
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 3

        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Google Trends is a useful tool not only for setting search periods, but also for providing search volume to specific countries, regions, and cities. Extant research showed that the big data from Google Trends could be used for an on-line market analysis of opinion sensitive products instead of an on-site survey. This study investigated the market share of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) inhibitor, which is in a great demand pharmaceutical product, based on big data analysis provided by Google Trends. In this case study, the consumer interest data from Google Trends were compared to the actual product sales of Top 3 TNF-α inhibitors (Enbrel, Remicade, and Humira). A correlation analysis and relative gap were analyzed by statistical analysis between sales-based market share and interest-based market share. Besides, in the country-specific analysis, three major countries (USA, Germany, and France) were selected for market share analysis for Top 3 TNF-α inhibitors. As a result, significant correlation and similarity were identified by data analysis. In the case of Remicade’s biosimilars, the consumer interest in two biosimilar products (Inflectra and Renflexis) increased after the FDA approval. The analytical data showed that Google Trends is a powerful tool for market share estimation for biosimilars. This study is the first investigation in market share analysis for pharmaceutical products using Google Trends big data, and it shows that global and regional market share analysis and estimation are applicable for the interest-sensitive products.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most demand forecasting studies for telecommunication services have focused on estimating market size at the introductory stage of new products or services, or on suggesting improvement methods of forecasting models. Although such studies forecast business growth and market sizes through demand forecasting for new technologies and overall demands in markets, they have not suggested more specific information like relative market share, customers’ preferences on technologies or service, and potential sales power. This study focuses on the telecommunication service industry and explores ways to calculate the relative market shares between competitors, considering competitive situations at the introductory stage of a new mobile telecommunication service provider. To reflect the competitive characteristics of the telecommunication markets, suggested is an extended conjoint analysis using service coverage and service switching rates as modification variables. This study is considered to be able to provide strategic implications to businesses offering existing service and ones planning to launch new services. The result of analysis shows that the new service provider has the greatest market share at the competitive situation where the new service covers the whole country, offers about 50% of existing service price, and allows all cellphones except a few while the existing service carrier maintains its price and service and has no response to the new service introduction. This means that the market share of the new service provider soars when it is highly competitive with fast network speed and low price.