국내 표고 품종 다양화로 버섯산업 경쟁력을 높이고자 ‘참아람’과 청흥버섯영농조합 보유균주인‘E140025’을 이용하여 교잡육종법을 통해 ‘청흥1호’를 육성하였다. 자실체 특성 결과 대조품종 보다 갓직경은 작고, 대길이는 길고, 대가 굵어 개체중이 무거웠다. 초발이기간은 ‘청흥1호’ 24일, ‘설백향’4일, ‘산조701호’ 8일로 발이까지 대조품종보다 20일정도 늦었다. 자실체 수량은 가장적게 나타났지만, 유효수량은 ‘청흥1호’ 6,498 g ‘설백향’ 4,290 g, ‘산조701호’ 5,022 g으로 가장 높았다. URPPrimer를 이용한 다형성검정을 통해 6개의 Primer에서 모본과 다른 PCR 밴드를 확인하였다. 이상의 결과, 재배기 간이 길지만 개체중과 유효수량이 우수한 무포자 신품종을 육성하였다.
The competitiveness of the mushroom industry can be increased by diversifying the domestic Lentinula edodes cultivar. Therefore, ‘Chungheung 1ho’ was cultivated by hybrid breeding method using strain ‘E140025,’ which was collected by the Chungheung Mushroom Farming Association. Regarding the morphological characteristics of the fruit, the cap of ‘Chungheung 1ho’ was smaller than that of the control cultivar, whereas, its stem was longer and thicker than that of the control cultivar. In addition, the weight of the individual fruits of the new cultivar was heavier than that of the control cultivar. The period for primordia formation was 24 days for the new cultivar, which was 16–20 days later than that of the control cultivar. Furthermore, it was found that the patterns of the PCR amplification band using six URP primers were different for ‘Chungheung 1ho’ than those of the mating strains.