
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2006.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This article is focused on strategies and implementation of Correctional Classification by using scientific approaches, individualization, and socialization. Correctional classification is based on era's opinion and the basic corrections philosophy that has existed throughout our penal history. At the beginning of our correctional history, 'classification' only meant in practice the prisons responsibility to carry out the sentences ordered by the courts. However in the 20th century, 'classification' had to consider an increase in the crime rate, over crowded prisons, cost management and the uncertain success rate of the rehabilitation model to re-examine the role of Correctional Classification System. Correctional Classification can also be a valuable asset in justifying the governing body's action when different correctional treatments are given to those with identical crimes. In the development of classifying the criminals and the advents of individualism, humanism, and scientific methods, Objective Correctional Classification Strategies has come to the spot light. This Classification Strategy will reduce human errors in treatments by forbidding a governing individual from practicing personal experience and intuition on determining the treatment. Instead, scientific and objective Correctional Classification Strategies, with help of criminology and psychology, will prove to be effective in treating inmates fairly, delegating the resources, and cost of management. General purposes of corrections are maintenance of inmates, effective of efficient treatment, humanity, and security. Classification Strategies for Clarification of Correctional ideas are as follow; ․ Analysis and evaluations of current classification systems. ․ Development of proper and adequate treatments of rehabilitation programs. ․ Development of efficient infrastructure and facilities.