
矯正硏究 KCI 등재 교정연구 Correction Review

이 간행물 논문 검색


제33호 (2006년 12월) 8

2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study deals with how the korean open treatment for prisoners, especially the classification of prisoners and the progressive stage system in the 21st century should be implemented effectively. For this study, the historical trace of criminal policy theories and the correctional policies in korea and the open treatment system in some other advanced countries were reviewed. The classification of prisoners and the progressive stage system(so-called horizontal classification and vertical classification) such as open facilities, has been extensively used in the developed countries and it has been generally successful in rehabilitating inmates effectively. Today, in our society, serious concern about protection from crimes and the revision of existing penal system are demanded. At the same time, The direction of revising the Law of Criminal Punishment Execution should consider the very idea of the Constitution. In concrete, the management classification and the treatment classification such as individualized treatment should be protected in the name of their basic rights which are guaranteed in the Constitution. Many revisions should be done in the law of criminal punishment execution in a way that the law protects inmates' basic rights.
2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This article is focused on strategies and implementation of Correctional Classification by using scientific approaches, individualization, and socialization. Correctional classification is based on era's opinion and the basic corrections philosophy that has existed throughout our penal history. At the beginning of our correctional history, 'classification' only meant in practice the prisons responsibility to carry out the sentences ordered by the courts. However in the 20th century, 'classification' had to consider an increase in the crime rate, over crowded prisons, cost management and the uncertain success rate of the rehabilitation model to re-examine the role of Correctional Classification System. Correctional Classification can also be a valuable asset in justifying the governing body's action when different correctional treatments are given to those with identical crimes. In the development of classifying the criminals and the advents of individualism, humanism, and scientific methods, Objective Correctional Classification Strategies has come to the spot light. This Classification Strategy will reduce human errors in treatments by forbidding a governing individual from practicing personal experience and intuition on determining the treatment. Instead, scientific and objective Correctional Classification Strategies, with help of criminology and psychology, will prove to be effective in treating inmates fairly, delegating the resources, and cost of management. General purposes of corrections are maintenance of inmates, effective of efficient treatment, humanity, and security. Classification Strategies for Clarification of Correctional ideas are as follow; ․ Analysis and evaluations of current classification systems. ․ Development of proper and adequate treatments of rehabilitation programs. ․ Development of efficient infrastructure and facilities.
2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among narcissism, self-esteem, and aggressiveness of the juvenile convicts incarcerated in a correctional institution. From the results of the study, we expected to obtain basic information and data needed in developing correctional educational programs to reduce their recidivism. The survey research was done on a population of 189 juvenile offenders incarcerated in a juvenile prison. The study utilized the t-test, correlation analysis and regression analysis as major statistical techniques. The study examined the following research questions: 1. What are the relationships among narcissism, self esteem, and aggressiveness of these juvenile convicts? 2. What are the impacts of narcissism and self esteem on their aggressiveness? According to the findings of correlation analysis, the juvenile convicts' narcissism was found to be significantly associated with their aggressiveness. The findings of regression analysis showed that such variables as the juvenile convicts' narcissism, self-esteem, and the relationships with their parents play a significant role in determining their aggressiveness. The study suggests that we should make more efforts in developing correctional educational program for juvenile convicts, so they can develop a healthy personality.
2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
As many other countries, We have ‘presentence investigation system’ in Korean criminal justice system. But, in comparison with other country’s system like America or England, our system is imperfect. That is to say, our presentence investigation system is legally applied only to juvenile criminals. In addition, though Korean probation and parole office have the power of presentence investigation, this power is not effectively used. So, legally, adult criminals have been sentenced in a court without presentence investigation process. And consequently, their mental disorder, home background, social environment, the cause of crime and so on are not precisely considered in a court. So, such sentencing have some problems that is unscientific, regimental, and none effective to criminal’s treatment and rehabilitation. Fortunately, Presidential Committee on Judicial Reform has made a law about presentence investigation, but this law also have many problems. That is to say, this law rules the subject of presentence investigation dualistically - court official and probation officer. Such system is not discovered in any other country, and this may cause chaos of presentence investigation process and may result in the squandering of national budget. So, this article indicate the importance of complete presentence investigation system and that we should made a law of presentence investigation system more systematically and unitarily.
2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The revised Bill of Prison Act was introduced into National Assembly by government on 26. april 2006. This bill surpasses Korean current Prison Act both in the protection of prisoners' rights and the improvement of correctional treatment. nevertheless with many regrets there are some problems to solve in our bill between guaranteeing prisoners' Fundamental Rights and maintaining order and safety in the penal institution therefore this studies were concentrated on making up for the week points in this bill. focusing on the imprisonment, contact with the outside world of the prisoners (the right to ask an interview with , and to correspond with) and disciplinary punishment in prison in view of the fundamental rights of prisoners. Discussing the inmate rights are frequently seen by the public as un necessary expenses and luxuries but all persons are dignified although they are criminals. therefore Prisoners' fundamental rights should be respected in order to confirmation their human dignify. The following is the suggestions of these studies. 1. Contact with the outside world of the prisoners is guaranteed to the utmost for the purpose of both re-socialization and prisoners' human rights. 2. Prison overcrowding issues should be solved as soon as possible for prisoners' human dignify. 3. Surveillance by cctv to maintain order and safety there must be a great danger to violence the prisoners' privacy rights. so the surveillance of prisoners' cells by cctv must not be permitted. 4. Prohibition of writings, prohibition of mail and visit, prohibition of autdoor exercises does not appropriate for the disciplinary punishments. 5. Solitary confinement in the most critical disciplinary punishments so it should be limited to maximum 30days.
2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study has focused on the limitation of preceded studies about juveniles' repeated delinquency. The preceded studies have not deeply touched on the processed duration between the first and the second delinquency. In particular, this limitation has been a sort of barrier intervening for the delinquent juveniles on the level of social work practice. This study has been designed to examine the process of steeping in the second delinquency, then to find out some methods of social work intervention. For this study, 10 juveniles incarcerated in four reformatories have been interviewed in depth about their lives before arrested because of the second delinquency. The collected data has been analysed on the basis of the Grounded Theory method developed by Anselm Strauss and Juliet Corbin. The analysed data has been resulted that “the juveniles have been steeped in delinquency trying to adjust socially in difficult circumstance.” The delinquent juveniles have been classified in three types; ‘a resentment type’, ‘an anger type’, and ‘an earnest type’. For resonable rehabilitation of the repeated delinquent juveniles, the following suggestions are available. Firstly, the juveniles have to prepare throughly in reformatory before getting back home. Secondly, the juveniles who are in difficulty personally have to be served enough time in halfway house. Thirdly, some programs must be served to the juveniles to build positive relationships with neighbors including families and friends. Fourthly, continuous programs should be served to the juveniles according to the each types of repeated delinquent juveniles.
2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study was, firstly in Korea, to investigate characteristics of corpse-disgracing homicide by looking into the realities of corpse-disgracing homicide. Though official statistics was not complete, fifteen murderers were confirmed to commit corpse-disgracing homicide. All of their documented records were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. According to the definition of subcategories of Necrophilics no pure Necrophilics exist. That is, no one committed murder to be in love with dead body, but there were pseudo-necrophilics stimulated by corpses instantly. Inmates who committed corpse-disgracing homicides were from deprived environment and from low economic status. They used to be physically inferior. Because of such defects, they must have little opportunities to have relationship with women. Based on the MMPI profiles most of the participants who committed corpse-disgracing homicides presented relatively high score of Pd. Additionally murderers who had genital insertion, instead of alien substance insertion showed relatively high score of D. With consideration of MMPI profiles it is inferred that some murderers who committed corpse-disgracing homicides must have psychosis. However, they were institutionalized in a correctional facility instead of psychiatric unit. Although these people desperately needed medical care they were expected to behave like average inmates. If the present capacity of psychiatric units is too small, more metal health professionals should be employed at correctional facilities.
2006.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
본 논문의 목적은 교양교육프로그램이 수용자에게 미치는 영향을 분석하는데 있다. 교양교육프로그램의 내용은 한문 및 명심보감 예절교육이 포함된다. 수집자료의 분석에 의하면 교양교육에 참여한 수용자들에게는 긍정적 효과가 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 교양교육을 실시한 결과 수용자들은 현재의 수용생활을 긍정적으로 받아들여 재활에 보다 적극적으로 노력하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 수용생활의 만족도는 조사 전에 비해 높게 나타나고 있으며 교육의 필요성을 인정하는 것이 높게 나타났다. 수용자들은 교양교육에 대해 만족하고 있었으며 교양교육에 적극적으로 순응하고 있었다. 교양교육프로그램이 수용생활 뿐만이 아니라 사회복귀에 긍정적이고 도움이 되는 것으로 그 효과가 긍정적으로 검증되었다.