본 연구는 1974년부터 2003년까지 김홍도의 주일 낮 예배 설교 중 기도를 주제로 삼는 40여 편을 선별하여, 설교 구성과 내용 그리고 삼중구조의 의의를 밝혀 구령 활동과의 연관성을 통하여 선교적 의미를 발견하게 된다. 설교 구성은 신구약 성경 구절을 균형 있게 자주 인용하 였으며, 성경과 교회의 역사에 있었던 기도 인물들 이야기와 기도에 관한 격언들을 적절히 활용함을 보여준다. 설교 주제는 기도의 동기와 원리를 먼저 선포하고, 기도 방법과 결과를 다루고 있다. 이처럼 기도의 동기, 방법, 결과에 대하여 삼중구조로 기도의 실천을 종합한다. 첫째, 개인의 영역에 제한되지 않고, 그 대상이 전방위적으로 통전적 모습을 보여주고 있다. 둘째, 교회 역사 속 기도의 인물들과 격언을 인용하여 교인들에게 기도의 실천적인 부분을 강조하게 된다. 셋째, 쉽고 반복되 는 설교 내용은 교인들에게 삶 속에서도 나눌 수 있도록 선교적 기도 영성을 적극적으로 활용하였다. 이러한 삼중구조와 각 내용의 균형은 영혼 구원이라는 목적을 이루기 위하여 통전적, 실천적, 선교적이다.
The aim of this study is to elucidate the basic concept, content and thought of Martin Luther’s mission, which are contain edinhissermons. So this study triestocriticize Gustav Warneck’s improper view, that Luther neglected the mission for the Gospel or there was no missionary try for him. It also has the attempt, David Bosch’s view to highlight, that Luther was a creative and original thinker for the missio dei. Further it tries to expose a significant claim, that Luther had very positive influence on the Christian Mission. To understand the mission, which is presented in Luther’s sermon, one must first analyze it and elucidate the main characteristics of Luther’s context of his sermon. Luther gave over 3000 sermons, so it is not overstated to say that he truly was a man who preached every day. Thus he is said to be a man of sermon. Despite that fact Luther’s work has been neglected by further studies about his sermons. That is why it is difficult for scholars to further study Luther’s mission in the context of his sermon. However, Luther’s sermons were performed to spread Protestantism during the Reformation, thus one may regard it as “Mission’s sermon (Missionspredigt)”. This Study focuses mainly on Luther’s sermon patterns which are dogmatism, postillen, and educational sermon forms. We can ascertain that the basic characteristics of sermons are directly linked to missionary characteristics. To be specific, the place of pastoral duties becomes the place in which the mission takes place, the core of the sermon is the bible, and the audience is inhabitants that are in proclamation of the mission’s place. The functions of the mission which are the place of the mission, the natives which regard the mission, and the spread of the word are directly connected to Luther’s sermon approach toward the salvation of the souls and the goal of the mission which sees the salvation of the soul as the salvation of the life. Especially, Luther’s sermons for his Reformation are connected to the Missionary Movement. As state above there are two forms of Luther’s sermons. (1) The subject of the sermon tells about the and “Easter” service. The mission sermon à going to the end of the world and telling about the god’s word. Thus this is the proclamation to spread god’s words to the end of the world and save men’s soul. This is called Keryigmatic Sermon. (2) In the sermon the delegated order for the mission is embedded in the four gospel this is “Spread the word”. In the context of his sermons he embedded the mission orders of the four Gospels and also the proclamation of Jesus Christ during important worships. This he applied also identically to the Jews and Turks. Luther thought that if he showed them Jesus love that this would be mission. Today, spreading the word takes forms such as showing Jesus’ love, practice it, this is the most essential and basic ways of the mission. Understanding mission in Luther’s sermon is the root of every Protestant Mission. It is dangerous to estimate the understanding of the mission in Luther’s sermon according to the present concept of mission as it had been stated 500 years ago. We have to stop being surprised, as we look at the interpretation the Understanding of mission in Luther’s sermon as it is the basic, starting point, process, and context of the present understanding of the mission.