In ecosystems within limited resources, interspecific competition is inevitable, often leading to the competitive exclusion of inferior species. This study aims to provide foundational information for the conservation and restoration management of Microphysogobio rapidus by evaluating species’ ecological response to biological factors within its habitat. To understand this relationship, we collected food web organisms from site where M. rapidus coexist with Microphysogobio yaluensis, a specie ecologically similar to M. rapidus, and evaluated the trophic levels (TL), isotopic niche space (INS), and the overlap of INS among fishes within the habitat using stable isotope analysis. Our analysis revealed that the M. rapidus exhibited a higher TL than M. yaluensis, with TL of 2.6 and 2.4, respectively. M. yaluensis exhibited a broad INS, significantly influencing the feeding characteristics of most fish. Conversely, M. rapidus showed a narrow INS and asymmetric feeding relationships with other species, in habitats with high competition levels. This feeding characteristics of M. rapidus indicate that the increase in competitors sharing the similar resources lead to a decrease in available resources and, consequently, is expected to result in a decrease in their density.
Captive breeding and reintroduction are crucial strategies for conserving endangered species populations. However, fish raised in predator-free environments, show a lack of recognition of predationrelated stimuli such as chemical and visual signals. It is critical to recognize chemical signals from injured conspecifics, also known as alarm signals, and the order or shape of predators to indicate the spread of predation risk in the habitat. We conducted a laboratory experiment to determine and adjust the optimal exposure period to induce appropriate anti-predator behavior response to different types of stimuli (Chemical, Visual and Chemical+Visual) for the endangered species Microphysogobio rapidus. Our results demonstrate that predator avoidance behavior varies depending on the types of stimuli and the duration of predation risk exposure. First, the results showed captive-breed M. rapidus show lack of response against conspecific alarm signal (Chemical cue) before the predation risk exposure period and tend to increase response over predation risk exposure time. Second, response to predator (visual cue) tend to peak at 48 hours cumulative exposure, but show dramatic decrease after 72 hours cumulative exposure. Finally, response to the mixed cue (Chemical+visual) tend to peak prior to the predation risk exposure period and show reduced response during subsequent exposure periods. This experiment confirms the lack of responsiveness to conspecific alarm signals in captive-bred M. rapidus and the need for an optimal nature behavior enhancement program prior to release of endangered species. Furthermore, responsiveness to predator visual signal peak at 48 hours cumulative exposure, suggest an optimal predation risk exposure period of up to 48 hours. Key words: predator cognition, captive breeding, chemical signal, visual signal, endangered
Microphysogobio rapidus is designated as endangered species class I by Ministry of Environment, and its distribution and population have been gradually declining, and it is now limited to the Nam River and some tributary streams of the Nakdong River Watershed. For the restoration of this highly endangered species, it is important to identify the causes of the decline and establish appropriate restoration plans. However, due to lack of basic data and ecological research, most steps are stagnant. Therefore, in this study, we identified the differences in the physical, biological, and sociological habitats between current and past distributed sites through field surveys and literature reviews. As a result of the field survey, there were differences in conductivity between the current and past distributed sites, and fish communities were also showed differences. The literature data also showed that the physico-chemical values of the past distributed sites were generally unfavorable, which generated negative consequences on biological factors. In particular, the effects of urbanization were found to be a major factor affecting the habitat of M. rapidus. Habitat stabilization is crucial for the recovery of this endangered species. However, in the past distributed sites, disturbances such as stream development and weir construction have altered streams physico-chemically and result in changes of M. rapidus. Therefore, a comprehensive plan that considers both stream connectivity and water quality is needed to manage and restore the habitat of M. rapidus.
본 논문에서는 홍천강과 섬진강을 대상으로 하천에 존재하는 다양한 형태의 여울을 체계적으로 분류하고, 물리적 및 수리학적 특성을 분석하였다. 여울의 길이와 폭 비율을 기준으로 긴 형태와 넓은 형태로 분류하고, 상.하류 폭의 변화 정도를 기준으로 집중 형태와 확산 형태로 분류하였다. 또한 흐름의 물결 형태에 따라 떨어지는 형태, 미끄러지는 형태, 약한 파도 및 약한 도수로 분류하였다. 떨어지는 형태와 미끄러지는 형태는 주로 큰 돌 주위의 다양한 입경을 지닌 하상에서 발생하였으며, 약한 파도와 약한 도수는 주로 잔 돌 주위에서 발생하였다. 여울의 흐름 방향 경사는 가운데 부분에서 위로 볼록하였으며, 하류측으로 갈수록 경사가 커졌다. 여울의 종적 구조에 따른 물결형태를 구분하여 보면, 여울의 집중 형태에서는 흐름 방향으로 약한 파도, 미끄러지는 형태 및 약한 도수가 발생하였다. 긴 형태의 경우, 흐름방향으로 약한 파도, 미끄러지는 형태 및 떨어지는 형태가 발생하였다. 넓은 형태의 여울에서는 약한 파도, 약한 도수 및 약한 파도, 약한 도수가 발생하였다.
자연하천은 사행을 보이며 만곡부 외측에 웅덩이 그리고 만곡과 만곡을 연결하는 직선 유로에 여울이 형성된다. 웅덩이는 수심이 깊으며 유속이 느리고, 여울은 수심이 비교적 얕고 유속이 빠른 특징이 있다. 사행유로를 따라 자연적으로 발달하는 웅덩이-여울 연속구조에 근래들어 관심이 집중되는 이유는 이러한 하천형태학적 구조가 생물학적인 다양성을 증가시키기 때문이다. 본 연구에서는 금강의 지류인 갑천 상류구간을 대상으로 웅덩이-여울 연속구조에서 하상토의 입도특성을
V형 여울은 하천 양안에 설치하여 여울의 가운데로 물의 흐름을 집중시켜 하도 중앙 직하류에 세굴로 인한 소(pool)를 형성하는 역할을 하는 인공 여울이다. V형 여울의 설치 목적은 평탄화된 하도에 소를 형성시켜 갈수시 어류의 서식처 노는 피난처를 제공하고, 홍수시에는 유속이 약한 구간을 발생시켜 어류의 피난처를 제공하는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 V형 여울의 수리 모형 실험을 실시하여 각 조건에 따른 세굴심을 측정하여 세굴 특성을 분석하였고, 나아가 수리