In the fluid-structure interaction analysis, the finite element formulation is performed for the wave equation for dynamic fluid pressure, and the dynamic pressure is defined as a degree of freedom at the fluid nodes. Therefore, to connect the fluid to the structure, it is necessary to connect the degree of freedom of fluid dynamic pressure and the degree of freedom of structure displacement through an interface element derived from the relationship between dynamic pressure and displacement. The previously proposed fluid-structure interface elements use conformal finite element meshes in which the fluid and structure match. However, it is challenging to construct conformal meshes when complex models, such as water purification plants and wastewater treatment facilities, are models. Therefore, to increase modeling convenience, a method is required to model the fluid and structure domains by independent finite element meshes and then connect them. In this study, two fluid-structure interface elements, one based on constraints and the other based on the integration of nonsmooth functions, are proposed in nonconformal finite element meshes for structures and fluids, and their accuracy is verified.
찬송가는 유럽 전통 음악에서 발전하여, 개신교 예배 안에서 오랜 시간 불려 왔다. 그러나 현 재 CCM, CWM과 같은 기독교 음악이 주를 이루어, 젊은 세대들은 찬송가를 단조로운 음악으로 본 다. 그래서 CCM 아티스트와 CWM 팀 등이 기존 찬송가를 동시대에 유행하는 장르를 차용해 리메이 크 하고 있다. 찬송가 및 리메이크 찬송가는 동일한 선율의 곡을 가사만 달리하여 반복하기에 곡 의 기승전결을 위한 악기 앙상블과 보컬 합창의 역할이 중요하다. 본 논문은 주선율에 보다 직접 적인 영향을 주는 보컬 합창만 분석한다. 국내 CWM이 발표한 리메이크 찬송가 중 아카펠라와 합 창, 백그라운드 보컬의 특징을 모두 포함한 온누리워십의 ‘이 몸에 소망 무언가’를 선정하였으 며 곡 형식 반복에 따른 합창 배치와 특징을 분석하였다. 이 연구를 통해 보컬 합창이 반복에 따른 합창 배치와 구조, 비화성음 수식으로 곡에 기승전결을 더한다는 결과를 도출하였다.
As long as we know, Paul was one of the greatest missionaries throughout the whole Christian history. In the short period of around 10 years he planted a lot of independent churches in major cities of Eastern part of Rome, and challenged the churches to continue to spread the gospels to their neighbors. As a result of this, when he wrote the letter to the Romans, he was able to write ‘But now that there is no more place for me to work in these region, (Rom. 15:23). Through this saying, we can easily guess that his ministry was so effective and fruitfu l. However, this does not mean that his ministry was always smooth and mild. Rather, as we all know well, there were numerous difficulties and hardships in his ministry. The tria1s were so tough that he could not but confess that “We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired even of life"(2 Co 1:8). Yet he was not subdued by a11 the pressures. Rather he overcame all these difficulties and fulfilled his ministry successfully, saying “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed"(2 Co. 4:8- 9). He carried out his ministry with full of hope in that worst situation. What were then the roots of the hope he had which were the major motivation of his fruitful ministry? 1 looked for six major roots of the hope he had in this paper. The first one was the strong affirmation that he was called to become the apostle for the gentiles. Since he strongly believed that he was called by the Lord of the universe, he was sure that the Lord would fulfill his ministry through him under any situation. The second factor was the conviction about the reward that would be given to him, a faithful missionary, in the coming world. The third one was the belief in the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit in his ministry. The forth one was his strong love for the souls. His love for souls was so strong that nothing could subdue his zea1 for winning souls. Fifthly, he was well aware that he got too great grace to pay back to Jesus. This awareness of the limitless grace always caused him to dedicate his whole life for mission. Finally, the eschatological faith also was a major source of his endless hope. To his belief the last time would be the time of perfect victory of Lord Jesus and his people. Believing the final triumph, he was not in low spirits in spite of all the present failures and difficulties. Also in expecting the great time, spreading the gospel was the best way to shorten the time of Jesus' coming back. As Paul' s ministry situation was not easy at all, so are the circumstances of today’s mission fields. In this situation, one the most urgent matters all God’s workers need to consider is the way of being empowered. Since the roots of hope that empowered Paul are still valid for today’ s missionaries, 1 hope, this paper would cause us to check the roots of our hope whether they are right and strong enough.