팬픽션은 처음에는 같은 취향을 지닌 마니아층에서 무상으로 공유되었지만, 과학기술의 발전으로 인해 많은 사람이 인터넷을 통해 팬픽션을 접하게 되었다. 그중 대중들의 많은 사랑을 받은 팬픽션은 출판이 되기도 하였다. 팬픽션은 원작의 캐릭터와 인물관계를 이용해 스토리를 풀어나간다는 특징을 지니고 있어 상업적으로 출판이 되는 경우 원저작자와의 법정 다툼을 빚기도 한다. 2018년 8월 16일, 중국의 첫 팬픽션 사건에 대한 법원의 1심 판결이 진행되었다. 법원은 피고 강남에 대해 즉각 부정경쟁행위를 중단하고, 원고에 대해 손해 배상과 재고 서적을 소각할 것을 명하였다. 해당 판결은 저작권법의 보호를 받지 않는 원저작물 속 인물 요소들을 사용한 팬픽션에 대해 부정경쟁방지법으로 규제하는 것이 타당한지에 대한 논의를 촉발했다. 해당 논문은 ‘차간적소년 사건’을 통해 저작권 법의 보호를 받지 않는 원저작물속 인물 이름⋅ 인물관계 등 요소들을 사용한 팬픽션을 부정경쟁 방지법으로 규제하는 것이 타당한지에 대해 살펴 보았다. 피고는 <차간적소년>에서 원고의 원저작 물속 인물 이름, 인물관계 등 추상적인 요소만 차용하였고 구체적인 인물이나 스토리 면에서 원작과는 뚜렷한 차이점이 존재한다. 저작권법의 보호가 부여되지 않는 성과를 부정경쟁방지법의 일반 조항으로 넓게 해석하여 쉽게 확대 적용하는 것은 타당하지 않다.
T. S. Eliot has woven into the fabric of Four Quartets themes and symbols from a variety of Christian and non-Christian mystical sources. One of the powerful mystical elements is derived from the 16th century Spanish mystic, St. John of the Cross, whose spiritual exercises stand for the Negative Way. In the Western theology, there are two distinctive ways in which Christian saints or poets can perceive the Divine Reality. They are the Affirmative Way and the Negative Way. The Affirmative Way is the same idea with the doctrine or poetry of immanence, and the Negative Way with the doctrine or poetry of transcendence. T. S. Eliot's poetry is influenced by the tradition of the Negative Way or the poetry of transcendence. This thesis intends to study what characteristics the Affirmative Way or the Negative Way respectively has, and what is the theory of St. John's dark night of the soul. Also it wishes to trace which elements Eliot took from St. John and which elements he refused to take. Finally, in his masterpiece Four Quartets, this study will observe how St. John's negative theology is crystallized into the inner structure of the poem. Also this thesis wishes to reveal in what sense Eliot's poetry can be named the poetry of transcendence. Hopkins perceives the unity of nature, a poet and God, therefore he depicts the nature like "The world is charged with the grandeur of God." But Eliot is not eager to perceive the immanent presence of God in the power and beauty of nature. Instead, the poet is evoked with partial ecstasy and partial dread and goes through purgation process and afterwards reaches self-oblivion or union with God. In Eliot's idiom, he wishes to "go by a way wherein there is no ecstasy." In "Burnt Norton" III and "East Coker" III Eliot gives powerful expression to St. John's Negative Way. In these parts Eliot tries to apply St. John's theory, which was, originally, individual way of spiritual exercises, to diagnosing the collective spiritual darkness of modern London. Eliot seems to declare such a modern society must pass through the painful self-negation and complete deprivation, as shown in St. John's Negative Way. According to John X. Cooper, such idea of Eliot's is possibly true, because if the individual purification cannot bring us back from the abyss, the mere social world can hold absolutely no hope. We can hear Eliot's prophetic voice saying that after descending to the bottom and confronting the absolute solitude and abyss, the soul can arise from the dark night of purgation towards the world of light. Four Quartets, however, remains first and foremost a poem not a poetic version of mystical theology. Although Eliot alludes to and even paraphrases St. John's dark night of the soul, St. John's negative theology can be only one of the powerful threads in Eliot's poetical fabric.
Pil-Hwan Lee. 2003. A Historical Study on English Negative Expressions - with Special Reference to the Methodology in English Historical Syntax. Studies in Modern Grammar 31, 107-136. This is a study on the changes in sentential negation in English, from Old English to the present day, in terms of Jespersen`s(1917) Negative Cycle. The Negative Cycle is an assumption that negative adverbs are depleted lexical meaning they undergo phonological and morphosyntactic reduction to a bound morpheme prefixed to the finite verb. The history of English clearly supports this assumption. The issue is how to explain these aspects of changes. van Kemenade(1997a, 1997c, 1999, 2000) tries to account for the history of English sentential negation as a pure case of morphosyntactic change. It means that the change was triggered by structural factors. However, it is argued in this paper that the triggering factor for the change is the weakening of meaning. In other words, negative adverbs are morphologically and syntactically weakened to negative head status due to the semantic bleaching of negation and to the overlapping function in expressing sentential negation in NegP. The two positions in NegP inherently presuppose the functional redundancy in expressing sentential negation, so the specifier of NegP is generally weakened to Neg˚.