
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, odor active compounds, emitted from food waste composting facility, were analyzed and their contribution degree were evaluated. Sample gases were collected at the inlet and outlet of scrubbing tower and bio-filter, respectively. The odor active compounds were separated by GC/FID/Olfactometry (GC/FID/O) and identified by GC/MS. Odor intensity and SNIF (Surface of Nasal Impact frequency) were used to evaluate contribution of each odor active compound. It was possible to calculate contribution rate (%) and reduction rate (%) of odor active compounds using analysis and evaluation of contribution degree of odor active compounds. As a result, the compounds showing the high contribution degree were fatty acids, ketones at inlet and aldehydes, ketones at outlet. Deodoring equipment of food waste composting facility appeared effective for the reduction of aldehydes, ketones but appeared week for the reduction of aldehydes. Although scrubbing tower and bio-filter could reduce 7 times of odor level, the outlet gases had odor dillution ratio of 3000, which exceed the allowable levels of Korean guideline by 6 times.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The odor emission characteristics in a food waste treatment plant, in terms of odor active compounds and odor unit concentration, were evaluated using an air dilution method and instrumental analysis method, respectively. A GC/MS analysis of the emission source was also carried out to investigate the effect of waste polymer incineration on the formation of organic materials. The result, as evaluated using the instrumental analysis method, showed that ammonia, acetaldehyde, dimethylsulfide and propionaldehyde were detected in high amounts from the outlet at "A" food waste treatment plant. The major odorous compounds, however, were acetaldehyde and metylmercaptan, which were derived using an odor quotient method. Limonene, benzene and toluene were also detected from the GC/MS analysis of the emission source. The criteria were 500 at the final outlet, 15 at the site boundary line, but the observed results were 10000 and 30, respectively.