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        검색결과 6

        2024.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        평균적으로 1년 내지 3년 이상이 걸리는 민사소송 과정에서 당사자 일방 이 그 소송결과를 보지 못한 채 사망하는 경우가 종종 발생한다. 이 경우 상속관계가 간명하고 상속인들이 망인의 소송상 지위를 이어받기를 원하는 경우라면 별 문제가 없을 것이다. 그러나 상속관계가 복잡하고 일부 상속인 들은 망인의 소송에 관여하지 않기를 원하는 경우에는 수계절차에서 누락 되는 상속인이 생길 수 있다. 이때 수계절차를 밟은 상속인들에 대해서만 판결이 선고되고 상소가 이루어진 경우 수계절차에서 누락된 상속인들은 어떻게 구제받을 수 있는지 문제가 된다. 최근 대법원 2023. 8. 18.자 2022그779 결정은, 소송계속 중 당사자가 사망하고 일부상속인만 수계절차를 밟아 판결이 선고되었는데 상소에 관한 특별수권이 있는 망인의 소송대리인이 직접 항소를 한 경우에 관하여 중요 한 판시를 했다. 즉 당사자 표시가 잘못되었음에도 망인의 소송상 지위를 당연승계한 정당한 상속인들 모두에게 효력이 미치는 판결에 대하여 잘못 된 당사자 표시를 신뢰한 망인의 소송대리인이 잘못 기재된 당사자 모두를 상소인으로 표시하여 상소를 제기한 경우에는 상소를 제기한 자의 합리적 의사에 비추어 위 판결 전부에 대하여 상소가 제기된 것으로 보는 것이 타 당하고, 상소제기에 관한 특별수권이 부여되어 있는 망인의 소송대리인이 상소를 제기한 이후부터는 그 소송대리권이 소멸함에 따라 망인의 공동상 속인 중 수계절차를 밟은 일부 상속인 외에 나머지 상속인에 대한 소송절 차는 중단된 상태에 있으므로 위 나머지 상속인 또는 상대방이 소송절차가 중단된 상태에 있는 상소심법원에 소송절차의 수계신청을 할 수 있다는 취지이다. 위 결정은 우리 민사소송법 제95조, 제238조 등의 규정에 충실하고, 항 소를 제기하는 소송대리인의 합리적 의사를 고려하여 항소의 인적효력범위 를 정하였으며, 수계절차에서 누락된 상속인들에 대한 소송관계는 소송대 리인의 항소제기시에 중단된 채로 계속되어 있다고 보아 항소심에 수계신 청을 하여 개별적으로 판결을 선고받아 구제받을 수 있다는 점에서 타당하 다 할 것이다.
        2010.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Some appellate courts find facts using the pharase on their written judgments as “with the evidence which was legally examined and admitted by the lower court” or “with the evidence legally examined, admitted by the lower court.” However those kinds of expressions are inappropriate because those do not exactly describe the proceedings of examining eivdence made by lower courts. The lower courts, especially trial courts, admit evidences, such as testimonies of witnesses or protocols made by prosecutors, which are admissible under the criminal procedure law before they examine those evidences. So those expressions on the written judgment should be corrected into the phrases like “with the evidence which was legally admitted and examined by the lower court” or “with the evidence legally admitted, examined by the lower court.” Appellate courts should be careful about using the phrase, “as the record shows that ”, even though they … pronounce not guilty judgment because there are various kinds of documents in the court record. The evidence which is put in the court record and cited by the appellate court should be legally obtained and examined in the courtroom. If the appleallte court rules guilty judgment using that pharase even though there are illegally obtained or examined evidence in the court record, that judgment breaches evidence rules. To pronounce the guilty judgment, the appellate court should cite the evidences of the trial court which are legally admitted and examined. However the appellate courts should not find fact with no evidence on its written judgment, because fact finding shall be based on evidence(Article 307 of Korean Criminal Procedure Law).
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The recovery of right to appeal after the appeal duration elapses, is the system which recovers the right to appeal which disappears with decision of the court of justice. The recovery of right to appeal is provided in the criminal procedure law(§345~§358). Against the right to appeal lapse the right to appeal own responsibility not recognizing the right to appeal even in nil the right to appeal it is unjust and it reaches the wave high price which it restricts. If it decides a justice, it the right to appeal it is unjust and becomes the result which it restricts. Appeal recovery volume the legal stability compared to is the system which makes an entity justice first of all. And this system justice decision form profit of the accused it is unjust and the fact that it deprives a system for it is. The criminal procedure law providing, the reexamination which it is doing, at decision judging and emergency with system and sameness, the recovery of right to appeal system is recognized with the process which excludes double jeopardy effect. Recently the research and the discussion regarding criminal procedure law opening a court are actively advanced from viewpoint of administration of justice reform. And also the simplification, nimbleness plan of criminal case administration of justice process are discussed. Against the recovery of right to appeal system specially only it will be stopping in the degree which introduces only a relation regulation to be, the research against hereupon almost there is to a condition which is not. The dissertation which in short, it sees with afterwords observes a same contents and the reporter it does. First it investigates the relation and a legislation maintenance plan of the recovery of right to appeal and reexamination from the dissertation which it sees. Second, Representative the recovery of right to appeal it will be able to requisition in order, provided special law at constitution should have infringed the justice claim which is guaranteed with, it tries to observe the legislation opening a court plan against hereupon. Third, The regulation regarding the recovery of right to appeal requisition and a suspension of executant at constitution is quick it is guaranteed and infringe the right which will administer justice with, it investigates a legislation opening a court plan, it does. And it relates with the recovery of right to appeal system and against the propriety of necessary justice suspension of executant regulation it observes and the reporter it does.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Criminal Procedure Act(CP ACT) Article 266 regulates ‘When a public trial has been instituted, the court shall serve the defendant or his defence counsel with a copy of the indictment without delay---'. According to the Act Article 63 (1), when the dwelling, office or present residence of the defendant is unknown, the service may be made by public notice. Service by public notice may be made only when a court so orders in accordance with the Supreme Court Regulations and service by public notice shall be made by the court administrative officer or clerk preserving the document to be served and by his putting a summary thereof on the court bulletin board to show it to the public{CP ACT Article 64 (1), (2)}. The previous provisions tell us that in case of service by public notice, the defendant has the difficulty to be informed on the schedule on his trial in modern times, and therefore we reach the conclusion that the trial cannot be opened because when the defendant does not appear on the day fixed for public trial, the court shall not sit without special provisions(The Act Article 276). To solve the problem mentioned above, ACT ON SPECIAL CASES CONCERNING EXPEDITION, ETC. OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS(ACT ON SC) has been made. When it is impossible to confirm the whereabouts of an accused, in the procedures at the court of first instance, up to an elapse of 6-month from the time when the report on impossibility of service on the accused has been received, the judgment may be rendered without hearing a statement of the accused under the conditions as determined by the Supreme Court Regualtions(ACT ON SC Article 23). The Supreme Court has decided that the court need to make every effort to find out the whereabouts of an defendant to satisfy the requirements asked by ACT ON SC Article 23. If the court did not make every effort to do, the procedures of the court would be illgal and the decision of the court should be reversed. If so, the defendant may apply for recovery of his right to appeal{When a person entitled to make an appeal --- has been prevented, by a cause not imputable to himself or his representative, from lodging an appeal within the period for making an appeal, he may apply for recovery of his right to appeal(CP ACT Article 345)}. It remains to be seen that how much effort has to be made by lower courts.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Cho Sik was a great scholar in Chosun Dynasty. He was a contemporary scholar with Lee Hwang. We can see some statements of Cho Sik in the books written by Lee Ie(Yoolgog). It is obvious that his thoughts affected many scholars later. In addition to this, he taught many disciples some of whom became public officials, and some became civil leaders in the War named Imjinwoeran(the invasion of the Japan, 1592). His administrative thoughts are revealed in the Letters to the King(Sangso) more clearly. And so the author analyzed the Letters and classified his administrative thoughts. The findings were like these. His administrative thoughts could be summed 4 suggestions : leadership, personnel administration, administrative ideologies(the administration for the people and Minbon/民本 thoughts), the listening of public opinion, and the timing and Hersil(虛實, formal/substantial) as criteria for policy-making. His administrative thoughts belong to the style of Moral-training - oriented mentioned in the paper. Generally speaking, we can see that Cho-Sik emphasizes most the Moral-training of the leader and the recruitment based on that. The administration for the people and Minbon thoughts also are the ideologies for the leader. The listening of the public opinion and the criteria for policy-making wholly rely on the will of the leader. It follows that we can see that he suggested Moral-training and will of leader for the solution of the bureaucratic problems, and he rarely discussed practical systemic and institutional reforms. This seems to reflect his absence of practical experience as a public service in bureaucratic system. Nevertheless, his thoughts affected many practitioners and scholars later. And so we need to study the relationships with them and effects on them more clearly.