One of the most destructive forces around greenhouses is wind. Wind loads can be obtained by multiplying velocity pressure by dimensionless wind force coefficient. Generally, wind force coefficients can be determined by wind tunnel experiments. The wind force coefficient distribution on a single - span arched greenhouse was estimated using experimental data and compared with reported values from various countries. The results obtained are as follows : 1. The coefficients obtained from this study agree with the values proposed by G. L. Nelson except about 0.5 of difference in the middle region of roof section. This discrepancy is mainly attributed to the dissimilarity of experimental conditions (or wind tunnel test such as Reynolds number, type of terrain, surface roughness of model, location of the lapping and measuring methods. 2. Considering that the wind force coefficients are varied along the height of a wall at wind direction perpendicular to wall, structural analysis using subdivided wind force coefficient distribution is more resonable for wall. 3. It is recommendable that wind force coefficient distribution on a roof should take more subdivision than the existing four equal divisions for more accurate structural design. 4. Structural design using wind forces close to real values is more advantageous in safety and expense.
Wind load is known to be one of major forces to influence the stability of agricultural structures. General flow fields were calculated to determine flow characteristics over the envelop of the following three types of greenhouses with arched roof : single span, twin span greenhouses, and two single span greenhouses apart 3m inbetween. Pressure coefficients along the envelop of greenhouse were numerically calculated by the k-ε turbulence model, which lead to determine wind forces on it. Curvilinear coordinate for an arched roof and the upwind scheme were adopted for the study. The calculated pressure coefficients were validated with the avaliable data of Japanese Standard and NGAM Standard. The Magnitude of calculated forces over the envelop was not in good accordance with data except the windward wall. Even tile data of Japanese and NGAM Standard for validation deviated a lot from each other in quantity and quality. Such discrepancy may be attributed to different geometric and/or flow configuration conditions for experiments, or the insenstivity of the k-ε turbulence model to recirculation flow.
The wind pressure distributions were analyzed through the wind tunnel experiment to provide fundamental criteria for the structural design on the three-span arched house according to the wind directions. In order to investigate the wind force distribution, the variation of the wind force coefficients, the mean wind force coefficients, the drag force coefficients and the lift force coefficients were estimated from the experimental data. The results obtained are as follows : 1. The variation of the wind force with the wind directions on the side walls was the greatest at the upwind edge of the walls. The change of pressure from the positive to the negative on the side walls occurred at the wind direction of 30˚ in the first house and 60˚ in the third house. 2. The maximum negative wind force along the length of the roof appeared at the length ratio of 0-0.2, when the wind directions were 90˚ in the first house, 60˚ in the second house and 30˚ in the third house. 3. The maximum negative wind force along the width of the roof appeared at the width ratio and the wind direction of 0.4 and 0˚ in the first house, 0.4-0.6 and 30˚ in the second house and 0.6 and 30˚ in the third house, respectively. 4. The maximum mean positive and negative wind forces occurred at the wind direction of 60˚ and 30˚, respectively, on the side walls of the first house, and the maximum mean negative wind force on the roof occurred at the wind direction of 30˚ in third house. 5. The maximum drag and lift forces occurred at the wind direction of 30˚, and the maximum lift force appeared in the third house. 6. The parts to be considered for the local wind forces were the edges of the walls, the edges of the x-direction of the roofs, and the locations of the width ratio of 0.4 of the first and third house and the center of the width of the second house for the y-direction of the roofs.
The wind pressure distributions were analyzed to provide fundamental criteria for the structural design on the two-span arched house according to the wind directions through the wind tunnel experiment. In order to investigate the wind force distributions, the variation of the wind force coefficients, the mean wind force coefficients, the drag force coefficients and the lift force coefficients were estimated using the experimental data. The results obtained are as follows : 1. The variation of the wind force with wind directions on the side walls was the greatest at the upwind edge of the walls. 2. The maximum negative wind force along the length of the roof appeared at the upwind edge at the wind direction of 60˚. 3. The maximum negative wind force along the width of the roof appeared at the width ratio and wind direction of 0˚ and 0.4 in the first house and 0.6 and 30˚ in the second house, respectively. 4. The mean negative wind force on the side walls of the first house at the wind direction of 0˚ was far greater than that of the second house, and the maximum negative wind force on the roof occurred at the wind direction of 30˚. 5. The maximum lift force appeared on the second house at the wind direction of 30˚, but the lift force on the first house was far greater than that on the second house at the wind direction of 0˚. 6. The parts to be considered for the local wind forces were the edges of the walls, and the edges of the x-direction and the width ratio, 0.4 of the y-direction in the roofs.
The wind pressure distributions were analyzed to provide fundamental criteria for the structural design on e single-span arched house according to the wind directions through the wind tunnel experiment. In order to investigate the wind force distributions, the variation of the wind force coefficients, the mean wind force coefficients, the drag force coefficients and the lift force coefficients were estimated by using the experimental data. The results obtained are as follows: 1. When the wind direction was normal to the wall, the maximum positive wind pressure along the height of the wall occurred approximately at two-thirds of the wall height because of the effects of boundary layer flow. 2. When the wind direction was 30˚ to the wall, the maximum positive wind force occurred at the windward edge of the wall. When the wind direction was parallel to the wall, the maximum negative wind force occurred at the windward edge of the wall. 3. The maximum negative wind force along the width of the roof appeared around the width ratio, 0.4, and that along the length of the roof appeared around the length ratio, 0.5. 4. According to the results of the mean wind force coefficients analysis, the maximum negative wind force occurred on the roof at the wind direction of 30˚. 5. The wind forces at the wind direction of 30˚ instead of 0˚ are recommended in the structural design of supports for a house. 6. To prevent partial damage of a house structure by wind forces, the local wind forces should be considered to the structural design of a house.