The most frequent occurring and the serious marine casualties in fishing vessels are the collision in statistics from Korea Maritime Safety Tribunal (2008-2015). Collisions are is given a great deal of weight in all marine casualties, and the main cause of collisions is the negligence of watching. From this point of view, this study deals with the collision and its immediate cause, the negligence of watching which are main factors on the indirect causes. Basic analyzing data was gathered from the questionnaire made by experts of sea service part, and analyzed by using the fault tree analysis (FTA). From the result of the study, the occurrent probability of the negligence of watching in the collision due to the indirect causes occupied 64.9%, and its probability caused by the man factors was less than the other factors; i.e. the media factors and the management factors. For the reduction of the negligence of watching in the collision from this study, it needs an effort to remove not only the man factors, but also the media factors and management factors.
The research vessel NARA equipped with an azimuth thruster system was built in 2015. There are few vessels with this propulsion system in Korea. This vessel has two modes such as the normal for maneuvering and the power for investigation, and the other two modes as one axis and two axes on the operating. This type of vessels does not seem to have a clear grasp of the maneuvering character in comparison with the vessel with a conventional propulsion system. So the authors carried out the sea test for the turning, the zigzag and the inclination, and the results are as follows. In turning test, the case of using the two axes mode is much better than the case of using the one axis mode for the elements of turning, such as advance, transfer, tactical diameter and final diameter, but turning hard over the rudder in full speed is very vulnerable to capsize in both modes. In zigzag test, the yaw quicking responsibility index, is very large excessively, which means a bad counter maneuvering ability, so an operator has to keep in mind that in turning operation. If necessary to avoid collision at head on situation, it may be a more effective method to use the crash astern stop than the turning according to the conditions and circumstances for the shortest stopping distance is very short.
The aim of this research was to the experimental data using statistical and spectral analyzing method to get the motion reponses of a stern trawler in operation states such as drifting, sailing and trawling according to the wave height. In drifting, the significant and the maximum valuer of roll in beam sea increased according to the wave height, but those of pitch decreased. The response and the period of peak of roll in beam sea were increased, but those of pitch decreased. In navigation, the significant and maximum values of roll increased remarkably according to the wave height, but those of pitch changed a little. The response of roll was highest in quartering sea, beam sea and then following sea, but those of pitch was highest in bow sea, head sea and then beam sea in the order of all wave heights. The period of peak of roll due to the wave height and the wave direction changed from 3.8 to 9.9 seconds, and those of pitch changed from 3.3 to 10.4 seconds. In trawling, the significant and maximum values of roll increased a little according to the wave height, but those of pitch increased significantly. The response of roll was highest in beam sea, bow sea and then quartering sea, but those of pitch was highest in head sea, following sea, and then beam sea in the order. The period of peak of roll due to the wave height and the direction changed from 6.6 to 10.9 seconds, and those of pitch changed from 6.7 to 11.2 seconds.
Marine casualties originated from fishing vessels occupied about 71.2% of the whole marine casualties in Korea from 2008 to 2014, which has not changed much for a long time. Therefore, a pragmatic counterplan to decrease in casualties in fishing vessel is indispensable for reduction of marine casualties in Korea. Since the casualties occurred by fishing vessels may incline to a specific type of casualties according to the difference in the operating type; in this paper, 11 fishing types which occurred casualties frequently in numbers and occupied ratio were selected. Since the most frequent occurring casualties in fishing vessels were from collisions and fire explosion in statistics from KMST (2008~2014), the study focused on them. The collision is given a great deal of weight in all the casualties mostly due to the negligence of duty regardless of the job types. Gill netter, trap fishing boat, jig boat, multiple fishing boat and stow netter have their own specific causes of casualties in collision according to the operating types. The cause of fire explosion was mainly due to poor inspection and maintenance the electric cord. For this reason, it may be necessary for an operator to make strict precaution on the other vessels under way systematically, keep the regulation for preventing collisions, and for an engineer on watch to make a check the electricity periodically to reduce the fire explosion.
A tragic disaster happened by capsizing O–Ryong 501 trawler at Western Bering Sea in 1st, Dec. 2014. The disaster was caused by the severe weather and the long deferred escape from the storm in fully developed high sea. Lots of sea water from poop deck rushed into the fish ponder with fishes all together after hauling net and then remove the fishes from codend. The vessel became to incline to the one side caused by the weight and the free surface effect of flood sea waters and fishes at initial stage. In spite of crews all effort to discharge the waters, but the work was not achieved successfully. For the worse thing, the order of abandon ship was issued too late. After all, the ship capsized and sank, then almost crews became to the victims of the casualty including captain. In this paper, author carried out restrictively the calculation of dynamic factors influenced on the disaster including the weather condition and effects of the flood sea waters, and found out that the most important causes of the disaster were the decrease of stabilities, GM was decreased from 0.9m to 0.08 m, and the high waves which led to the vessel disaster.
A historical tragic disaster happened by capsizing the passenger ship Sewol at South Western Sea of Korea in 16, April 2014. The ship which left Incheon harbour to bound for Jeju port passed Maengol strait and reached to approach of Byung Pung island, and then capsized and sank with a sudden inclination to the portside in the mean time of starboard the helm. In this time, the ship which has very poor stability without sufficient ballast waters and with over loading cargo listed port side caused by the centrifugal force acting to the outside of turning. A lot of cargoes not fastened moved to the port side consequently, and the ship came to beam end to capsize and sank in the end. No crews including especially captain would offer their own duties in a such extremely urgent time, as a result, enormous number of victims broke out including a lot of student. In this report, author carried out some calculation on the factors which influenced on the stability of the ship, i.e. the ship's speed, the rudder angle, the weight of cargoes and distance of movement, the surface effect of liquid in the tank. We found out that the most causes of capsize were the poor stability with heavy cargoes and insufficient amount of ballast water against the rule, and the cargoes unfastened moved one side to add the inclination as well. Above all, the owner be blamable because of the illegally operating the ship without keeping the rule.
In an attempt to find the improvement of the fishing efficiency according to the hull form remodeling for the 3 tuna purse seiner, the Catch-Per-Unit-Effort (CPUE) for that undertaken before (2008) and after (2010) was analyzed. In addition, the CPUE of 6 similar ships operated same period and same fishing ground. As result, it came to verify that the three modified ships had a significant value on the CPUE. An another index for the improvement of fishing efficiency is the rate of reduction of fuel oil consumption for the modified ships. Fuel oil consumption per day in service speed as comparing with the original ships were reduced 2.1%, 4.0% and 5.1% on the modified ship A, B, and C respectively. And each ship’s service speed was increased 1.0 kt, 0.6 kt, and 0.4 kt according to the modified ship A, B, and C in due order. In the conclusion, the remodeling job with newly equipped bulbous bow, lengthened slipway and enlarged rudder area were improved fairly much on fuel oil efficiency, the ship’s speed, and in the end, that led to the improving fishing efficiency. Hence, the remodeling of tuna purse seiner come to improve not only the fishing performance, but contribute to the reduction of operating cost by saving energy for the fisheries industry.
In an attempt to improve the maneuvering character of hull form renovated tuna purse seiner. A renovation was carried out on the 3 tuna purse seiner fishing vessel. To grasp the progress of maneuvering and resistance on ship B (730 ton class), new bulbous bow was only attached. The ship A (740 ton class) and C (600 ton class) were modified for new bulbous bow, enlarged slipway and rudder. And then the zigzag and the turning test were carried out. According to the turning test, the advance and the tactical diameter were improved very much for the modified ship. The sea trial was carried out for the original and modified ship A. It is showed that the results of sea trial corresponded with that of the tank test on the whole. In the result of the zigzag test on ship B, the turning ability was improved very much, but the yaw checking ability was deteriorated in just some degree. In the result of the zigzag test on ship C, the turning ability and yaw checking ability were remarkably improved. Ship C was greatly improved among the three ships for the maneuvering character of modified hull form.
Trawlers are divided into stern and side types by the method of shooting and hauling net, but the latter is difficult to find beside Korea. In East Sea of Korea, the side type used to be in early 2000’s, but it improved to stern type because of its inefficient operating method. The aims of this paper is to make clear the stability of the side trawler in the East Sea, and then confirm whether it satisfy the IMO rule or not, the degree of the transverse inclining angle of the ship when hauling net at hull side. In results, the stability of the ship in initial inclining range satisfied the IMO rule and the domestic rule, but not satisfied those rule in over the range. The limit load of the ship that was coincide with the angle of beam end in hauling net at side was about 26 tons, 18 tons in normal sea condition and storm warning condition respectively. The transverse inclining angles of the ship in hauling net were much higher from 3.3 to 5.5 times than the longitudinal inclining angle of the stern trawler, although those angles were slightly changed with depending on the loading and sea condition.
Marine casualties originated from fishing vessel occupied about 70% of the whole marine casualties in Korea from 2001 to 2010, this ratio was not much changed as it was before. Therefore a pragmatic counterplan to decrease of casualties in fishing vessel is indispensable for reduction of the nationwide marine casualties. But since the casualties occurred by fishing vessel may have a different causes and counterplan according to the operating type of it, in this paper, fishing vessels classified into 12 types by operating method and inspected the causes and counterplan for that. The operating type of fishing vessel occurred the specific casualties more were jig boat in collisions and fire explosion, trap fishing boat, mixed fishing boats and inshore gill netter in collisions, stow netter in machinery damages and capsizing, offshore gill netter in machinery damages, fish carrier in collisions. It must be emphasized that the higher ranked types of vessels, especially jig boat have to take special care to the approaching vessels under way, trap fishing boat to rear look out and mixed fishing boat must keep on safety speed and be taken an education for advance the skill of operating radar as well. For all 12 types of fishing vessel, it is necessary for an operator to make strict precaution on the other vessel under way systematically and keep the regulation for preventing collisions, and for an engineer on watch to make a check the electricity and the engines periodically for reduction the fire explosion and machinery damages.
The purpose of this paper is to examine the roll damping characteristics by bilge keels on the fishing vessel. Unlike other degree of freedom motions, roll motion is highly nonlinear. However the quantitative evaluation of roll damping combined with waves is very important for the fishing vessel. To reduce roll motion, roll motion stabilizers such as a bilge keel is used due to easy made and cheap cost rather than anti-rolling tank and fin-stabilizer. Authors paid attention to the shape of bilge keel and waves to grasp the roll damping for the fishing vessel and studied about the difference of tendencies of roll angle following the shapes of bilge keel. The model ship was the offshore large purse seiner and four types of bilge keel were used. The data from the experiments were provided and analyzed to investigate the rolling characteristics of the model ship being affected by the wave height, wave period and bilge keel shape. The results of the study showed that three types of the bilge keel have little effective, but only one has an effect on the roll damping. So bilge keel shape and its attachment method need to be a future study for the practical use in fishing vessel.
Fishing vessels have been causing more than 70% of marine casualty in Korea. As a view of the occurring number of marine casualty, it is obvious for fishing vessel to account for the absolute high portion of that in comparison with the non-fishing vessels. That is a natural outcome because fishing vessels have occupied more than 90% of all registered Korean vessels. If we consider it not occurring number, but occurring ratio, we could find out that fishing vessels accounted for 5 times lower than non-fishing vessels in marine casualties. Nevertheless, fishing vessels have not immunity from responsibility for marine casualties at all, because the tendency of it in fishing vessel has been dominating the whole marine casualties in Korea. So for reduction of them, it is indispensable to decrease the casualties of fishing vessel. In this study, the authors tried to carry out many items of them to compare the occurring number with the occurring ratio, and dealt with the casualties of collision and machine damage in detail, because those have not only been occurring most frequently in casualties in Korea, but also led to the death and injury of lives. To reduce the collision and the machine damage, the operator have to keep the watch more strictly and check and keep the machine in good order. And it is necessary for the operator to take more education and training intended to decrease those systematically and continuously, especially for the crews of fishing vessels.
In head sea, a ship has mainly the longitudinal motion such as vertical acceleration and pitch. In that case, the motion characteristics of a ship will have changed as the location different from each of place vertically and horizontally on board. The author carried out an experiment about the ship's vertical acceleration and pitch according to the location for the head sea, and analyzed the data with the aid of the statistical and spectral analyzing method to get the motion characteristics of the vessels. The response of vertical acceleration and pitch not deeply depend on the decks vertically, but displayed the relative big different value horizontally even if same deck. The biggest response of vertical acceleration and pitch among the accommodations was shown at scientist room, but the value of it not reached to the minimum requirement of ISO 2631-1 for working on board.
In an attempt to respond to the increase in international oil prices and reduce operating expenses, ship remodeling was carried out on a 740ton class tuna purse seiner. To strengthen the competitiveness of the fisheries industry by improving vessel performance, a bulbous bow was newly equipped. The slipway and rudder area were also lengthened and enlarged with the propeller and main engine remained unchanged. To reduce the hull resistance, a circle type bulbous bow was attached on the hull behind bow thruster and thus the cost for exchanging electrical equipment for bow thruster was reduced. The new rudder area was expanded 15% more than the old one within the extent that the existing mechanical control part and rudder stock were not changed. To prevent fishing net damage and stabilize wake field, slipway was lengthened to the optimal position. All of the new design of remodeling parts went through the model tests in towing tank and CWC. Besides resistance test, all of necessary model test results were delivered for hydrodynamic character for the modified ship. The maneuvering simulation to verify that the remodeled ship satisfies the IMO rules was performed in both zigzag and turning tests. The estimated resistance with new bulbous bow and lengthened stern was reduced by 4.8% in the 2-dimensional analysis and 17.4% in the 3-dimensional analysis in comparison of conventional ship. The average reduction of resistance was estimated about 10%. Maneuvering character of modified hull form was found to satisfy all regulations under IMO. The remodeling of tuna purse seiner can not only improve fishing performance but also contribute to reduction of operating cost by saving energy for the fisheries industry.
The inherent efficiency of a ship would be prior to any other quality factors in ship's safety, because lack of it may give rise to a serious sea casuality even if it were a light mistake in operation. And the representative casualty comes from a deficiency of stability and an operating error combined would be capsizing. The Korean offshore large purseiner looks to have a structural weak point with small range of stability in spite of her big initial metacentric height, and have various type of roll reduction devices in order to cover up the defect. The aim of this study is to grasp for the roll reduction characteristics of the purseiner with bilge keel only and a stern keel additionally attached. The results are summarized as follows; The rolling angle of the model ship was increased in accordance with increase of the wave period and height, especially at close to the natural wave period of her, and the trends were more distinguished in the situation of bilge keel only installation than in the stern keel additionally installed. And stern keel has not noticeable effect on the reduction of the roll in the light ship condition, but has a little effect in full load condition.
Marine casualties of vessel are said to be in most case caused by human error, but it would be valid for the assumption that the ship is built with high quality and then should be acceptable to the safety standards. It means that the inherent characteristics of a ship should be the first consideration on the safety of ship. Therefore it is basically necessary for navigator to grasp the inherent stability of his ship and ensure that the ship complies with the minimum statutory standards of stability. This study is to realize the stability of the Korean offshore large purseiner varying with loading conditions by the inclining data and some calculations. The author compared the stability of the ship with IMO criteria and domestic rule, and proposed some improvement for the safety of the ship. The results are summarized as follows ; The values of GM of the ship according to the loading condition in navigation satisfy both of the IMO criteria and the domestic rule, but in case of the area under the GZ curves between the heel angles of 30˚ and 40˚, and the heel angle occuring the maximum righting lever not satisfy the IMO rule at the fishing ground departure and arrival conditions in the haul in net situation. The initial metacentric height of the ship is very large, but the range of stability and the occurring angle of the maximum GZ are very small, so even small inclining can bring about the beam end. The best method of improvement for that is to increase the freeboard of the model among the variables.