10년 이상 된 방사능오염 토양에서 동전기적 방법에 의한 Cs과 Co의 제염효율을 높이기 위해 HSO과 시트르산을 첨가제로 사용했다. 동전기 토양복원 컬럼의 방출수 평균속도는 2.0 cm/min이고, 10일 동안 방출된 토양폐액의 부피는 컬럼의 3.6 공극부피다. 10일간 Cs 의 제거효율이 54%에 불과한 반면에, Co는 97%나 제거되었다. 이것은 Cs의 흡착평형계수가 Co 보다 크기 때문이라고 생각된다. 본 연구에서 제시한 수학적 모델에 의한 컬럼 잔류 오염도는 실험 오차 범위에서 실험결과와 잘 일치하였다.
Three kinds of toxic heavy metals, such as lead, copper, and cadmium, existing abundantly in contaminated soils were selected to investigate pH change, electroosmotic flow, and the removal rate in the application of electrokinetic process. In the change of pHs, they reached to about 12 and 2 at each cathodic and anodic region, respectively, and maintained for reaction being proceeded. Electroosmotic flow rates were not influenced by the kind of metal species but by electropotential gradient. On the soils contaminated by each metal, the removal rate of Cd was the fastest among three as in the order of Cd>Pb>Cu. While on the soils contaminated by mixed metal species, Cu was the fastest. Metal species transported by electrokinetic processes were distributed in between 0.9 and 1.0 of normalized region. In the case of soils contaminated by one kind of metal. the relative concentrations of Pb and Cd estimated in between normalized region 0.9 and 1.0 were 5.2 and 5.7, respectively.