본 연구는 다른 유형의 공원녹지와 구별되는 수변공원의 특성을 파악하고 이에 적합한 공원관리 및 수변공원 활성화 방안을 모색하고자 함을 목적으로 대구광역시의 수변공원인 봉무공원과 수성유원지를 대상으로 공원 이용행태및 만족도 조사를 위한 설문조사를 실시하였으며 다음과 같은 결과를 도출하였다.첫째, 수변공원의 조성은 시민들의 공원이용을 활성화 시킬 수 있으며 공원 이용객들의 공원 이용만족도증대에 효과적이다.둘째, 도시 내 접근이 용이한 지역의 수변공간 개발을 통한 공원 조성이 필요하다.셋째, 수변공원 조성 시 휴게공간 및 산책로의 조성 및 관리에 중점을 두어야 할 것 이다.넷째, 수변공원 내 수공간을 활용한 다양한 휴식 ‧ 여가 공간의 개발이 필요하다.위의 결과와 같이 도시공간에서의 수변공간의 개발을 통하여 도시민들의 공원이용을 활성화 시킬 수 있을것으로 사료된다.
This study, through the survey of citizens of Daegu in regard to the environment education experience and citizens perception, seeks to identify the order of importance and perception on the severity of environment. The survey has found that 36.4% citizens of Daegu have environment education experience. Those who have experience have high standard of living, live in high population density area and where pollutant generating plants are prevalent. In addition they are likely to live in apartment, are younger, and the higher the education level, more opportunities they have in getting environment education. The study has found that the environment education experience gives noticeable influence on environment perception, environment attitude, and environment activities. Also, those who have the environment education are likely to be interested in environment, know green growth policies, and are positive about local environment activities. Thus, they are willing to participate in activities to improve local environment and have emphasized the need for more environment education. As for what environment elements are most severe, they pointed to the "global warming and climate change" and "everyday garbage" and as for what are important, they chose "drinking water quality" and "global warming and climate change." Based on the study, we came to the conclusion that more environment education should be provided to elevate the interest in environment and subsequently, foster the sense of responsibility and civic mind toward the preservation of environment. In light of above, local governments must expand their supports and fully utilize the Local Agenda 21 to promote the education and increase the perception of citizens on the environment.
The changes in the worldwide paradigm of the sustainable development have started to be applied in the entire industry fields, and they come out as the sustainable tourism in the field of tourism. And the ecotourism has emerged as a practical method to meet the needs of the actual practice and the intellectual system for the sustainable tourism. In the type of tourists based on tourist attitude, 82.3% has the environment-friendly tourist attitude as a potential ecological tourist or an ecological tourist. In addition, there are the potentials of increase in ecological tourists as well as the revitalization of ecological tourism. First, the ecological tourists are mostly the well-educated and married professional workers at 40, housewives, and people earning a high income. Next, the potential ecological tourists are mainly the well-educated and married professional workers at 30, workers in the service industry, and middle-class citizens. Lastly, the general tourists are the students at 20 who are single, earn a low income, and has low level of eduction. This study presents useful data to the tourist business in terms of the development, operation and management of sustainable ecological tourism.
The purpose of this study is to analyze city residents' preference to experiencing activities for Green Tourism. A Questionnaire survey was conducted in fall, 2006. The sum of 515 copies was analyzed. Residents of Daegu city preferred 'health/leports experience' and 'traditional food experience', among theme experiential activities. While present providing experience programs are rural-life experiences, which are convenient for provider aspect. By the result of cross-table analysis, there are many differences between groups by gender & age. Men preferred 'health/leports experience', while women preferred 'traditional food experience'. The mean values of preference by 14 experiencing activities showed high at 'health experience', 'traditional food experience', 'leports experience', which represents health & wellbeing trends. By the result of t-test & ANOVA, there also are many differences between groups by gender & age. Especially significant differences were shown by age group. Three factors were categorized. 'traditional/wellbeing/health experience', 'nature-play experience' and 'life-culture experience' were those.
The purpose of this study is to investigate city residents' attitudes and cognition of Daegu City toward Green Tourism. A Questionnaire survey was conducted in september, 2006. The sum of 515 copies was analyzed. City residents recognized the problems of leisure activities as 'burden of expense', 'lack of program diversity' and the advantages of this as 'withdrawal of stress and increase of vitality', 'promotion of health for themselves and their family'. Among theme experiential activities, they preferred 'health/leports experience' 'traditional food experience', 'traditional culture experience', 'nature-ecological experience', respectively. By the result of cross-table analysis, there are many differences between groups by gender & age. Therefore, further development of specific experiencing activity programs and marketing techniques, are required.