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        검색결과 3

        2016.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study considers the modern expression of oriental esthetics by analyzing the fashion design with the Chinese ink technique based on the concept of Chi-Yun- Sheng-Tung, which was regarded as the best rule of art creation in oriental history. This study was performed by conducting a literature review of related books and advanced studies, and then, collection analysis was done with photos derived from fashion websites (seoulfashionweek.org, chinafashionweek.org, vogue.com, firstview. com) from 2010 S/S to 2016 S/S. A total of 317 fashion photos of designs created using the Chinese ink technique by Korean designers at Seoul Fashion Week and Chinese designers at China Fashion Week were analyzed. The contemporary fashions created with the Chinese ink technique were characterized by, first, the bold brush strokes and natural spreading effects of Chinese ink, second, the emphasis of empty space by taking essential elements, and third, the coexistence of deep Chinese ink colors with modern primary colors. The formativeness of the contemporary fashions created with Chinese ink technique based on Chi-Yun-Sheng-Tung were as follows: first, temperance, pursuing spiritual and minimal expression, second, empty space, making design elements interact and pursue harmony, third, changeable rhythm, symbolizing the growth and variation revealing the power of life, and fourth, vitality, represented in the rhythmical movement of the brush. This study was based on the oriental esthetics inherent in Chi-Yun-Sheng-Tung, and it attempted to analyze contemporary fashion design. The aim was to show the possibility of modern applications to traditional values, and it can be a meaningful case in design planning based on culture.
        2010.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        All architectures in the history have certain attitudes of aesthetic expression of their own. Depending on the culture, such aesthetic attitudes are not the same but different. This paper aims to identify the nature of the difference of aesthetic attitude in the architectures of the East and the West. As a way of approach for this purpose, two keywords are employed as representative concept. They are: 'proportion' and 'vitality'. Proportion, of course, represent the attitude of the Western, while, vitality, the Eastern. Although these two words are subjective selection, it is hoped that the nature of aesthetic attitudes could be observed through the windows of these two representative concepts. We all know that the architects and students of architecture of this period, are very much concerned about the aesthetic expression of their design. However, the value judgement of aesthetic quality seems quite confused in modem period. If the nature of aesthetic attitudes of the Eastern and the Western architecture is well understood, such understanding will help much for the direction of architectural aesthetic of future architecture.