국내 표고 품종 다양화로 버섯산업 경쟁력을 높이고자 ‘참아람’과 청흥버섯영농조합 보유균주인‘E140025’을 이용하여 교잡육종법을 통해 ‘청흥1호’를 육성하였다. 자실체 특성 결과 대조품종 보다 갓직경은 작고, 대길이는 길고, 대가 굵어 개체중이 무거웠다. 초발이기간은 ‘청흥1호’ 24일, ‘설백향’4일, ‘산조701호’ 8일로 발이까지 대조품종보다 20일정도 늦었다. 자실체 수량은 가장적게 나타났지만, 유효수량은 ‘청흥1호’ 6,498 g ‘설백향’ 4,290 g, ‘산조701호’ 5,022 g으로 가장 높았다. URPPrimer를 이용한 다형성검정을 통해 6개의 Primer에서 모본과 다른 PCR 밴드를 확인하였다. 이상의 결과, 재배기 간이 길지만 개체중과 유효수량이 우수한 무포자 신품종을 육성하였다.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore workplace bullying and turnover intention among new nurses whose career was less than 12 months. Method: Survey was performed using structured questionnaire which consisted of general characteristics, workplace bullying and results, turnover intention. Study participants were new nurses from a University hospital located in G-district. Total 163 questionnaires out of 180 were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, correlation, multiple regression as appropriate. Results: Overall bullying level was rather low, yet it was true that at least some new nurses were bullies. One factor affecting both bullying and turnover intention consistently was ward assignment. Working period, working ward, mistrust were predictive factors of turnover intention among new nurses. Conclusion: Factors revealed from this study and previous studies need to be into account when developing strategies to help new nurses in adjusting working environment. In addition, qualitative studies are called for further insight regarding the context of bullying and turnover intention.
This study investigated the bread-making properties of rice bread supplemented with HPMC (hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) 1~3% and gluzyme (glucose oxidase), fungamyl (fungal α-amylase) and pentopan (xylanase+ hemicellulases) (0.0015~0.0090%). The viscoelastic properties of the dough with HPMC 1~3% were analyzed. When the rice flour was supplemented with HPMC 1~3%, the viscoelastic properties of the dough tended to increase as the amount of added HPMC was increased. The physicochemical characteristics of the rice bread with HPMC, gluzyme, fungamyl, and pentopan were analyzed. Supplementing the rice flour with HPMC, gluzyme, fungamyl, and pentopan had a significant effect on the volume (p<0.01) and specific volume (p<0.001) of the rice bread. Supplementing the rice flour with 3% HPMC and 0.0045% or 0.0090% pentopan had a significant effect on increasing the volume (p<0.01) and specific volume (p<0.001) of the rice bread. Supplementing the rice flour with 3% HPMC, 0.0023% gluzyme and 0.0015% fungamyl had a significant effect on increasing the volume (p<0.01) and specific volume (p<0.001) of the rice bread. These results suggest that supplementing the rice flour with HPMC, gluzyme, fungamyl and pentopan is effective for the production of rice bread.
This paper investigated the effects of the percentages of yeast and fermentation time as well as the top and bottom temperature of oven on the baking properties of rice bread. The specific volume of the dough decreased as the amount of added yeast and fermentation time increased. When 1.5% yeast was added at 60 min of fermentation time, the shape of the rice bread showed the largest volume, high appearance and a round shape. The top and bottom temperature of the oven on the baking characteristics of rice bread were affected by the baking time. When the top and bottom temperature of the oven at 200 and 140℃, and 200 and 170℃, the baking time was 20 min. When the top and bottom temperature of oven at 140 and 170℃, the baking time was 40 min. When the top and bottom temperature of the oven were 170 and 170℃, the shape of the rice bread indicated the largest volume, high appearance and a round shape. The results of this study revealed that the replacement of rice flour with 1.5% yeast, 60 min of fermentation time, and the top and bottom temperature of oven at 170-170℃ are effective for rice bread.
The baking properties of rice bread with polydextrose (3, 6, and 9%), enzymes (0.006, 0.009, and 0.018%) and egg (1.32 and 2.64%) were investigated. The specific gravity and color (L, a, b) of the dough, as well as the appearance, color (L, a, b) and texture of the rice bread were analyzed. The springiness, chewiness, gumminess (p<0.01) and hardness (p<0.001) of the rice bread tended to increase as the amount of added polydextrose increased. Replacement of rice flour with hemicellulase, glucose oxidase and fungal amylase are effective for producing rice bread. Replacement of rice flour with 0.009% glucose oxidase and 0.006% fungal amylase had a significant effect on increasing the volume and decreasing the hardness of the rice bread (p<0.001). Replacement of rice flour with 1.32% egg white also had a significant effect on increasing the volume and decreasing the hardness of the rice bread (p<0.001). These results suggest that replacement of rice flour with 0.009% glucose oxidase and 0.006% fungal amylase, and 1.32% egg white are effective for producing rice bread with good volume and hardness.
본 연구에서는 쌀 가공식품에 대한 쌀가루 종류, 유지 종류 및 첨가량의 효과를 제공하고, 쌀빵의 제빵 특성 및 제조방법을 확립하기 위해 습식 및 건식 쌀가루의 물리적 특성을 조사하였으며, 버터 및 식용유를 4.0~5.8% 첨가하였을 때 반죽 및 쌀빵의 특성, 텍스처 특성을 비교 분석하였다. 습식 및 건식 쌀가루의 물리적 특성에서 수분함량은 습식 쌀가루가 건식 쌀가루에 비해 높았고(p<0.001), 전분손상도는 건식 쌀가루가 습식 쌀가루에 비해 높았으며(p<0.001), 쌀가루의 평균 입자크기는 습식 쌀가루가 건식 쌀가루보다 크게 나타났다(p<0.001). 습식 및 건식 쌀가루의 amylogram과 RVA에 의한 pasting 특성에서 습식 쌀가루 A가 결과값들이 크게 조사되었고, 그 다음 건식 쌀가루 C와 B 순으로 나타났다(p<0.001). 습식 및 건식 쌀가루 현탁액의 DSC 측정 결과, 습식 쌀가루 A는 건식 쌀가루 B와 C에 비해 전분호화 개시온도와 전분호화 최고온도가 낮았고, 쌀가루의 호화엔탈피는 습식 쌀가루 A는 10.5 cal/g, 건식 쌀가루 B와 C는 10.1과 2.71cal/g으로 조사되었다(p<0.001). 습식 및 건식 쌀가루의 유지류 첨가 비율에 따른 쌀빵 반죽의 발효 전과 후 비중은 버터 첨가군이 식용유 첨가군보다 높았고, 색도 분석에서는 습식 쌀가루 A가 건식 쌀가루 B와 C에 비해 L값이 높게 나타났다(p<0.001). 쌀가루 종류에 따라 쌀빵의 부피와 비용적은 건식보다 습식 쌀가루가 크게 나타났으며, 버터 첨가군보다 식용유지 첨가군이 크게 나타났다(p<0.001). 쌀빵의 색도 분석에서는 L, a 및 b값이 유의적인 차이를 나타내었다(p<0.001). 쌀빵의 텍스처 특성에서 식용유 첨가군이 버터 첨가군보다 경도가 낮았으며(p<0.001), 습식 쌀가루 A와 건식 쌀가루 B로 만든 쌀빵은 식용유 첨가 수준이 증가할수록 경도가 낮아졌으며, 이러한 경향은 건식 쌀가루 C로 제조한 쌀빵의 경우에서는 보이지 않았다(p<0.001). 쌀빵의 모양은 습식 쌀가루보다 건식 쌀가루에서 빵 중간이 푹 커진 모양을 볼 수 있었으며, 그리고 식용유 첨가군보다 버터 첨가군에서 이러한 현상을 볼 수 있었다. 따라서 쌀빵 제조에 건식 쌀가루보다 습식 쌀가루가, 버터 첨가군보다 식용유 첨가군이, 식용유 첨가군에서는 4.0%보다 5.8% 첨가할 경우, 제빵 효과가 있는 것으로 조사되었다.
Baking characteristics of gluten-free rice bread were investigated, when 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60℃ water was added during mixing. The temperature of the dough before fermentation was affected by the temperature of the water and the mixing time. When 60℃ water was added, the specific gravity of the dough was the highest before fermentation (p<0.01). The specific gravity of the dough after fermentation was 32~39% of the specific gravity of the dough before fermentation. When 50℃ water was added, the volume and the specific volume of rice bread were higher than those in addition of water at other temperatures (p<0.001). In case of adding water of 50℃, the shape of the rice bread showed the largest volume, high appearance and a round shape. After storage for 2 and 24 hours, the addition of water of 50℃ resulted in the lowest hardness and chewiness values of rice bread. The sensory descriptive analysis revealed that when 50℃ water was added, the air cell size, springiness and hardness values of gluten-free rice bread were lower than those in addition of water at other temperatures. There was a difference in the appearance and texture of gluten-free rice bread, when 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60℃ water was added during mixing.
The qualities of rice cooked on heat plate, induction heat and heat plate with pressure, were investigated. The weight, volume, water soluble index (WSI), hydration by SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope), and gelatinization by DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry), as well as the consumer acceptability of cooked rice were analyzed. The weight, volume and WSI of rice cooked on heat plate with pressure were higher than those of rice cooked on heat plate and induction heat. The rice cooked on heat plate with pressure also showed higher degree of hydration and gelatinization, and lower degree of enthalpy of gelatinization than the rice cooked on heat plate and induction heat for 5~15 min. The consumer acceptability revealed that the odor, appearance, taste, texture and overall acceptance of rice cooked on induction heat were better than those of rice cooked on heat plate and heat plate with pressure. During storage in a cooker for 0~12 h, there was a decrease in the consumer acceptability of cooked rice. Overall results indicate that the qualities of rice cooked on induction heat and heat plate with pressure were higher than those of rice cooked on heat plate.
The physical characteristics of gluten-free rice bread, commercial rice as well as wheat bread marketed in Korea were delineated, a sensory descriptive analysis performed, and a consumer acceptability study conducted. Both the specific gravity and color of gluten-free rice bread were higher than those of commercial rice and wheat bread. The sensory descriptive analysis revealed that the adhesiveness, fracturability, fermentation odor, and the powdery mouthfeel of gluten-free rice bread were higher than those of commercial rice and wheat bread. In contrast, the sweet odor, sweetness, egg taste, butter taste, and milk taste of gluten-free rice bread were lower than those of commercial rice and wheat bread. The consumer acceptability results revealed differences regarding odor, appearance, taste, texture, and overall acceptance between a blind test and an informed test of gluten-free rice bread, commercial rice, and wheat bread. The consumer acceptability findings were associated with those of the sensory descriptive analysis. In overall, the results indicated that the quality of gluten-free rice bread can be improved by controlling the decrease of adhesiveness, fracturability, and powdery mouthfeel.
The effects of mixing speed (3, 6 and 10 speed) and time (2, 5 and 10 min) on the dynamic viscoelasticity of dough and the baking properties of gluten-free rice bread were investigated. The specific gravity of the dough was not affected by the mixing speed and time before and after fermentation. The elasticity (G') and viscosity (G") of the dough increased and the tan δ (G"/G') decreased with higher mixing speeds and longer mixing times. The specific volume of the gluten-free rice bread was affected by the mixing time in response surface methodology (RSM). The hardness of the gluten-free rice bread showed a decreasing trend as the specific volume for the gluten-free rice bread increased. The appearance of the gluten-free rice bread was symmetrical at high mixing speeds and long mixing times. Overall results indicated that the quality of gluten-free rice bread could be improved by controlling the mixing speeds and mixing times for the dough.
The baking properties of gluten-free rice bread with different percentages of corn starch and waxy corn starch were investigated. The specific gravity and color (L, a, b) of the dough as well as the appearance, color (L, a, b) and texture of the rice bread were analyzed. Replacement of rice flour with 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5 and 10% corn starch did not have a significant effect on the specific gravity and color of the dough. The volume and specific volume of the rice bread showed an increasing trend as the amount of added corn starch increased. The chewiness, gumminess and hardness of the rice bread showed a decreasing trend as the amount of added corn starch increased. Replacement of rice flour with 1, 5 and 10% waxy corn starch did not have a significant effect on the specific gravity and color of the dough. The color of the rice bread showed an increasing trend as the amount of added waxy corn starch increased. These results suggest that replacement of rice flour with 7.5% corn starch or 1% waxy corn starch is effective for gluten-free rice bread.
The physicochemical characteristics of 4 domestic wheat flour products were compared to those of 4 imported wheat flour products marketed in Korea. The contents of moisture, ash, protein, total dietary fiber (TDF), color (L, a, b), whiteness, solvent retention capacity (SRC), water absorption index (WAI), water soluble index (WSI), pasting characteristics by rapid visco analyzer (RVA), and principle component analysis (PCA) were analyzed. The domestic wheat flour products were composed of higher content in ash and protein, compared to the imported wheat flour products. The domestic wheat flour products had lower SRC and WSI characteristics than the imported wheat flour products. The values of lactic acid SRC (LASRC) in the imported wheat flour products showed an increasing trend as the protein content increased. The differences in viscosity were observed in the domestic wheat flour products. However, no major significant differences of viscosity were found among the imported wheat flour products. The result of PCA showed a consistent trend in the imported wheat flour (strong, medium, and weak), while a consistent trend was not shown in the domestic wheat flour products. Therefore, further research is needed to standardize the different types of domestic wheat flour products.
The purpose of this study was to compare the eating experience and preferences for seafood among elementary school students in Gyeonggi-do. A survey was carried out on 383 elementary school students. As for the eating experience of seafood, the students were aware of and had eaten ‘Scomber japonics (Go-deung-eo) (96.3%)’, ‘Anadara broughtonii (Jo-gea) (95.8%)’, ‘Ommastrephes sloani pacificus (O-jing-eo) (98.7%)’, ‘Panulirus japonicus (Sea-ou) (98.4%)’, ‘Porphyra tenera (Gim) (99.5%)’, ‘Shrimp, soused (81.2%)’, ‘Eo-muk (98.7%)’, and ‘Anchovy, dried (98.7%)’. As for the preferences for seafood, ‘like (67.6%)’, ‘fair (21.5%)’, and ‘dislike (7.3%)’ were observed. Concerning the frequency of seafood consumption, 4th grade students showed higher frequency of ‘1~2/week’ compared to others (p<0.05). 6th grade students showed higher frequency of ‘3~4/week’ compared to others (p<0.05). In terms of preferable cooking methods for seafood, ‘grilling (35.0%)’, ‘soup (23.0%)’, and ‘raw fish (19.8%)’ were observed. Boys showed a higher preference for ‘grilling’, ‘frying’ and ‘raw fish’ compared to the girls (p<0.05). Girls showed a higher preference for ‘soup’, ‘braising’ and ‘steaming’ compared to the boys (p<0.05). As for the seafood intake by eating place, ‘home (60.1%)’, ‘eating-out (18.3%)’, and ‘school lunch menus (12.8%)’ were observed in that order. Therefore, in order to increase the consumption and intake of seafood, students should attempt to achieve proper intake though information of nutrition and consistent nutritional education.
The quality characteristics of Korean rice cakes (Karedduk) with a mixture of maltooligosaccharide and OSA (octenyl succinic acid starch) added, after 2 and 24 hr of storage at 5℃, was analyzed. A central composite design was used for arrangement of treatment. The two independent variables selected for retarding retrogradation analysis were amounts of maltooligosaccharide (x) and OSA (y). Maltooligosaccharide was added at 0, 3, 6, 9, and 12% levels, and OSA added at 0, 0.3, 0.6, 0.9, and 1.2% levels, to dry rice flour. The texture properties analysis using a Texture Analyzer revealed that the springiness and cohesiveness (p<0.01), chewiness, gumminess and hardness (p<0.001) were significantly different after 24 hr of storage at 5℃. The effect of retarding retrogradation of Korean rice cakes with added mixtures of maltooligosaccharide and OSA showed an increasing trend as the amount of maltooligosaccharide increased. Overall, the instrumental texture properties were highly correlated with the sensory characteristics. These results suggest that adding a mixture of 6% maltooligosaccharide and 0.6% OSA to Korean rice cakes (Karedduk) is effective for retarding retrogradation.
The purpose of this study was to compare the preferences for seafood in school lunch menus among elementary school students in Gyeonggi-do. A survey was carried out on 303 male/female elementary school students. As for the preferences for seafood in school lunch menus, ‘like (47.2%)’, ‘fair (30.7%)’, and ‘dislike (22.1%)’ were observed in that order (p<0.01). Concerning the appropriateness of seafood serving frequency, ‘1~2/week (44.9%)’, ‘3~4/week (33.7%)’, and ‘everyday (10.2%)’ were observed in that order. When the preference of favorite seafood was evaluated using a Likert scale (strongly like 5-points, strongly dislike 1-point), ‘crustacea (4.34)’, ‘mollusk (4.21)’, and ‘processed food (4.11)’ were observed in that order. In terms of cooking methods for seafood, 5th grade students showed higher frequency of ‘grilling’ and ‘frying’ seafood compared to others (p<0.05). As for the occurrence of seafood leftovers, 4th and 6th grade students showed higher frequency of ‘sometimes’ than 5th grade students (p<0.001). As for certain desires for seafood in school lunch menus, ‘improvement of taste (39.3%)’, ‘various kinds of seafood (20.1%)’, and ‘variable cooking methods (18.5%)’ were observed in that order. Therefore, in order to increase the intake of seafood, students should attempt to achieve proper intake though nutrition education.
This study was performed to investigate the in vitro effect of a corn water extract on immune function. Splenocyte proliferation was determined by the MTT(3-[4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-2, 5-diphenyl terazolium bromide) assay after preparing asingle cell suspension. Production of macrophage-secreted interleukin(IL)-1β, IL-6, and interferon(IFN)-γ, was detected by ELISA using a cytokine assay kit. After a 48-hr incubation with mitogens(ConA or lipopolysaccharide), mice splenocyte proliferation increased with the addition of a corn water extract supplement at 10, 50, 100, 250, 500, or 1, 000㎍/㎖. Production of IL-1β, IL-6, and IFN-γ increased in treatments supplemented with the corn water extract. In an in vitro study, splenocyte proliferation increased when 50~1, 000㎕/㎖ corn water extract was added. In an ex vivo experiment, the highest production of cytokines by activated peritoneal macrophages was observed in mice orally administered 500㎎/㎏ body weight/day.
Abnormal prions are infectious agents involved in a neuro-degenerative disease, which occurs naturally such as Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in deer and elk, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle, Scrapie in sheep and goats and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) in humans. The cellular prion protein of the elk consists of 233 amino acids (residues 25-257), which represents an autonomous folding unit with three α-helices and two-stranded anti-parallel β-sheets. Here, we demonstrated elk-recPrP (Elk recombinant prion protein) which can be obtained as follows; (1) Cloning of elk PrP gene, (2) Expression of a histidine-tagged full-length elk PrP by induction with IPTG in E. coli and (3) Purification by affinity chromatography using Ni-NTA agarose resin. In Western blot and ELISA analysis, elk-recPrP showed specific activity against anti-PrP monoclonal antibody. Thus, our elk-recPrP would be a useful tool for the understanding of basic structure and mechanism studies of PrPSC formation.
목적 : 노인장기요양보험 중 복지용구급여 서비스 과정에서 작업치료 중재 유무에 따른 대상자의 만족도를 비교, 분석하여 복지용구급여 서비스 체계 내에서 작업치료사의 전문적 역할을 모색하고자 한다. 연구방법 : 본 연구는 복지용구급여 서비스 과정에서 작업치료 중재를 받은 5명과 작업치료 중재를 받지 않은 5명을 대상으로 복지용구급여 서비스 만족도를 측정하였다. 자료 수집은 작업치료사가 면담을 통하여 실시하였으며, 자료 수집기간은 2009년 9월부터 12월까지였다. 대상자의 만족도 측정을 위해 Quebec User Evaluation of Satisfaction With Assistive Technology(QUEST) 2.0을 사용하였고, 대상자의 기능을 평가하기 위해 International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) 체크리스트를 사용하였다. 결과 : 작업치료 중재 집단이 작업치료 비중재 집단 보다 더 높은 만족도를 보였으며, 복지용구 기기에 대한 항목 중 효과성은 통계학적으로 유의한 결과를 보였다(p=.01). 복지용구 서비스에 대한 항목에서는‘수리와 유지관리 서비스’항목(p=.02)과‘전문가 서비스의 질’항목(p=.01)이 통계학적으로 유의한 결과를 보였다. 결론 : 본 연구를 통해 복지용구급여 서비스에서 작업치료 중재가 대상자의 만족도를 향상시킬 수 있음을 확인하였 다. 본 연구 결과는 복지용구급여 서비스 전문가로서 작업치료사의 필요성에 대한 근거를 제시할 수 있다. 또한 본 연구를 기초로 복지용구급여 서비스 전문가로서 작업치료사의 역할에 대한 체계를 구성할 수 있을 것이다.
목적 : 본 연구는 전반적인 보조공학과 노인을 대상으로 한 보조공학 서비스 전문가로서 필요한 교과목을 조사함으 로써 작업치료사의 보조공학 서비스 전문가로서의 자격요건을 확인하고 나아가 보조공학 서비스 전문가 심화과정 에 필요한 교육과목을 제시하는 것이다. 연구 방법 : 본 연구는 보조공학 전문가 집단 9명을 대상으로 총 3회에 걸쳐 델파이 조사를 실시하였다. 1차 설문을 통해 수집된 전문가 집단의 의견과 국내 작업치료(학)과 및 재활공학과에 개설된 교육과목을 참고하여 최종 설문 지를 작성하였다. 연구기간은 2009년 8월 17일부터 12월 18일까지였으며, 설문 회수율은 1차, 2차, 3차 모두 100%이었다. 결과 : 작업치료(학)과 개설과목 중 작업치료사가 보조공학 서비스 전문가로서 필요한 자격을 갖출 수 있는 과목으 로 (재활)보조공학, 기능해부학, 일상생활동작, 스프린트 등의 14과목이 상사분위인 75%이상의 응답률을 보였다. 노인을 대상으로 한 보조공학 서비스 전문가로서 필요한 교과목에는 노인작업치료학, 근골격계 작업치료학, 인지 재활 등의 7과목이 상사분위에 선정되었다. 전반적인 보조공학 및 노인을 대상으로 한 보조공학 서비스 전문가 심 화과정에 가장 필요한 교과목은 주택 및 직장환경 개조 과목으로 나타났다(88.9%, 77.8%). 결론 : 본 연구를 통해 작업치료사가 보조공학 서비스 전문가로서 필요한 과목들을 학교 교육과목에서 습득하고 있 음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 근거를 바탕으로 복지용구 급여 서비스를 포함한 다양한 보조공학 서비스에서 작 업치료사의 역할을 구체화시키는 노력이 필요하다. 또한 보조공학 서비스 전문가로서 작업치료사의 역량을 증진 시키기 위한 보조공학 서비스 전문가 심화과정이 필요하다. 본 연구결과가 향후 보조공학 서비스 심화과정의 기초 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.