
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Chinese classical literature had a strong influence on Akutagawa Ryunosuke's works. Akutagawa Ryunosuke showed a portrait of intellectual to look for hope among in a desperate situation through his work 「TuTze-chun」. I tried to compare with Tang Dynasty Novel 「DuZi-chun zhuan」and Akutagawa's 「TuTze-chun」to find the meaning of the differences. First, the seasonal background, 'Winter' and 'Spring' is very important to define Du Zichun's character that is angry about the outside world or Society and only focuses his attention on the inner or individual, then we can find a wandering and weak modern intellectual. Second, the third meeting with the old man is also significant. Because each DuZi-chun has a different choice at the third meeting, so we can reconfirm a social-oriented and self-centered character through the third meeting. After the third meeting with the old man, Tang Dynasty Novel's DuZi-chun succeeded in constructing an ideal society, then went to the old man to return his favor. But Akutagawa's decided to enter a Mountain to seek the truth. The last, Tang Dynasty Novel's DuZi-chun was failed to practice, because of mother 's love for her child, Akutagawa's gave up his purpose due to son's love for his mother. And then Tang's old man got disappointed with DuZi-chun's failure, but Akutagawa's old man was delighted to DuZi-chun's abandonment. Each DuZi-chun's reaction is entirely different with their failure; Tang's DuZi-chun was sorry and penitent for his failure, if anything Akutagawa's was just relieved to cry out when he hugged his mother.
        2009.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료