
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2010.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purposes of this study were to identify awareness of pollution and attitudes toward eco-friendly clothing according to women's LOHAS lifestyle. Over 60% of women were not aware of severity of environment pollution by clothing wastes and 37.2% kept their not-wearing clothing in dead storage. 26.7% of women disposed notwearing clothing into clothing collecting box separately and 20.9% sent them to neighbors or friends. 39.4% of women were willing to pay 10% more for eco-friendly clothing and 84.6% were not willing to buy clothing produced by unethical companies. Factors of LOHAS lifestyle were healthy food, environmental protection, family life, healthy clothing, healthy housing, and community service, and were segmented into using leisure group, family centered group, LOHAS group, and LOHAS stagnated group. Using leisure group were university women with low incomes, well aware of environmental pollution by clothing wastes and eco-friendly clothing, kept their not-wearing clothing into dead storage, and low intention to buy clothing produced by unethical companies. Family centered group were women of 30’s with average income and higher educationl, unaware of environmental pollution by clothing wastes and eco-friendly clothing, but low intention to buying them, disposed not-wearing clothing into clothing collecting box. LOHAS group were the over forties home makers with higher income and education, well aware of severity of environmental pollution, sent not-wearing clothing to others or remodeled, intended to buy eco-friendly clothing, and not to buy clothing produced by unethical companies. LOHAS stagnated group were university students, unaware of severity of environmental pollution by clothing wastes and threw not-wearing clothing into trash box, no experience of eco-friendly clothing, could buy clothing produced by unethical companies if needed.
        2009.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As more consumers shop online and prefer private label apparel products, the importance of private label apparel brand of Internet shopping malls are increasing. This study investigated consumer attitudes toward private label apparel brand of Internet shopping malls. Attitudes were conceptualized into two sub-factors: utilitarian and hedonic. Based on findings of prior studies, subjective norm and familiarity were included as antecedents to attitude variables. Purchase intention and word of mouth intention were also included as consequence variables of attitudes. Types of Online shopping malls were considered as moderating variable. For the empirical research, the Online survey was conducted. Young male and female consumers who have experience in Internet shopping of clothing products participated in the study. 429 questionnaire were used for the final statistical analysis. Results indicated that subjective norm had significant influence on consumer attitudes toward private label apparel brand. Familiarity however did not have significant influence on attitude variables for general internet shopping malls. For specialized Internet shopping malls, familiarity had significant influence only on hedonic attitude. Attitude variables had significant influence on purchase intention and word of mouth intention. Subjective norm and familiarity had significant influence on purchase intention and word of mouth intention.