In this study, visualization of droplet impact on hydrophobic micro-, micro/nano-textured surfaces and lubricant infused surfaces was performed. Experimental specimens were fabricated using MEMS (micro- electromechanical systems) techniques and droplet impact with pure water was visualized at various Weber number range (2 < We < 200) using a high speed camera at 8000 frames per second. Through this study it was confirmed that, various droplet impact behaviors were appeared as the Weber number was increased and the Weber number at which droplet impact behavior changes was affected by surface characteristics. Particularly, on the lubricant infused surface (LIS) after droplet impact retraction velocity is reduced by the lubricant viscosity effect during contraction process of droplet to improve the droplet deposition behavior on the surface. It was confirmed that droplet break up phenomena caused interfacial instability was slightly delayed on LIS due to the viscous dissipation effect during droplet impact process.
Engine valve seat is a functionally important part for maintaining engine performance. The progress of automotive technology has increased the severity of conditions to which it is exposed, especially as regards LPG fuel engines and turbocharger. Therefore, it requires excellent heat and wear resistance to meet the severe condition inside the engine. In the present study, effects of solid lubricants such as CaF, MnS and MoS on microstructure and mechanical properties of sintered Fe alloys for valve srats have been investigated for the development of valve seat material with high temerature wear resistance. As a results of engine simulation test, 0.5 wt% CaF specimen showed the most excellent property, but in the overall aspect of view valve recession has increased with increasing the amount of solid lubricants.
Correlation among the wax-pigment composites which is base vehicles for the crepas was investigated in terms of fadeness. The base wax synthesized and pigments are compounded with petroleum lubricant and exposed under carbon arc individually. The yellowing phenomenon was appeared on the reference papers coated with the spindle oil which was then exposed. The papers were again extracted with distilled water and pH of them were ranged between 6.2-6.5. Color difference from Adam-Nickerson equation, △E of base wax is 0.15 and that of spindle oil are varied from 0.66 to 15.62. Since the main components of the petroleum lubricant are aromatic hydrocarbons which have absorptions characteric of UV ranging from 240 to 280 nm, fadeness characteristics of the composites are largely depend upon the change of molecular structure of spindle oil by absorbing UV. Thus the spindle oil having the following physical properties has the better resistance of fadness and is recommended to use in compounding the base wax-pigment composites: · main component: paraffinic hydrocarbon · pour point: below - 15℃ · UV absorption characteristics: λmax. : 268-290nm · absorbancy: below 0.1(0.03ml of sample/50ml of CHCl3)