Finite element analysis is to approximate a geometry model developed in computer-aided design(CAD) to a finite element model, thus the conventional shape design sensitivity analysis and optimization using the finite element method have some difficulties in the parameterization of geometry. However, isogeometric analysis is to build a geometry model and directly use the functions describing the geometry in analysis. Therefore, the geometric properties can be embedded in the NURBS basis functions and control points so that it has potential capability to overcome the aforementioned difficulties. In this study, the isogeometric structural analysis and shape design sensitivity analysis in the generalized curvilinear coordinate(GCC) systems are discussed for the curved geometry. Representing the higher order geometric information, such as normal, tangent and curvature, yields the isogeometric approach to be the best way for generating exact GCC systems from a given CAD geometry. The developed GCC isogeometric structural analysis and shape design sensitivity analysis are verified to show better accuracy and faster convergency by comparing with the results obtained from the conventional isogeometric method.
본 논문에서는 하상변동 및 유사입자의 시간적 공간적 분포를 동시에 모의할 수 있는 2차원 수치모형을 제시하였다. 사행수로의 하상변동은 만곡부의 외측에서는 하상이 세굴되고 훨씬 더 거친 입경의 재료로 구성되며, 만곡부의 내측에서는 하상이 상승하고, 세립토로 구성되었다. 또한 사행하천에서 흐름의 방향에 대한 입자분포 과정은 상류의 변곡점에서 시작하여, 하류 변곡점에서 마치게 되는 것을 보여주었다. 하천의 경계가 불규칙하고 복잡한 하천에서는 혼합사호 형성된