Larry Dwan Chong. 2000. Linguistic Interactions on Computer-Mediated Communication. Studies in Modern Grammar 22, 215-233. In order to explore the role of production and perception constraints in computer-mediated communication, I review Lindblom`s (1990) Hypo- and Hyper-form theory of phonetic variation and propose a new model of linguistic production in CMC. Netizens use CMC communication as conceptually oral, medially written. The reason to use chat-mode is that it saves time and space (the principle of least effort); here sound, not spelling, is the first thing to be considered. With respect to production in the proposed model, effort is no longer equated with articulatory movement, but rather with the number of keystrokes involved in typing an utterance. The production of hypo- and hyper-forms will vary according to the sender`s estimation of signal-complementary processes and his attempts to compensate for the restricted context.