
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 1

        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A historical tragic disaster happened by capsizing the passenger ship Sewol at South Western Sea of Korea in 16, April 2014. The ship which left Incheon harbour to bound for Jeju port passed Maengol strait and reached to approach of Byung Pung island, and then capsized and sank with a sudden inclination to the portside in the mean time of starboard the helm. In this time, the ship which has very poor stability without sufficient ballast waters and with over loading cargo listed port side caused by the centrifugal force acting to the outside of turning. A lot of cargoes not fastened moved to the port side consequently, and the ship came to beam end to capsize and sank in the end. No crews including especially captain would offer their own duties in a such extremely urgent time, as a result, enormous number of victims broke out including a lot of student. In this report, author carried out some calculation on the factors which influenced on the stability of the ship, i.e. the ship's speed, the rudder angle, the weight of cargoes and distance of movement, the surface effect of liquid in the tank. We found out that the most causes of capsize were the poor stability with heavy cargoes and insufficient amount of ballast water against the rule, and the cargoes unfastened moved one side to add the inclination as well. Above all, the owner be blamable because of the illegally operating the ship without keeping the rule.