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        검색결과 2

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study proposes multiple TRIZ contradiction solution strategies for addressing PC (Physical Contradiction) and TC (Technical Contradiction) by implementing TRIZ cause-and-effect tree. The problem associated with TC of the ends is solved by PC of means which employs a causal relationship between causes and effects. The TRIZ contradiction solution strategies demonstrated in this research are classified into 3 types of combined strategy as follows: 1. To-Be PC and AS-Is PC, 2.To-Be PC and As-Is TC, 3.As-Is PC and To-Be TC. The combined strategy of To-Be PC and As-Is PC is similar to a divide-and-conquer technique. This strategy adopts parallel strategies using 4 separation principles in time, in space, between parts and the whole, and upon condition of two reversed-PCs. Moreover, its application elucidates the conflict relationship of two TCs from the study. The integrated 4 separation principles and 40 inventive principles present an effective synergy effect from the combination, and further addresses the problems in the TRIZ contradiction resolution strategies. Combined strategy of To-Be PC and As-Is TC implements the 40 inventive principles that To-Be PC of the means resolves the As-Is TC of the ends. Combined strategy of As-Is PC and To-Be TC also uses inventive principles to the As-Is PC of the means to solve the To-Be TC of the ends. In addition, propositional and logical relationship of necessary and sufficient conditions between TC and PC is used to support the validity of 3 TRIZ contradiction solution strategies. In addition, 3 other strategies of necessary and sufficient conditions validate the contraposition relationship of the truth table. This study discusses TRIZ case studies from National Quality Circle Contest from the years between 2011 and 2014 to provide the usage guidelines of TRIZ contradiction solutions for quality purposes. Examining analysis from the case studies and investigating combined strategies allows the users to obtain comprehensive understanding.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        creative innovation and an innovative problem-solving of industrial companies can be achieved by overcoming the challenges of technical and physical contradictions. The approaches to address conflicting and paradoxical problems, such as technical and physical contradictions have a crucial role in advancing the quality assessment for manufacturer and service provider. The term, technical contradiction, depicts the state that improvement of one ends of IFR (Ideal Final Result) leads to unfavorable condition of the other ends, and results in conflicting problem. Another type of contradictions that’s discussed in this study is a physical contradiction which is due to two mutually opposing states of the means of ends, and gives paradoxical situation. By integrating the means-ends chain perspectives, the physical contradiction that is a specifically root-causes, “means”, can be initially addressed to resolve the downstream problem of technical contradiction which represents a general and abstract goals, “ends”. This research suggests IFR resolution processes to handle both physical contradiction of means and technical contradiction of ends by employing causal relationship with IFR, effects and causes. n summary, the study represents three major processes that resolve such contradictions are demonstrated as follows: 1) Derivation of causal and hierarchical relationship among IFR, ends and means by considering CAED (Cause-And-Effect Diagram) and LT (Logic Tree). 2) Identification of causal relationship between physical contradiction and technical contradiction by using TPCT (TRIZ Physical Contradiction Tree) and TCD (Technical Contradiction Diagram). 3) Application of integrated TRIZ principles by classifying 40 inventive principles into 4 general conditions of the separation principle of mutually opposite states in space, in time, based on conditions, and between the parts and the whole. In order to validate the proof of proposed IFR resolution processes, the analysis of the TRIZ case studies from National Quality Circle Contest in the years, 2011 to 2014 have been proposed. The suggested guidelines that are built based on TRIZ principles can uniquely enhance the process of quality innovation and assessment for quality practitioners.