The community temperature index (CTI) reflects the temperature and environmental preferences of the community. We investigated the distribution patterns of major aquatic insect assemblages (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera; EPT) based on CTI in streams of South Korea. We selected unpolluted 151 study sites at upper streams (less than 3rd) with less than 1.5 mg L-1 of biochemical oxygen demand. Study sites were clustered into six groups based on the similarities of their EPT composition. All three orders showed a continuous decrease in the number of species as CTI increased, especially in Plecoptera. In addition, the functional feeding groups were also significantly changed according the CTI changes. Temperature tolerance range of each group’s indicator species varied according to the CTI of the group. Finally, changes of CTI reflected differences of EPT assemblages according to the differences of environmental condition including temperature. Therefore, CTI can be applied to the evaluation and preservation of stream ecosystems and prediction of community changes due to climate change.
네모집날도래과의 Goerodes sinuatus (Martynov)와 바수염날도래과의 Psilotreta falcula Botosaneanu와 P. locumtenens Botosaneanu를 남한에서 처음으로 기록하였다. 사육에 의하여 Goerodes elongatus (Martynov)는 유충단계를 처음으로 밝혔고, 그간 혼동되었던 Psilotreta kisoensis Iwata 와 P. locumtenens Botosaneanu의 유충과 성충관계를 밝혔다.
나비날도래과의 7종을 다음과 같이 한국에서 처음으로 기록하였다. Mystacide azurea(Linnaeus)를 한반도에서 처음으로 기록하였고, Ceraclea armata Kumanski, C. lobulata (Martynov), C. morsei Kumanski, C. sibirica(Ulmer), Mystacides dentata Martynov 및 Triaenodes unanimis McLachlan을 남한에서 처음으로 기록하였다. 각종의 성충에 대한 진단문을 검색형질의 삽화와 함께 수록하였다. 또한 분류학적 소견, 이명 및 국명을 제시하였다.