2015년 6월부터 2016년 10월까지 목포내항 5개 정점에서 표층수와 저층수 수질인자 중 COD, DO, DIP, DIN, 투명도, Chl-a를 조사하여 신구 해양환경기준치와 구 해양환경기준치를 비교하여 수질오염도를 평가하고자 하였다. 조사결과, 개정된 환경 기준치에 의한 평가결과 Ⅱ- Ⅴ 등급, 구 환경 기준치에 의한 평가결과는 Ⅰ- Ⅱ 등급을 보였다.
A comprehensive quality survey for heavy metals, organophosphorous and organochlorine residual pesticides, and coplanar PCBs in samples such as water, sediments and soils as well as spiders has been implemented. The samples were undertaken at nine stream sites and their vicinity in August 2006, representing different surrounding environments. The levels of PCBs were expressed as concentrations and WHO-TEFs. Among 12 coplanar PCBs as target compounds in this study, 2,3',4,4',5-PentaCB (IUPAC # 118) was the congener with the highest concentration. The total concentrations and TEF values of coplanar PCBs in Siheung stream sediment (heavy industrial complex site located in Ansan city) were 3915.50 pg/g and 0.8366 pg-TEQ/g on a dry weight basis, respectively. Such levels were around 40 times higher compared to sediment from Gapyung stream (green site located in the upper of Myunggi mountain). It is probably due to the direct input of PCBs from PCBs treatment materials. Organophosphorous (EPN, dementon-s-methyl, diazinon, parathion, and phenthoate) and organochlorine (alpha-BHC, aldrin, 4,4'-DDT, 4,4'-DDE, endosulfan alpha and etc.) pesticides were not detected above 5 ppb of detection limits. The concentrations of Cu and Cd in water and sediment samples from Siheung stream were 44.11 and 0.17 ug/㎖ and 713.42 ㎍/g and 3.73 ㎍/g, respectively, which contained 20~40 times higher concentrations than those from Gapyung stream. In addition to the water and sediment samples, the levels of heavy metals in spider from designated sampling sites were also determined. Heavy metals in spider collected near Siheung stream was appeared to be equivalent and/or a little higher levels with respect to other spiders. Furthermore, the ratio of relative heavy metals (Cu, Cd, and Pb) in spider from each stream site showed a correlation as similar as that of heavy metals in soil samples.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the water pollution degree in the Mid-Nakdong River watershed regarding to landcover types using GIS method. As a result of landcover classification, rate of urban appeared highly on Daegu Metropolitan city. Also, rate of agriculture showed highly in the riparian zones of the Nakdong and Guemho River and rate of forest appeared highly in the borders of the study area. To identify the groups of watershed with similar landcover patterns using the Cluster Analysis.
According to the cluster analysis, the fifty sub-watersheds were grouped in three clusters, "Urban watershed", "Agriculture watershed", "Forest watershed". The proportion of urban area in each cluster had a positive correlation with water pollution degree.
Otherwise, the proportion of agriculture in the Agriculture watershed had a high positive correlation with water pollution degree. Therefore, it is necessary to estimate environmental capacity of water quality considering ecological and environmental characteristics of watershed ecosystem and expand water quality monitoring systems to small stream.