In order to simulate and investigate the major characteristics of El Nino/Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and Madden Jullian Oscillation(MJO), an intermediate type atmosphere-ocean coupled model is developed and their results are examined. The atmosphere model is a time-dependent non-linear perturbation moist model which can determine the internal heating for itself. The counterpart of the atmosphere model is GCM-type tropical ocean model which has fine horizontal and vertical grid resolutions.
In the coupled experiment, warm SST anomaly and increased precipitation and eastward wind and current anomalies associated with ENSO and MJO are properly simulated in Pacific and Indian Oceans. In spite of some discrepancies in simulation MJO, the observed atmospheric and oceanic low-frequency characteristics in the tropics are successfully identified. Among them, positive SST anomalies centered at the 100m-depth of tropical eastern-central Pacific due to the eastward advection of warm water and reduced equatorial upwelling, and negative anomalies in the Indian and western Pacific seem to be the fundamental features of tropical low-frequency oscillations.
Intraseasonal variability of the tropical convection over the Indian/western Pacific is studied using the Geostationary Meteorological Satellite high cloud amount. This study is directed to find the tropical-extratropical interaction in the frequency range of intraseasonal and interannual variabilities of the summer monsoon occured over the domain of 90E-171W and 49S-50N. Especially, in order to investigate the intraseasonal interaction of East Asia summer monsoon associated with the tropical convections in the high cloud amounts, the spatial and time structure of the intraseasonal oscillation for the movement and the evolution of the large-scale convections are studied.
To describe the spatial and the time evolution, the extended empirical orthogonal function analysis is applied. The first mode may be considered to a normal structure, indicating that the strong convection band over 90E-120E is extended to eastward, but this mode was detected as a variable mode near Korea and Japan. The second, third and fourth modes were amplified with the intraseasonal variability during summer monsoon. It is found that the dominant intraseasonal mode of the tropical convection consists of the spatial changes over a broad period range centered around 40∼50days.