the impact of advertisements on multiple social media platforms on consumer responses. The study also researches internet and social media consumption habits of consumers of different demographics. The results largely suggest that positive consumer responses in form of better brand engagement, loyalty and recall are associated with organizations that indulge in promoting their products and services on multiple social media.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this paper is to understand consumers’ responses (attitude, perception of quality and luxury) to production delocalization in the luxury industry, based on brand origin matching consumers’ origin or not, in order to understand the interaction brand origin and consumer ethnocentrism on those responses.Two experiments were conducted. Study 1 exposes 166 respondents (French, Italian and other European) to a message of delocalization of either a French or Italian brand supposed to delocalize production to China. Study 2 assesses, among 62 French women, the implicit preference toward French luxury brands (through the Implicit Association Test, Greenwald et al. 1998) and the level of consumer ethnocentrism (through CETSCALE, Sharma et al. 1995). Then, the group is exposed between subjects to 2 delocalization messages X 2 country of delocalization (China, Poland EU) Although brand origin is not salient when consumers evaluate brands (no explicit preference for French brands over Italian brands across studies), it is nonetheless present below awareness, as part of the brand heritage and the brand identity (measured through an implicit preference for French brands over Italian brands among our French respondents). It manifests in context of brands delocalizing out of the home country. Across studies, the attitude toward the brand, the perception of quality and perception of luxury is affected negatively post-exposure to a message of delocalization. Yet, this result is moderated by consumer ethnocentrism and message framing. When the message induces positive consequences for the brand and for the national economy, French respondents (and Italian respondents in study 1) are less affected by the delocalization of their home brands than other respondents. In turn, when the message highlights a loss in national employment, respondents judge the brand more negatively. The effect is stronger for respondents higher in ethnocentrism. The country of delocalization does not influence those results. There is scarcity of papers investigating the CoO effect for luxury brands, although the luxury business model and luxury brand identity are rooted into brand origin. This paper is the first to our knowledge to investigate the effect of brand origin and consumer ethnocentrism on brand delocalization.
        2014.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Black Friday, a biggest holiday shopping season in the United States, has been regarded as a great opportunity that fashion retailers can dramatically increase their sales. However, there has been a lack of attention to consumers' shopping experiences on Black Friday from the consumer perspectives. The objective of this study is to explore consumer shopping experiences on Black Friday, in terms of consumer responses toward the experiences, shopping values, and any possible factors influencing the experiences. The method of critical incident technique was used with 198 critical incidents extracted from 165 responses of university students in the United States. As results, the shopping experiences on Black Friday were categorized into positive vs. negative shopping experiences. After that, the positive and negative experiences were respectively divided into two common themes: utilitarian shopping value vs. hedonic shopping value. In addition to the common themes, 12 categories were also emerged. Among positive experiences, utilitarian shopping experiences includes two categories of off-price shopping and shopping for expensive products, whereas hedonic shopping experiences includes three categories of impulse buying, holiday atmosphere, and shopping for the latest or luxury brand products. Among negative experiences, utilitarian shopping experiences includes four categories of modest discounts, out of stock, time-consuming queues, and fatigue of holiday shopping, while hedonic shopping experiences includes three categories of crowded environments, compulsive buying, and poorly managed stores. In conclusion, it is notable that consumer can undergo negative as well as positive shopping experiences on Black Friday. Implications and suggestions are also discussed.
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