
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we examined the effects of gamma irradiation dosage on the mycelial growth of Auricularia auriculajudae and performed analyses of fruiting body yield, growth characteristics, taste, fragrance, and mineral composition. Assessments of mycelial growth in response to gamma irradiation at different intensities revealed an enhancement in the growth of fungi exposed to irradiation at 200 Gy. Fruiting body yield was also highest at 200 Gy, followed by 800 Gy and the control group. On the basis of these observations, we subsequently applied gamma ray doses of 200 and 800 Gy to examine the effects of irradiation on fungal quality characteristics. In terms of the taste of fruiting bodies, we detected no significant differences among the control, 200 Gy, and 800 Gy groups. Contrastingly, with respect to fragrance, we found that fungi treated with 200 Gy were characterized by a pattern that differed from those of the control and other treatment groups. Furthermore, whereas we detected no significant difference among treatments with respect total dietary fiber content, calcium content was found to be higher in the treatment groups compared with the control group, with the highest content being measured in fungi exposed to 800 Gy irradiation. Copper content was confirmed to be higher in the control group, whereas there were no significant differences between the fungi irradiated with 200 and 800 Gy. Contrastingly, the highest levels of zinc were detected in response to 200 Gy irradiation, followed by 800 Gy. Collectively, our findings thus indicate that gamma irradiation can contribute to promoting increases in the fruiting body yield and mineral contents of mushrooms.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        복숭아심식나방(Carposina sasakii)은 한국, 일본 및 중국 동북부 지방에 분포하며 사과, 배, 복숭아 등 수출관련 과수의 중요한 식물검역해충이다. 방사선 처리에 의한 수출과실의 복숭아심식나방 소독을 위하여 살충 및 발달억제에 필요한 방사선 조사량을 분석하였다. 복숭아심식나방 유충이 심식한 사과를 채집하여 0, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300Gy의 감마선을 처리하였다. 감마선 처리한 과실을 실온에 보관하면서 과실로부터 유충의 탈출율, 용화울, 우화율을 측정하였다. 유충의 탈출율은 무처리를 기준으로 했을 때에 각 조사량별로 100Gy(85.8%), 150Gy(55.4%), 200Gy(27.9%), 250Gy(13.2%), 300Gy(5.2%)로 나타났다. 용화율은 100Gy(48.8%), 150Gy(21.4%), 200Gy(7.7%), 250Gy(1.1%), 300Gy(0%)이고 우화율은 100Gy(5.4%), 150Gy(0%), 200Gy(0%), 250Gy(0%), 300Gy(0%)였다. 즉, 감마선 처리에 의한 복숭아심식나방 유충의 살충율은 300Gy조사했을 때에 95%였으며 우화 억제율은 150Gy 조사했을 때에 100%로 나타났다. 또한, 100Gy 조사했을 때에 일부 성충이 우화하였지만(5.4%) 산란율은 0%였다. 본 연구 결과를 토대로 복숭아심식나방과 같은 심식류 검역해충의 방제를 위하여 방사선 처리가 효과적으로 활용될 수 있다고 판단된다.