본 연구는 경주 중·저준위처분장 2단계 표층처분시설의 폐쇄 후 안전성에 대한 불확실성을 예측·평가하기 위하여 수행되 었다. 다중덮개와 처분고의 건전/열화를 고려한 총4가지의 시나리오를 도출하여 강우침투 시 예상되는 처분시설 내부의 유 체 이동을 모사하였다. 강우 조건은 총 30년(1985~2014) 간의 월평균 데이터를 적용하였으며, 시뮬레이션 기간은 제도적 관 리기간인 300년으로 설정하였다. 처분덮개와 처분고 콘크리트 모두 건전성을 유지하는 조건의 기본 시나리오 평가 결과, 처 분시설 내부의 처분고를 완전히 포화시키지 못하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 다중 덮개층을 구성하는 8개 층의 각 매질의 모 세관 압력과 투과도 차이로 인하여 다중 덮개층이 효과적으로 차수·배수 역할을 하는 것으로 나타났다.
PURPOSES: The purpose of this study was to investigate the disintegration mechanism of concrete due to the infiltration of the moisture to the milling overlay pavement and to come up with a method to minimize the disintegration as well as verifying the effectiveness of the edge sealing and Fogseal method. METHODS : This study investigated the distress mechanism due to the infiltrated moisture remaining in the milling overlay pavement through chloride freezing test and verified the effectiveness of the sealing of the milling edge and fog seal methods, which have been devised to minimize the moisture infiltration, through laboratory water permeability test. Additionally, long-term pavement performance was compared for the effectiveness of the proposed method through under loading test, and field water permeability test was carried out to verify the field applicability of the proposed method. RESULTS: The result of the research confirmed that chloride deteriorates the concrete surface through disintegration and lowers its strength and that the laboratory moisture infiltration test verified the effectiveness of the milling edge sealing and fog seal methods in the deterrence of moisture infiltration to the overlay pavement with excellent long-term performance of the pavement treated with the proposed method. Although the field water permeability test revealed some deterrence of moisture infiltration of the milling edge sealing and fog seal methods to a certain extent, the difference was a little. CONCLUSIONS: The milling edge sealing and fog seal methods are limited in their effectiveness for the cases of improvident compaction management or mixture with large void, and it is believed that installation of subsurface drainage is more effective in these cases.