The aim of this research was to the experimental data using statistical and spectral analyzing method to get the motion reponses of a stern trawler in operation states such as drifting, sailing and trawling according to the wave height. In drifting, the significant and the maximum valuer of roll in beam sea increased according to the wave height, but those of pitch decreased. The response and the period of peak of roll in beam sea were increased, but those of pitch decreased. In navigation, the significant and maximum values of roll increased remarkably according to the wave height, but those of pitch changed a little. The response of roll was highest in quartering sea, beam sea and then following sea, but those of pitch was highest in bow sea, head sea and then beam sea in the order of all wave heights. The period of peak of roll due to the wave height and the wave direction changed from 3.8 to 9.9 seconds, and those of pitch changed from 3.3 to 10.4 seconds. In trawling, the significant and maximum values of roll increased a little according to the wave height, but those of pitch increased significantly. The response of roll was highest in beam sea, bow sea and then quartering sea, but those of pitch was highest in head sea, following sea, and then beam sea in the order. The period of peak of roll due to the wave height and the direction changed from 6.6 to 10.9 seconds, and those of pitch changed from 6.7 to 11.2 seconds.