The purpose of this study is to make sure what the stress causes of women's EMTs within the firehouse are, and is to suggest ideas (plans) that are possible to resolve this problem. The reasons are because of difficulties such as not only the overwork at one's tasks, the uncomfortable working environment and circumstances, women's pregnancy, but also shift work or the shift system. It's own ideas about the way to resolve these difficulties are as follows: a separate operation of first-aid department, environmental improvement within a fire house (fire station) via remodeling, activation of substitute man power, alterating women's EMT services into daywork system, mutual encouragement and solicitude among co-workers, reinforcement of the number of the working force to be mobilized, and adoption about the rest year system in employment.
The rate that women's EMTs(emergency medical technicians) in fire department occupy is increasing, but my general plan is aimed at suggesting the improving plan for the working environment of women's EMTs paying attention to the duty stresses of increasing women's EMTs, because improvement for the working environment of women's EMTs is being proceeded slowly. I suggested my improving plan for solving the working stress on the basis of a survey of the Recognition against women's EMTs as follows. Firstly, I suggested that physical strength of women's EMTs should be managed well continually via program establishment and a defined evaluation not only by employing a professional person in charge for physical strength in firehouse, but also by replenishing the suitable number for the urgent mobilization. Secondly, I suggested that the suitable number for the urgent mobilization should be increased to 3 including an ambulance driver. Thirdly, I suggested necessity such as the fruitful education and the creation of circumstances that can focus on education for improving participation rate, development of various new educational program, incentive program and penalty. finally, I suggested the fact that is related to the actual re-amendment of the concerned law and ordinance such as not only the smooth treatment of penalty for a traffic signal violation of ambulance and the legal remedy system due to aggravation of a patient's condition during a first-aid course, but also workshop and meeting among the periodical EMTs and administration of special therapy program and sufficient recess.
구급의 발전에 있어서 여성구급대원의 역할이 크다. 여성구급대원의 근무환경과 스트레스 경감을 위하여 대화를 통한 소통이 필요할 것이다. 여성이라는 이유만으로 불평등한 근무형태와 남자와 같은 근무조건을 강요한다는 것은 후진국의 형태이다. 경상북도 여성구급대원의 스트레스에 관한 내용은 시간이 지나면 개선이 되고 바뀌어 갈 것이다. 앞으로 여성구급대원의 역할 또한 더 중요해지고 강조되어 질 것으로 생각하고 있는 것으로 조사되었다.