
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2018.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘The True Record of the Joseon Dynasty’ (1392-1863) is a historical document of the Joseon Dynasty which lasted 519 years with rulings of 27 kings in Korean history. This article examines this document to show how kings and bureaucrats of the Joseon Dynasty perceived works of Su Shi, a famous writer from the Song Dynasty. As a writer of the Song Dynasty, Su Shi had a negative view on the Goryeo Dynasty (918-1392) although his works were regarded as the best writings by the Goryeo and Joseon scholars. All the Joseon bureaucrats read and learnt Su Shi’s works. Naturally, the Joseon bureaucrats of the royal palace often cited Su Shi’s writings. Many of the Joseon bureaucrats memorized Su Shi’s “A suggestion recommendation to Shenzong Emperor.” This contained some details of bureaucrats’ suggestions to their emperor regarding state administration. For instance, one of the most cited phrase was that it was important duty of bureaucrats to raise their formal counsel to the emperor. Also, Su Shi was often cited when emphasizing the importance of various national events’ proceedings. Beside these, Su Shi’s view point and ideas had a great influence on Joseon bureaucrats. However, Since the Joseon Dynasty was the center of Neo-Confucianism, however, the idea of Su Shi was somewhat rejected. For this reason, some bureaucrats expressed their explicit objection against Su Shi’s works. On the contrary thinkers such as Wang Anshi and Zhu Xi, who were loyal to the kingship, were respected. It was found in this article that quotations of Wang Anshi and Zhi Xi were used much more frequent than Su Shi’s quotations in conversations between kings and their servants. In this regard, it can be said that the Joseon Dynasty bureaucrats knew about Su Shi’s works, but they had an antipathy toward his ideas.