Studies on Trichoptera(Insecta) of Korea (North). V. Superfamily of Limnephiloidea, except Lepidostomatidae and Leptoceridae
북한산 우묵날도래상과는 8과 32종으로 분리되며 이중 13종의 미기록종과 1미기록속 Dicosmoecus가 한반도에서는 처음으로 보고된다. 또한 ㅂ 신종 hydatophylax sakharov sp. nov. 가 샐이 기재된다. 그리고 Limephlius sp., Goera parvula Martynov, G. japonica Banks, Gumaga okinawaensis등 4종의 암컷 생식기를 처음으로 비교도해 하였다. Gumaga okinawaensis는 Notidobia chaoi Hwang의 새로운 synonym으로 분리된다.
Faunistic data for 32 species (4 of them left as sp.) belonging to 8 families of Limnephiloidea are reported. A genus dicosmoecus and 13 species from various families are reported for the first time from Korean peninsula. Hydatophylax sakharove sp. N. is described as new to science, comparing with original drawings of genitalia of the related species, H. magnus (Martynov). Female genitalic structures of four other species, Limnephilus sp. (gr. rhombicus), Goera parvula Martynov, Goera japonica Banks(=squamifera Martynov?; =interrogationis Botosaneanu\ulcorner), and Gumaga okinawaensis are illustrated for the first time. A new synonymy is proposed : Notidobia chaoi Hwang, 1957, syn. nov. of Gumaga okinawaensis Tsuda, 1938.