
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2017.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PURPOSES: This study develops eco-friendly asphalt reinforcement materials applicable to bridge deck pavement. The main purpose is to ensure highly reliable quality applicable to structures and the possibility of practical application. The main target of the study is to develop materials that are environmentally friendly and capable of improving performanceMETHODS: The application of double-reinforcement fiber improves the performance of the road pavement. 1. We use recycled film for application of sheet-typed reinforcement. 2. We use preprocessing fibers to reinforce the properties of composite pavement materials.RESULTS : The developed products may produce materials that fit the purpose of achieving stability and environmental friendliness. Sheettyped reinforcements use more than 50% recycled resin. The most important type of damage to the asphalt layer is deflection (plastic deformation). These products have a very high deflection resistance of not less than 6,000 cycles/mm. In addition, all performance is excellent. Thus, it will be easier to access the field in the future.CONCLUSIONS: Fiber-reinforced asphalt pavement showed excellent performance. Sheet-typed reinforcements containing 50% recycling resin produced good performance in terms of functionality as well as environmental friendliness. Thus, enhancing the field applicability will enhance the usability of the reinforcements.